Maggie Archer, a college student from Saint-Louis (Missouri State, USA), as BuzzFeed specified, had found her way to extract money from men not going out with them.
\r\nYoung lady posted her sweet picture with the description: “Send her $5 and see what next will happen”.
\r\nMen were encouraged with this appeal and tried to discover what to expect after money sending however the lady just aroused the curiosity with showing PayPal number.
\r\nEvery time she gets her $5 she shows her interlocutor to be out of her interest. And according to the Tinder policy, if to swipe “Not Match”, participants of the chat are not able to text to each other again.
\r\nArcher shared with BuzzFeed that she did not consider this luring as a deceiving fact so far as she did not promise anything to men. Indeed this trick was used firstly by her girlfriend as a joke what thereafter lead to stable income. Lady refused to uncover what amount she managed to gain.
\r\nArcher’s Twitter post collected almost 8 thousands of retweets and 20 thousands of likes. Tinder company commented this as a severe disregard of their rules and notified that Archer’s account would be suspended accordingly.
',contentDop:"It is not big news that today dating scam is a popular way to earn money. The Internet with numerous dating sites gives a wide space for such shameful activity. Just recently there were articles about a very skilful girl who found a way to extract money from men via popular dating application Tinder.
\r\nThe good thing is that activity was stopped rather fast, but there are no guarantees that similar things won’t happen on other dating resources. For both, men and women, who use dating websites, it is necessary to be careful with financial matters. It is recommended to register on trustworthy dating websites which proved their reliability. In Ukraine an example of such website is, which has more than 10 years of history and experience.
",data:{meta_tags:{title:"How to make money in Tinder without meeting with anyone",description:"An interesting case as an American girl earned money in the Tinder. With each man for 5 dollars without meeting with them. Read more in our blog."},ld_json:""}},url:"/dating-tips/scam-news/the-way-to-cash-in-on-tinder-men/",regexpsUrl:null,allParentsList:[{id:148,title:"Dating tips",url:"/dating-tips/"},{id:149,title:"Online Dating Scams News",url:"/dating-tips/scam-news/"}],tags:[]},{id:304,flag:"normal",fDate:"27 Mar 2023",onlyDate:"2023-03-27",date:"2023-03-27T16:17:00.000Z",slug:"virtual-dating-what-it-really-means",type:"section_149",template:"PageBlog",data:{dopParams:"",can_use_pager:"no",primary_image:{url:"",alt:"",title:""},sitemap:{changefreq:"weekly",priority:"0.8"},react_params:{horizontal_carousel_girls_id:""}},show:"all",date_lastmod:"2024-03-07T15:22:18.000Z",for_rewrite:0,termsId:[149],langsVersions:[],rating:{rating:0,count:0,userValue:0},content:{title:"Virtual dating – what it really means?",content:"Hundreds of us are really lucky to have someone to share our life with. We have found each other somehow in our everyday life, dating normally. But nowadays breaking ups tend to increase. And modern requirements need to be higher within everyday speed. Could we hardly imagine dating connected with technologies? Just to look for someone to be with or not just for entertainment purposes but for marriage as well. We can see lots of single adults there who were married before but nowadays it is hard for them to find other half.
\r\nWe would like to offer for you 20 dating clichés regarding online dating. And you will be able to understand the situations and their meaning.
\r\nFirst of all we talk about your online profile on a dating website, think about composing it as a perfect imagination about yourself, as when you like this person from the first sight.
\r\nIt is not so hard as it seems to be, kind of fascinating thing. Posting several paragraphs is not enough to summarize your personality.
\r\nRemember that people do not like to read much – it takes lots of time. However you may perform yourself within popular handful phrases.
\r\nThat means this activity is really non-easy for newcomer, and such phrase gives the definition of his discomfort, he makes the conclusion within a stigma.
\r\nOur modern society dictates seriosity within our own style however such profiles never attracts we should say.
\r\nAs we see mostly dating coaches rewrites profiles on dating websites into positive ones which cause people smile. This is the most important thing to catch an eye on your page!
\r\nYes, probably not everyone loves to be smiley, but it is better for you to read good words within perfect mood and then you may imagine successful date with this person instead of finding introvert who sees all worst in every moment of his life.
\r\nMoreover this is the best to start your conversation with.
\r\nWe wonder why sometimes very smart and mature people write something like that – resembles existing stepping on one place. Wrong is to mention every possible interest to please everyone. Well, in other words, your profile is what somebody wants to see but that was not about you as you are.
\r\nNot seriously, it’s like they really want to express that they do not need anything stable and long-term. They do not need relationships, just having a good time when they feel lonely.
\r\nAnd here you can find unordered list of adjectives describing you as a perfect model for everyone: to be romantic and sexy, smart and mature, intelligent and trustworthy, fearless and passionate and etc.
\r\nThat is an empty description without any proof, until someone from this website decides to check out.
\r\nSO what is better for you to point out? Paste something that makes you funny with, we mean something special for you will be something special for another person. Accept your “extraordinarity” as an advantage to underline your profile.
\r\nNothing special. Like a million of others. Your describe your usual leisure time on weekends.
\r\nYou think that any other person doesn’t love them?
\r\nSuch a phrase doesn’t make you special again. We call the meaningless; this is a kind of nothing absolutely about you as a person. Such a notion goes without saying.
\r\nWe call that cosmopolitan lifestyle. Tremendous and splendid words of course catch an eye and probably cause attention effect.
\r\nBut if to analyze, all these people sitting here on the website are desperate, lonely, in need – and this will make them feel uncomfortable. It seems like you need to enhance your dreamy life with posting something like that bold sentences in your profile. On the website. Where YOU are registered in and looking for someone. Don’t you have a rich life?
",contentDop:"Technologies transform all the aspects of our life, including the ways of matchmaking, dating and pursuing relationships. Dating websites allow people to pick out potential partners before the normal physical meeting of guys and ladies takes place, saving their time and energy, singling out like-minded matches based on their location and other key features. One of the most advantageous traits of virtual dating is an opportunity for men and women to have complete control over who they sellect and how they interact. It helps to establish a sense of familiarity prior to making a physical and emotional investment.
",data:{meta_tags:{title:"Virtual dating – what it really means? A few tips for beginners",description:"We tried to answer the question: What is a virtual dating. Additionally, in this article you can find some tips for beginners in virtual dating. Share on social networks and ask your questions in the comments."},ld_json:""}},url:"/dating-tips/scam-news/virtual-dating-what-it-really-means/",regexpsUrl:null,allParentsList:[{id:148,title:"Dating tips",url:"/dating-tips/"},{id:149,title:"Online Dating Scams News",url:"/dating-tips/scam-news/"}],tags:[]},{id:303,flag:"normal",fDate:"27 Mar 2023",onlyDate:"2023-03-27",date:"2023-03-27T16:16:00.000Z",slug:"being-easy-going",type:"section_149",template:"PageBlog",data:{dopParams:"",can_use_pager:"no",primary_image:{url:"",alt:"",title:""},sitemap:{changefreq:"weekly",priority:"0.8"},react_params:{horizontal_carousel_girls_id:""}},show:"all",date_lastmod:"2024-03-07T15:23:09.000Z",for_rewrite:0,termsId:[149],langsVersions:[],rating:{rating:0,count:0,userValue:0},content:{title:"Being easy-going",content:"Let’s go back to our profile composing!
\r\nIf we speak about main attractive constructions, we should mention several ones that will warn you
\r\n. So you may see some further phrases in dating websites profiles.
\r\nMakes an impression of simple and common image: to be down to earth? Go ahead and skip such bullshit! What does it mean? A person does not distinguish himself as someone special? Please ignore.
\r\nIf you intend to enhance your profile with special phrases never use this approach.
\r\nWe can offer another type of this like to comfort life. Lots of specialists advise to avoid such phrases. Probably lots of movies cause such an effect of showing intimacy with your everyday life, it seems boring and having no fantasy.
\r\nBe interesting and specific with your wishes. Never use generic explanations as you probably try to describe almost everyone registered on this website.
\r\nIf we speak about western culture, we speak about authentic things with showing your sincerity to others, however nowadays we bet it is contrived.
\r\nIt sounds like a person had doubts in being registered on some suspicious website but he is genuine with his intentions and probably he is in need to prove that with indicating this in a profile.
\r\nInstead normal people usually do not have any need to prove their sincerity. What to use and what to say? Your great wish that lead you to this website: find a good person to marry to and to have children with.
\r\nPosting something like this – it is about your love of nature, expressing leisure life time and private moments. We understand such desires, however that does not include being social. Supposedly such notions should put on your guard. What would you do with hanging on with a crowd?
\r\nThis is unoriginal scenario like copying someone’s profile and no wasting time for being creative.
\r\nWe can find hundreds of such profiles in the internet, so what are your chances to find your special one?
\r\nAgain, there is no specifity in this post.
\r\nPeople banter with each other being adventurous with some danger places, we mean coming to other countries with greatest mountains or specific religion or extraordinary way of life, however we know that mostly people travel around their own country and may be just pretending to be someone. You can see that almost in every second profile. But we are not sure if this person has been visited Great Britain or India.
\r\nThe best advice – to indicate the special place you have been or intend to visit. What is more, this is the common thing to speak to with a person who really likes your profile.
\r\nWe know that women like men with a good height, demanding their dates to be tall enough and men of course try to add some extra digits lying about their real height.
\r\nThis aspect is about to be the most curious one. You should know that people who registered on dating website on average are two-three inches shorter in their real life that indicated in profiles. Supposedly meeting with someone you can be surprisingly glad if the person you date is as short as he posted.
\r\nHo well, let’s remind the greatest things: men often lie about their salary and height, and what about women – they would rather tell untrue about their age and weight.
\r\nIf you do not understand that difference between YOUR and YOU’RE - stay back!
\r\nWe do not advise you to emphasize your abnormal attitude to this.
\r\nAs much non-educated people are here as much educated ones you can find here as well. But your strict position may push away each affable person.
\r\nGreat statistic shows when men get older they seek for younger ladies, so that age gap is much bigger. However we do not advise to indicate any digits in such posts. Of course, you should indicate your real age in the main profile fields to be sincere with women who may open you as a liar lately.
\r\nBut to cut it shortly, the main point is that age difference for successful result should not go out of the frames of 9-10 years. And its good when 32-year old man is looking for a woman about 23-37.
\r\nSubtext of this phrase is telling that person feels uncomfortable on the dating website and supposes to meet hostility here. All of us know how risky virtual communication is and how strong you should be to join such a network. This is a kind of a defense but a signal to another person that he or she will be in safe.
\r\nAnd it is normal if you are searching someone online.
\r\nProbably you should not pay much attention to this post.
\r\nThis is a kind of categorical person to be. Such people like to attract attention of others to them by emphasizing within “DON’T”. However, for you we do advise you not to use negatives “NOT” in your profile. Be positive and catch people with humor – that is the best way to find adequate reaction to start conversation with.
\r\nWe wish you good luck and be attentive with composing your profile, never forget about being YOURSELF.
",contentDop:"If you are new for online dating and have no experience in drawing conclusions from the details written in others' profiles on dating web-sites, this article is going to help you a lot. It is true that people who only start making their first steps in online communication are a bit naive and can be easily mislead by those who have been using virtual dating for a long time and got their hand in reading between the lines. It does not mean that the advices in the following article claim to a monopoly of absolute truth but it is always useful to become more advanced in the field of online communications and interactions.
",data:{meta_tags:{title:"9 Tips how to fill out your profile for virtual dating.",description:"Read our 9 tips for beginners, how to fill out a profile on virtual dating sites. Please send your tips and questions after the article on our site"},ld_json:""}},url:"/dating-tips/scam-news/being-easy-going/",regexpsUrl:null,allParentsList:[{id:148,title:"Dating tips",url:"/dating-tips/"},{id:149,title:"Online Dating Scams News",url:"/dating-tips/scam-news/"}],tags:[]}],perPage:5}}},favorite:{data:null},banners:{loading:!0,data:null},videoChat:{loading:!0,list:null,pastChats:null,flowLady:null,chatOffers:{}},services:{loading:!0,dataGiftsMenu:null,services:null,happyHourGifts:null,randomGifts:null,tripsGiftsLoading:!1,tripsGifts:null,translationServicesLoading:!1,translationServices:null,ladyGifts:null,giftsGroupList:null},credits:{loading:!1,info:{}},testimonial:{data:{id:2924,title:"Tim / Germany",date:"2020",text:"I am very happy with the agency. The translation with Yana was excellent. It is very pleasant to have a vacation here. I like the food and the many options in restaurants. The people are nice, especially my lady. She is a lovely person. I am too happy to know you. I would recommend this service to everyone...",photo:"",photoPreview:""},testimonialsList:null,randomTestimonials:null,testimonialsLadies:null,testimonialsForMenu:null,testimonialsForProfile:null,testimonialForGallery:null,testimonialForSEOPages:null},invitations:{loading:!0,data:{list:null,limit:null}},basket:{loading:!0,data:null,showNoty:!1,optionsPrices:null,methods:null,methodsLoading:!1},ladies:{list:{3091:{gid:3091,name:"Ludmila",bd:"1991-10-13",age:33,branch:"Dnipro",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2024-05-02T17:55:52.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Single",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Arts",works:"Make up stylist and photographer",height:"5,3",height2:162,weight:121,weightkg:55,konstit:"curvy",haircolor:"brown",eyes:"brown",smoke:"No",drink:"Socially",english:"0",freetime:"I like to spend my free time actively and taking care of my health, body and mind. I go to the gym, adore nature, love cooking, baking, and active rest in the countryside. Also, learn astrophysics, I like studying the galaxy, and stars, going to the planetarium and watching the stars. Also like psychology, it helps with communication. Learning and discovering new help me not to get bored))).
",partner:"My man should be family-oriented, my soul, my part, complete each other, we should be one as a team. Never betray, always be honest, open, supportive, caring, loyal, and easy-going as happiness in simple things. Like active lifestyle, sports, travelling, want to discover new things together and learn from each other.
",ocenka:"I was able to survive during the occupation of Kherson and escape from there, I think the most valuable thing we have is life and family. I want to have a happy family, with the family in the first place. I hope this site will help me and I can find my soul mate with whom I can achieve all my dreams in reality. Also, I want to open a make-up studio - a shop for decorative and care cosmetics. I am professional and can make every woman unique with beautiful make-up. I love what I do, and this is extremely important to me, especially to never give up.
",family:"My parents retired already. My father was a professional engineer. Even now he still helps and gives bits of advice about work to his colleagues. Mom always makes our home cosy and cooks very delicious dishes. I learned a lot from her.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"I am a sincere, open, loyal, easy-going, friendly, caring, devoted woman who wants to love and be happy.
",aboutday:"My days are always productive and creative, as every day I meet new women whom I make beautiful and share positive emotions. The best award for me is to see their happy faces after my make-up. Among work, I like to make photoshooting for other people. I do home chores, go to the gym and help my friends with babysitting, care about their kids when they need my help. I like kids so I don't have any problems with spending time with them, playing and going to the park, spend active time together.
",aboutime:"",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Relationship",child_m:0,child_f:0,notes:"An extremely beautiful, smart, creative, loyal, and understanding lady.
",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Libra",children:"No children",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[],profile:"/women/ludmila-dnipro-3091/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"},{language:"English",title:"Intermediate"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:""},birthdayLabel:null},3382:{gid:3382,name:"Alyona",bd:"1988-01-12",age:36,branch:"Rovno",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2016-08-30T11:10:22.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Single",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Management",works:"manager",height:"5,5",height2:166,weight:103,weightkg:47,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"brown",eyes:"green",smoke:"No",drink:"Socially",english:"0",freetime:"I love reading, doing sports (jogging, dancing, going to the gym), horse riding. I love nature, beautiful sunsets, lakes, mountains, animals. I like to try new things, swim in the sea, walk along the beach, draw some paintings, do yoga and just feel happiness from simple things and do not depend on materialistic things too much.
\r\nI love spontaneous trips, that is why I can say that I am an easy-going person. I also would like to enjoy warm and romantic evenings with my man just staying at home, watching wonderful movie, discussing it after, sharing ideas, thoughts...Kissing while watching, joking...
",partner:"I'm looking for a caring and loving man to create a happy family with!! I want to meet a person who will understand me and whom we'll have common views on life with. I appreciate honesty and straightforwardness. I don't expect him to be a superman, I want to meet a real person, the one who I'll see the life in brighter colors with!
",ocenka:"Every day I strive to grow and learn something new. I dream about a happy family with cozy evenings and funny weekends together. I also think it is important to flourish personally professionally and to have an opportunity to be engaged in charity.
",family:"Friends and family know that I am in search of a man abroad. They always support me in everything. I have an elder sister who is already married and lives separately. I appreciate our common dinners because we know how to have fun together!)
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"I am a very sincere and tender lady. I am optimistic and smiling all the time. I know that life is full of surprises and I am sure that love is waiting for me....
",aboutday:"I am a lady, who doesn't like to hide emotions, I like to start my day with a smile and good mood. In the morning I walk with my dog, then I enjoy jogging. In the evening, I like reading, going to the cinema, theater, to the gym, cooking something, spending time outdoors, making plans for the next day...
",aboutime:"I love the comfort and warmth at home. I am naturally tidy person and I know how to create a home comfort! ",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Relationship,Dating",child_m:0,child_f:0,notes:"She is a very tender and feminine, very positive and full of life lady!
",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Capricorn",children:"No children",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[],profile:"/women/alyona-rovno-3382/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"},{language:"Russian",title:"Fluent"},{language:"English",title:"Basic"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:""},birthdayLabel:null},3534:{gid:3534,name:"Marina",bd:"1982-08-08",age:42,branch:"Dnipro",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2022-10-18T14:20:47.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Divorced",religion:"Other",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Government",works:"Bookkeeper",height:"5,2",height2:158,weight:121,weightkg:55,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"brown",eyes:"grey",smoke:"No",drink:"Sometimes",english:"0",freetime:"I usually work from 9 till 5, and I have my free time mostly in the evenings. I come home, change my formal clothes for something more cosy and casual. I like soft light and candles, and I turn on calm music for the background. I like cooking in the kitchen and then enjoy my dinner together with my daughter. Very often we sit and talk about different girls things.My evenings are relaxing and tasty??. I like spending my time actively and meeting new people. I like exploring new places and getting new experience. ?
",partner:"The appearance never plays the main role for me. It is much more important for my man to be intelligent and reliable. Good sense of humor is a must, as I am an easy-laughing person. My perfect match should be honest and self-confident. He should know how to make decisions. And one more important thing, he should have that passion for living, for making his life happy and bright.
",ocenka:"As a mother of a young lady, my goal is to help her to be happy and to find her way in this life. As a woman, I want to love and to be loved. I want to have a successful career. I want my life to be bright so when I will be 90 years old, I will have plenty of funny and breathtaking stories for my grandchildren.
",family:"I have a charming daughter. Her name is Diana, and she is 17 years old. She is a great joy for me and I can surely say that we are the best friends for each other. My mother loved not far from us and I visit her pretty often.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"Yes",aboutherself:"I am definitely not a home sitter. When I have days off, I like going out and socializing with friends. I like exploring new places and travelling. Even such a simple thing as coffee with friends can be a great adventure with me. I like looking smart. So yes, shopping is for me. I can walk for hours and choose the perfect dress for me. I like spending my time at the sea. It is a must for my summer vocation.
",aboutday:"I get up rather early. I get ready for work. I try to make my morning relaxing and productive. So I pay my attention to my outfit and mood. I go to work and have a full time working day. My colleges say that I am a great specialist and often come to get a piece of advice from me. I need some relaxing moments after a long working day. I do some household chores, cook, communicatewith my daughter . I like watching films in the evening. I prefer films that have true to life plot or based on real events. I like meeting friends and visiting new places in my city too.
",aboutime:"It won't be a surprise if I say that I like my home to be clean and cosy. I do not like when my flat is full of different things. I like my space to be free and calm. That is why I never keep old and broken things at home. I like cooking something delicious, the only problem with this is I need a person who will help us eating all these tasty dishes)))",seeking:"Romance,Relationship,Dating",child_m:0,child_f:1,notes:"Optimistic and polite, very kind and self-confident person. This Lady is sincere and open-hearted. She is stylish and well-dressed. The communication was pleasant and she really has that charm.
",wantToHaveChildren:"0",zodiac:"Leo",children:"I have children / 1 girl",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[{age:18,date:"13 May"}],profile:"/women/marina-dnipro-3534/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"English",title:"Beginner"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:""},birthdayLabel:null},3618:{gid:3618,name:"Elizaveta",bd:"1989-08-11",age:35,branch:"Lviv",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2023-02-10T14:55:53.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Divorced",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Arts",works:"",height:"5,6",height2:168,weight:110,weightkg:50,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"brown",eyes:"grey",smoke:"No",drink:"Socially",english:"0",freetime:"Like many other women, I want to find a man who will be my reliable support in life. I want him to be smart, honest, caring, and inspiring!!
\nIn my leisure time, I like to be in nature, I am a big fan of driving a car and also I like long car trips. Traveling is my passion and I visited a few countries already, which are UAE, Egypt, France, Germany, Portugal, and Poland. I also like reading, cooking, learning more in my professional area, I am very motivated woman.
",partner:"I am looking for a man who will not only bring stability to my life, but will also be a reliable support in any situation. I believe that such a person will be able to support me in difficult moments, help me make the right decision and just be there in my joys and sorrows. I am convinced that mutual support and understanding is the foundation of a healthy and happy relationship.
\nI love a man who can cook. This is not only a skill, but also a manifestation of care and love for loved ones. When a man cooks, he not only satisfies his hunger but also shows his concern for my well-being and pleasure. I appreciate the beauty and sophistication in food, so a man who knows how to create real masterpieces in the kitchen will definitely win my heart. Aromas, flavors, and textures can all give me a real culinary ecstasy.
\nI am ready to reciprocate my man and help him in everything that is needed. I am ready to support him in difficult moments, rejoice in his successes and take care of his well-being. I believe that only such a relationship can be real and happy!!
",ocenka:"My plans for the future are unusual, and at the moment I am trying to understand what role I play for people and how I see myself. Awareness of my place in the world and my personal feelings is very important for me.
\nIn addition, I have material plans for the future and want to open my own beauty salon. This will not only help me realize myself and my family but also allow me to realize my creative and professional hobbies. I am a family-oriented woman, and I just want simple happiness and a reliable man by my side.
",family:"My mother is a real talisman for me, with whom I can always seek for an advice and get support in any endeavours! I really love my family, which has always listened to me) I also have a sister whose family has become an etalon of relationships for me. My daughter Dominica is my precious angel!
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"I have a mesmerizing voice:)
",aboutday:"Lately my day has become quite monotonous and routine, but I hope you can help me diversify it! My day starts with bright sunshine and then continues with the work that I do with diligence and responsibility. However, I strive to go beyond work and try to find time for exciting activities and enjoyable activities. I spend a lot of time outside with my daughter,I really enjoy this.
\nAs soon as the evening comes, I like to spend time with friends and enjoy my favorite activities. At night, I feel especially free and carefree, and I always try to spend it fun and interesting. I am sure that life should be rich and varied, and I am always open to new adventures and experiences.
",aboutime:"I can cook tasty and keep the flat clean.",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Relationship,Dating",child_m:0,child_f:1,notes:"This woman is very caring and organized, warm and feminine. She knows how to listen and understand her partner, and is ready to support him in any endeavors.
",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Leo",children:"I have children / 1 girl",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[{age:3,date:"24 March"}],profile:"/women/elizaveta-lviv-3618/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Russian",title:"Fluent"},{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"},{language:"English",title:"Basic"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:"",video:{preview:"",url:""}},birthdayLabel:null},3696:{gid:3696,name:"Yaroslava",bd:"1975-11-15",age:49,branch:"Dnipro",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2023-09-18T06:53:50.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Divorced",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Medical/Health",works:"sensory therapist",height:"5,4",height2:165,weight:123,weightkg:56,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"light-brown",eyes:"brown",smoke:"No",drink:"Socially",english:"0",freetime:"Since I work, I sometimes have little free time, but when I manage to be alone, I definitely take up reading, this is one of my favourite activities. When I read, I completely relax and dive into the world of peace and harmony with myself. It's also a good way that sometimes helps to unravel different thoughts in my head and motivates me to take further action.
",partner:"Probably, as for everyone, the most important thing in a relationship with a future man is love. But for me, it's not just a word, but honesty, generosity, and, most importantly, understanding and respect for each other. That's why I like confident, smart and open men.
",ocenka:"In general, I plan to learn how to diagnose as the next step in the profession, to decorate my house to give it cosier, give some part of my love, visit the countries I have been dreaming of for a long time, and usually to find a partner with a similar worldview.
",family:"My family is big enough. I have a younger brother and sister, she and I have quite similar views on life, although I'm older. I also have 2 sons 11 and 14 years old, very smart and just great boys. I also have a dog and a cat, I also consider them not negative members of our family.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"I am caring, sincere, and frank. I constantly like to learn something new and share my knowledge with others. I will gladly support any conversation and I can just listen carefully to my interlocutor. It is very valuable for me when a person shares his/her experiences with me.
",aboutday:"I am engaged in the rehabilitation of children. It's very important for me to find the contact with them. And that's why I take different courses to develop more in my sphere. My day is typical to all the other women. I like to care about my children. I try to spend as much time with them as I can.
",aboutime:"",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Friendship,Fun,Relationship,Dating,Traveling",child_m:2,child_f:0,notes:"Beautiful, intelligent, very pleasant person. Interested in creating a happy family.
",wantToHaveChildren:"0",zodiac:"Scorpio",children:"I have children / 2 boy ",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[{age:15,date:"28 January"},{age:12,date:"4 February"}],profile:"/women/yaroslava-dnipro-3696/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"English",title:"Pre-Intermediate"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:""},birthdayLabel:null},3851:{gid:3851,name:"Oksana",bd:"2002-03-31",age:22,branch:"Poltava",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2023-11-16T14:56:39.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Single",religion:"Christian",degree:"Student",occupation:"Medical/Health",works:"",height:"5,2",height2:160,weight:99,weightkg:45,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"brown",eyes:"grey",smoke:"No",drink:"Socially",english:"0",freetime:"I like to be productive but also I enjoy devoting time to myself. :) I like to read, and paint, I used to dance... But that's on hold for now)
\nAlso, I enjoy playing chess. Are you brave enough to play with me? :)
",partner:"I am looking for a soul mate, which means I need someone who is on the same wavelength as I am. I want him to be self-sufficient, reliable, kind-hearted, loyal, loving, with a good sense of humour, and he can be sure - I will be the same or even more for him :)
",ocenka:"I am sure you're aware that Ukrainian women are very family-oriented and I am no exception :)
\nSo that's why I am looking for my soul mate, my partner, my second half). I know it's a long process, and that is why I don't wanna waste any time :)
\nAnd of course, I wanna become a successful and qualified doctor and build a good career. But family comes first ❤
",family:"I grew up in a full family, consisting of my mom, my dad, and my younger sister. We are very close with my sister, she's like my best friend :)
\nI am very family-oriented, I think it's in the blood of Ukrainian women))
\n",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"Yes",aboutherself:"I am kind, responsible, hard-working, loving, and affectionate, aaaaand...
\nplease mind that having a wife who's also a doctor is like having your personal health insurance with unlimited coverage))
\nAnd that was my subtle hint about my sense of humor. :)
",aboutday:"I am in my 5th year at a medical university in Sumy. It's very demanding and I am a diligent student because I want to be a qualified doctor :)
So studies take a lot of my time and also I hit the gym every now and then. I have more or less free weekends and this is when I can devote some time to myself, my family or my friends.
",aboutime:"",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Fun,Relationship,Dating",child_m:0,child_f:0,notes:"Elegance and grace - that's the first two things you notice right away about Oksana. :)
\nFeminine, and intelligent - these follow the first two :)
\nDon't miss your chance to meet the lady. Her single heart won't be on the market for too long. ;)
",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Aries",children:"No children",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[],profile:"/women/oksana-poltava-3851/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"},{language:"Russian",title:"Fluent"},{language:"English",title:"Pre-Intermediate"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:"",video:{preview:"",url:""}},birthdayLabel:null},3866:{gid:3866,name:"Oksana",bd:"1977-08-14",age:47,branch:"Dnipro",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2024-02-26T17:22:46.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Divorced",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Finance",works:"personel specialist",height:"5,6",height2:169,weight:123,weightkg:56,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"brown",eyes:"brown",smoke:"No",drink:"Socially",english:"0",freetime:"I am an active woman. I like to enjoy my life. Sport is very important. It gives me energy and the possibility to have a good look. When I have free time I like to go to the theatre, cinema, and concerts. I believe with a beloved man any place will be interesting.
",partner:"I dream of meeting an interesting, intelligent, kind and responsible man who will take care of his beloved woman and family. I want to have a reliable and honest man near me.
\nIt would be also great to have common interests and to spend a lot of time with each other. But I will appreciate any hobby of my man.
\nTo my mind, relations should be based on respect for each other.
",ocenka:"My main goal is to meet my beloved man and to create a family. I am ready to move to the country where my man lives. I dream of living in a house, to having a cat or a dog. It would be great to travel together.
",family:"As for my family, I like it very much. For me, it's my daughter, my parents and my brother. We like to spend time together, to celebrate holidays. The family atmosphere is very important to me.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"I'm an optimist and I'm sure you will like my smile and never forget it. I want to be happy and healthy. I want to be sure of my future. I
",aboutday:"My usual day begins with a shower and a healthy breakfast.
\nIn the evening I go to the gym and it's like relaxation for me after the working day.
\nAlso, I try to spend lots of time with my daughter.
",aboutime:"",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Fun,Relationship,Traveling",child_m:0,child_f:1,notes:"The lady is a very positive person. She can create a pleasant atmosphere around. She knows what she wants from life.
",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Leo",children:"I have children / 1 girl",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[{age:11,date:"28 May"}],profile:"/women/oksana-dnipro-3866/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"},{language:"English",title:"Beginner"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:""},birthdayLabel:null},3888:{gid:3888,name:"Liubov",bd:"1996-07-29",age:28,branch:"Kharkov",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2023-12-19T10:38:23.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Single",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Medical/Health",works:"Fitness coach",height:"5,4",height2:163,weight:121,weightkg:55,konstit:"petite",haircolor:"black",eyes:"blue",smoke:"No",drink:"Socially",english:"0",freetime:"I try to fill my free time with something interesting, exciting and bright. I do enjoy reading different kind of books, especially phsychological ones. Just recenly I have started to go to the dancing classes where I express myself through the gentle movements. Hiking and camping is something which is very close to my heart and I even could reach the top of Hoverla mountain). Cooking is one of my biggest passions, I love to try new recipes and treat my friends and family with something tasty). When I have a free minute I try to study English improving it as much as I can.
",partner:"I miss a man, who is family-oriented, adult and mature, loving and loyal, with a kind heart and understanding for women. That would be good to see in my man such qualities as attentiveness, wisdom, generosity, and sensitivity. I would like us to share the same interests and hobbies in life).
",ocenka:"I have a goal to build a wonderful loving family, just like the one I grew up in. Ii think my man will enjoy seeing me growing and developing in different spheres of life. I love traveling so another goal of mine is discovering this world.
",family:"I have a wonderful complete family: the most loving father and mother and the best brother who is 10 years younger than me. I adore my family because we have deep family values and always ready to support each other. We all lived in a cute apartment in a small picturesque village near a lake and a beautiful large forest.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"Having a kind heart, I always try to understand and help others. I am a gentle lady, open and honest, smiling and always trying to keep an optimistic mood).
",aboutday:"I try to make every day of my life not just bright, but at the same time pleasant and useful. I start my day with a healthy breakfast and walking my doggy. Then I hurry up to my working place where I give my fitness classes. When my work comes to the end, as usual I am busy with some of my hobbies, or just relax cooking or watching films. My little family, rabbit Bublyk and dog Richie always accompany me in that). Yes, I love animals so very much).
",aboutime:"",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Friendship,Penpal,Fun,Relationship,Dating",child_m:0,child_f:0,notes:"She is a bright, humorous, kind and open person.
",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Leo",children:"No children",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[],profile:"/women/liubov-kharkov-3888/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"},{language:"English",title:"Beginner"},{language:"Spanish",title:"Beginner"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:""},birthdayLabel:null},3954:{gid:3954,name:"Sveta",bd:"2005-08-10",age:19,branch:"Zaporozhye",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2024-04-11T14:12:58.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Single",religion:"Christian",degree:"Student",occupation:"Education",works:"Student",height:"5,5",height2:167,weight:101,weightkg:46,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"red",eyes:"brown",smoke:"No",drink:"Socially",english:"0",freetime:"My leisure time always varies. I like to do different things from spending calm evenings at home reading to exploring different places. I enjoy painting pictures, listening to music, watching different movies, taking walks in nature, meeting good people, warm talks and learning something new. I love travelling and have already visited some countries, but would love to see even more with you:). What do you think?
",partner:"I have not yet dated anyone. I am looking for my real second half all over the world to be my first and only man for all my life!
\nI am so eager to fall in love. I want to enjoy every single moment with my future partner.
\nI want a man with the heart of a simple boy and the mind of a conqueror.
",ocenka:"At the moment it is very complicated to speak about the future goals.
\nI am in such a period of life when I am just starting my adult life.
\nI am ready to create goals and achieve them together with my future partner.
",family:"I am blessed to have a mother, a father and a sister. My sister has already got a family of her own, she has a son, my nephew;). And I am happy to be his auntie:).
\nIn the family I grew up I cherish the most sincerety, understanding, support in everything and no conviction ever.
\nThey love me for just being me;).
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"I am a calm lady with a passionate nature who is for peace and bubble gum:).
",aboutday:"My typical day depends on whether it is a weekday or a weekend. On weekdays I go to the University for my classes. After the day at the university, I take a walk, then enjoy dinner with family and do some tasks.
\nIf it is a weekend, then I like to start my morning slowly, with no alarm clock. Take a shower, prepare breakfast, take a walk in the park, and then do what I really like and enjoy. Have some time for myself.
",aboutime:"",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Relationship,Dating",child_m:0,child_f:0,notes:"She is like the breathe of fresh air.
",wantToHaveChildren:"have not decided yet",zodiac:"Leo",children:"No children",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[],profile:"/women/sveta-zaporozhye-3954/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"},{language:"Russian",title:"Fluent"},{language:"English",title:"Intermediate"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:""},birthdayLabel:null},4048:{gid:4048,name:"Daria",bd:"1991-10-15",age:33,branch:"Nikolaev",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2024-06-12T12:30:27.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Divorced",religion:"Unknow",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Services",works:" estate agent ",height:"5,5",height2:166,weight:123,weightkg:56,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"blonde",eyes:"green",smoke:"No",drink:"Never",english:"0",freetime:"My work takes too much time, so when I am not working I want to spend time with my daughter and my family. It is so important for me to realise that they are close and we all may enjoy the time together.
\nI like cooking, playing with Eva, feed our pets together with her. Adore reading books for her before sleeping.
\nI do my best to be a good mom and best friend for my girl. But I want also to be loved by my man. That is why I dedicate my free time to my search here.
",partner:"Believe that my beloved man is my soul mate and partner in any situation. My experience with my ex-husband was not positive but I still believe that I may meet my person.
\nI wish to meet an attentive, caring person who is ready to create relations.
\nI value support and trust in relations and would be happy to meet a man with the same views.
",ocenka:"My aims are simple: want to be happy and share my love and happiness with my family and beloved man.
",family:"My family is big and friendly and I dream of creating my own well-knighted family, where we will support each other, discuss everything and look for compromises together.
\nI build warm relations with my daughter. Eva is my teacher and my best friend. We adore taking care of our pets together. We have a cat Leo and bunny Khurma. They are very tender and love to play.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"Yes",aboutherself:'For me, "Love" means to be friends and partners, it is more about support and understanding, valuing the same things in life.
\nI adore all the flowers in the world. Listen to music according to my mood, love walking, and take care of my body and health.
\nIn the morning I prefer black coffee without sugar and a piece of chocolate.
\nI have never traveled abroad and have only visited a few places in Ukraine. I dream of visiting new cities. Want to open this world together with my man.
',aboutday:"My days are very similar and full of work. The most pleasant part of the day is when I spend time with my parents and my daughter. I love spending time in a family circle: watching a movie or cooking dinner all together.
",aboutime:"",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Friendship,Relationship,Dating",child_m:0,child_f:1,notes:"Daria is an open and communicative person. She is a good listener also. She is very attentive and knows what she wants.
",wantToHaveChildren:"have not decided yet",zodiac:"Libra",children:"I have children / 1 girl",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[{age:5,date:"2 March"}],profile:"/women/daria-nikolaev-4048/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"},{language:"English",title:"Beginner"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:""},birthdayLabel:null},4203:{gid:4203,name:"Julia",bd:"1987-08-29",age:37,branch:"Lviv",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2023-11-10T16:17:38.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Single",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Sales",works:" Self employed",height:"5,5",height2:166,weight:112,weightkg:51,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"black",eyes:"brown",smoke:"No",drink:"Socially",english:"0",freetime:"I'm the kind of person who likes to stay active and keep moving! You'll often find me going to the gym for two hours a day, making sure every muscle gets a workout. And if that's not enough, I dive into the pool three times a week, because who doesn't love a good splash?
\nBut let's not get too serious here! I love adding a healthy dose of fun to my life through dancing. Picture me on the dance floor, twirling to the beat. Dancing is my way to relax and add a little zest to my day.
\nAt the end of each day, I like to look back and feel accomplished, knowing that I didn't waste a single moment. Whether it's a busy day or a lazy day on the beach basking in the warm embrace of the sun, I try to live life to the fullest.
\nBecause let's be honest, sometimes the best way to appreciate all that hard work is to sit back and let the gentle waves of the beach whisper sweet nothings in your ear.
\nSo, we want to find the perfect balance between the hustle and bustle of everyday life and the blissful relaxation of a sun-drenched beach day. May you live each day with purpose and some sunshine!
",partner:"I am looking for a loving and caring man. No matter how strong a woman is, she often dreams of a man even stronger, one who can become a support. I see my ideal partner as a responsible and ambitious person. I am attracted to men who set high goals for themselves and pursue them with determination and passion.
\nOne of the most important qualities I look for is a great sense of humor. I believe that with a smile on our face and a positive attitude, we can overcome any challenges that life throws at us.
\nIn turn, I promise to be his muse, always by his side, supporting and inspiring him to new heights. Together we can dream big and strive to achieve that dream with all our hearts. I want to be the one who inspires him to believe that nothing is impossible.
",ocenka:"My heart's deepest desire is to build a loving family and be the best wife to my future husband. I dream of a home filled with honesty, love and mutual care.
\nWhile I am passionate about my career and dream of expanding my business to a nationwide chain of stores, nothing can ever trump the importance of creating a warm and caring family. I envision a place where we both support each other's dreams, grow together, and face life's challenges together.
",family:"My family may be small, but it is filled with all the love and joy we could ever need. It's just me and my little daughter, and together we are the perfect duo.
\nOf course, no family would be complete without a few furry friends to add to the fun. We are lucky to have two adorable cats, Sonia and Peach, who make sure there is never a dull moment in our home.
\nOur little family may not be that big, but it is full of love, laughter, and purrs. We are a close-knit team and there is never a shortage of hugs and laughter in our home.
\nSo, if you love animals and like to have a little fun, we're the place for you.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"I am a purposeful and confident girl, always ready to accept the changes that life brings me with a smile and a little excitement!
\nBut underneath that bold exterior beats the heart of a loving, devoted and caring woman. For me, family is the most important treasure in life. I believe in loyalty, understanding and deep harmony with my partner's emotions. Even from afar, I can feel his mood and know exactly when he needs a hug or a hearty laugh to brighten up his day.
\nI am one of those women who enjoy making my partner happy. Whether it's cooking his favorite meal, planning an unexpected adventure, or simply being a pleasant presence, I believe I will do whatever it takes to make him feel wanted and loved. After all, isn’t this the essence of the mission of every self-respecting woman?
\nSo, if you are looking for a partner who is as passionate about life as he is about love, look no further. Together we will create a beautiful, joyful and ever-evolving story filled with laughter, love and countless cherished memories.
",aboutday:"I may be a very active person, but I know how to appreciate every minute, even the ones I spend pampering myself! My morning is a symphony of a hot shower and the intoxicating aroma of freshly brewed coffee. It's the perfect fuel for a busy bee like me.
\nWork keeps me on my toes, but the real fun begins when the clock strikes five. That's when I unleash my inner ballerina at the gym! Barre training is my latest passion - the perfect combination of grace and poise. Let's just say I channel my inner warrior princess while maintaining my undeniable feminine charm. Here's how to start and end your perfect day!
",aboutime:"I live in a big house so I can always find some work to do. It is not that easy to keep my house clean that is why I have to portion out my house chores. I have a little helpmate, that is why doing all house chores is always fun. Cooking is something I really enjoy and I always try to cook something new and interesting. My daugter is the most strict judge, so I have to do my best to to please her.",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Relationship,Dating",child_m:0,child_f:1,notes:"A sweet and gentle soul who knows exactly what she wants from life. Living in the charming town of Kamenets-Podolsky, she owns her own store, which is her little piece of heaven. But you know what? She's more than willing to take the train to Lviv if it means meeting someone truly special!
\nFinding a decent man is at the top of her list. She is looking for a man who matches her aspirations in life and shares her dreams of creating a loving and joyful family.
\nSo, if you're ready for a delightful adventure with a woman who is as dedicated as she is charming, look no further.
",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Virgo",children:"I have children / 1 girl",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[{age:14,date:"31 August"}],profile:"/women/julia-lviv-4203/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"English",title:"Pre-Intermediate"},{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:"",video:{preview:"",url:""}},birthdayLabel:null},4270:{gid:4270,name:"Diana",bd:"2001-07-26",age:23,branch:"Dnipro",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2024-07-04T14:38:29.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Single",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Electronics",works:"consultant",height:"5,4",height2:163,weight:119,weightkg:54,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"light-brown",eyes:"green",smoke:"No",drink:"Socially",english:"0",freetime:"I practice kickboxing and MMA. This has been my dream since childhood. I have been working for more than half a year. I adore it, it is my soul, my purpose. I give my all there. I want to perform in the ring.
",partner:"Loving, attentive, who will appreciate and first of all respect me as a person. If we are talking about visuals, then there are no such criteria).
",ocenka:"I really want to start a family and have enough income for my desires. I want to finally enter the ring and feel the emotions of victory. I want to buy a motorcycle because I get high from them)
",family:"I am from Kharkiv and I grew up there. My family is my mother and grandmother. I don't have any brothers or sisters. There is a father, but I hardly communicate with him, we have a bad relationship. I appreciate the fact that my mother raised me to be a strong and independent woman who is capable of many things on her own. I appreciate our relationship with my mother, I can tell her anything, just talk, and she will listen and give advice if necessary. But if not, it will never interfere in my life. I want mutual understanding also in the future family, I want to raise a strong person.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"Yes",aboutherself:"I don't have an easy character, but I know that I will find someone who will love me for my steel character and big heart.
",aboutday:"A typical day is typical, it's boring to even talk about it. It is work during the day and hobby at night. I like meeting friends. I don't have many of them, because life filters people and only loyal friends remain.
",aboutime:"",seeking:"Romance,Friendship,Penpal,Relationship,Dating",child_m:0,child_f:0,notes:"This strong and purposeful woman is actually very gentle and loving.
",wantToHaveChildren:"0",zodiac:"Leo",children:"No children",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[],profile:"/women/diana-dnipro-4270/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"English",title:"Basic"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:""},birthdayLabel:null},4354:{gid:4354,name:"Kate",bd:"1997-05-01",age:27,branch:"Lviv",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2024-07-10T10:51:03.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Single",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Management",works:"SMM specialist",height:"5,5",height2:167,weight:114,weightkg:52,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"blonde",eyes:"blue",smoke:"No",drink:"Socially",english:"0",freetime:"Kate, sport, Schweps, and the beauty of the world. Life rages, boils, and rushes headlong, like a raging river. Work is overwhelming, 8-10 hours a day - but I enjoy what I do. I am working as an SMM specialist and sales manager same time. Online work gives me the privilege to have free time when I want to. I like to go to a gym about 3 times per week. Each approach, each turn of the bar is a small victory over fatigue, a step towards renewal. Stretching is something I am obsessed with. I like to keep my body slim and fit same time. Can you imagine this tiny woman likes boxing? It is not just a sport, it is a dance of strength and beauty, a symphony of movements that gives a feeling of freedom and power. Schweps is my furry anti-depressant. He is always happy to see me and greets me with a wagging tail and a wet nose. Walking with my dog in the park is a breath of fresh air, a charge of positivity and sincere canine love. His boundless joy is contagious and makes me laugh and forget about all my problems.
\n\nI am a part of my city. Its narrow cobblestones, ancient buildings, cozy cafes - all this fills me with inspiration. I like to just wander the streets, absorbing the atmosphere, and feeling the heartbeat of the city. And when I go beyond it, I am enchanted by the greatness of nature. Forests, mountains, lakes - all this gives a feeling of peace, and unity with something bigger than myself. Free time is not just a break from work. This is an opportunity to feel alive, emotional, and part of something beautiful. This is time for myself, for sports, for love of a dog, for admiring the beauty of the world. This is the time when I can truly live, not just exist.
",partner:"I'm not looking for the perfect man. I am looking for someone who will complement me, with whom we will go through life hand in hand, sharing joys and sorrows. My dream man is not just a beautiful wrapper. This is a person with a deep inner world, rich in emotions, feelings, and thoughts. He should be sincere, honest, and open, ready to share his dreams, fears, and desires with me. I dream of a man with whom I can be silent, and feel comfortable around. With whom I can talk for hours about everything in the world, without fear of condemnation or criticism. He should be my friend, support, and partner. A man on whom I can always count, who will be there in difficult moments and sincerely rejoice at my successes. I want to see in his eyes not just admiration, but sincere love and tenderness. His touch should be gentle and affectionate, and kisses should be passionate.
",ocenka:"The future is not just an abstract concept. This is a blank slate on which I can write the story of my life. A story full of love, happiness, and new experiences. I dream of a family. About a cozy home, where it always smells like fresh baked goods and love. I also want another dog. I want to constantly learn something new, expand my horizons, become a better version of myself, and also speak English fluently. I want to travel more, see the grandeur of the Eiffel Tower, feel the warmth of the desert sands, and immerse myself in the atmosphere of ancient cities. About collecting unforgettable impressions that will warm the soul on cold days. I am also obsessed with cars haha, I dream of learning how to drive!
",family:"My family is not very big, but we have a warm relationship. My parents gave me life, raised me, and taught me to be a good, honest, and fair person. I am infinitely grateful to them for their love, care, and support. I also have an older brother. He is always ready to help, give wise advice, or just listen. Our relationship cannot be called very close, but there is sincere respect and love between us. We don't often get together, because each of us lives our own life. But when we meet, we always find topics for conversation, share news and happily spend time together.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"I am a woman in whom a whole spectrum of emotions rages: from sincere joy to quiet melancholy, from unbridled passion to deep thought. I truly love people and I am always interested in their stories, their dreams, and hopes. I am also a loyal friend whose support you can always count on. I am always ready to listen, give advice, or just hug. I strive for self-improvement, and I try to become a better version of myself every day. I'm not a perfect person. I, like everyone, have my flaws. I can be inattentive, sometimes my words can be too harsh. But I always work on myself, and try to become better. I sincerely believe in goodness, in the power of love and compassion. I've been told that I have a very big and kind heart :)
",aboutday:"I wake up at 7 in the morning, not with a sense of everyday duty, but with a joyful anticipation of a new, interesting day. I do a light warm-up and stretching, feeling how the body is filled with energy and the head - with fresh thoughts. Preparing breakfast, fresh coffee, crispy avocado toast, smiling in the mirror - these are my ingredients for a perfect morning! Then I walk with Schweps, for about an hour. Work is not just boring duties, but an opportunity to create, learn new things, and realize yourself. Every day brings new challenges and opportunities that I embrace with enthusiasm. If the day seems freer, I don't waste time and go to the gym. In the evening I walk my dog again and enjoy a quiet walk in the park.
",aboutime:"",seeking:"Marriage,Relationship,Dating,Traveling",child_m:0,child_f:0,notes:"If to be short, and describe Kate - then you know you've met someone truly special. She's got this warmth about her that just draws people in. Her smile is like sunshine, and her laugh is contagious. But Kate's beauty goes beyond the physical. She has the kindest heart you'll ever find, always there to lend a listening ear or offer a helping hand. She's strong and capable, yet possesses a gentle spirit that makes everyone feel comfortable around her. She's passionate about life and loves to explore new things. Honestly, Kate's the kind of person who makes you believe in happily ever after. If you're looking for someone genuine, kind, and with a heart of gold, then you absolutely need to meet her.
",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Taurus",children:"No children",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[],profile:"/women/kate-lviv-4354/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"},{language:"English",title:"Intermediate"},{language:"Russian",title:"Advanced"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:""},birthdayLabel:null},4635:{gid:4635,name:"Inna",bd:"1994-08-11",age:30,branch:"Cherkasy",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2024-08-05T12:55:10.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Divorced",religion:"Christian",degree:"No",occupation:"Medical/Health",works:"rehabilitation massage therapist",height:"5,4",height2:165,weight:110,weightkg:50,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"blonde",eyes:"green",smoke:"No",drink:"Sometimes",english:"0",freetime:"There are many things I enjoy doing in my leisure time, but the most favourite thing is going out and walking to the river. I always relax there. I like swimming and kayaking or just lying on the beach and sunbathing. Furthermore, I prefer taking photos and doing gymnastics.
",partner:"I would like to meet a caring, open-minded man, of course with a good sense of humour. A man who takes care of his family. He understands that his actions have consequences. Also, I like men to be intelligent, responsible and sympathetic. It would be great if he could cook, as people say that the way to a man`s heart is through his stomach, and I think the way to a woman`s is the same as well.
",ocenka:"How to live a happy life and why do you need plans for the future? What must be tried in life? To my mind, the main thing in life is to understand why are we here in this world. My future goals are to be happy and make my children happy too. To help people and animals. Also, I would like to make a huge surprise for my children so their life will be colourful and bright.
",family:"I have a big family. I have an older brother and a sister. I communicate with my sister more than with my brother. she is an excellent lawyer in Kyiv. My parents live in the village now and have their own little farm and have an income from it. I have two wonderful kids. They are my air and my wings. We all like to meet on weekends to talk about everything. And, of course, have a BBQ and eat sweets.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"About myself, I can say that I am a sensitive and kind person (that`s what my friends say about me). I treat people the way people treat me. I am sure there must be more kindness in our world. I love sport. I always exercise in the morning, when I full of energy. I also like coffee and going shopping. I dream about opening my own cloth-showroom. I love spending time with my children. I am keen on cooking. And I appreciate life and everything I have.
",aboutday:"My typical day begins with sunrise when sunlight enters the room. I imagine that I am a kitty and stretch. I am sure if my beloved man was nearby, I would probably even purr. Can you imagine it? :) I like coffee and always drink it while my children sleep. After my morning shower, we have breakfast. After we go outside to play with my son, my daughter prefers to play with her friends. Then I cook lunch for us and we enjoy our meal. When my mom comes to us I like to go out for a coffee with my friends. When my son has a nap my daughter and I can do some girls` things.) before sleep, we always cuddle and tickle. I hope shortly we will do it together with my half.
",aboutime:"",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Relationship",child_m:1,child_f:1,notes:"When we saw this lady we thought about the stereotype that a woman can not be beautiful and smart at the same time. But here is Inna she is a really attractive and intelligent lady. Her beauty is in her eyes, isn`t it? Because it is the road to her heart where love lives. She is a kind and very talkative person. Always goes to her goals. And now to find love she chose us and we appreciate it.
",wantToHaveChildren:"0",zodiac:"Leo",children:"I have children / 1 boy / 1 girl",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[{age:1,date:"27 October"},{age:8,date:"10 August"}],profile:"/women/inna-cherkasy-4635/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:""},birthdayLabel:null},5265:{gid:5265,name:"Alina",bd:"1991-09-07",age:33,branch:"Lutsk",mailflag:"girls",isNew:1,register:"2024-10-11T14:28:27.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Divorced",religion:"",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Government",works:"Lawyer",height:"5,4",height2:164,weight:141,weightkg:64,konstit:"petite",haircolor:"blonde",eyes:"blue",smoke:"Sometimes",drink:"Socially",english:"0",freetime:"In my free time, I enjoy taking care of myself, relaxing, or pursuing hobbies that bring me joy. I also cherish quality moments spent with my relatives and friends. I also love watching a variety of movies, reading.
",partner:"I am looking for a mature, honest, kind, caring, wise, open, uncomplicated, and generous partner. Someone who values communication and is ready to build a strong, trusting relationship. I appreciate a person who can embrace life’s challenges with a positive attitude.
\nIt’s important to me that my partner is supportive and shares a love for an active lifestyle, whether that means enjoying outdoor activities, travelling, or simply spending time together. I believe that a genuine connection is built on mutual respect, kindness, and shared values, and I am excited to find someone who embodies these qualities.
",ocenka:"The main goals for the future are to find a loved one and start a family, creating a warm and nurturing home filled with love and laughter. I also dream of opening my own business, where I can pursue my passions.
\nAlso, travel the world with my family and create lasting memories.
",family:"I have a deep love and appreciation for my mother, who raised my younger brother and me on her own. She instilled in us the values of love and compassion, always making sure we felt her unwavering support and care.
\nWhen I was 10, my mother met a wonderful man who became a father figure to us. I now call him Dad, and I hold him in high regard. Together, we’ve built a happy and strong family that values love, respect, and togetherness. This foundation has shaped who I am today, and I’m grateful for the bonds we share.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"I combine opposite character traits. I can be both the soul of the company and shy and reserved. Stick or gentle. Intelligent or loose. You definitely won't have to be sad with me!
\nFamily is the most valuable thing for me. I seek to build a passionate bond that enriches our lives and is filled with adventure, laughter, and mutual support.
",aboutday:"My typical day starts with an early wake-up, where I quickly prepare breakfast for my sons. After getting them ready, I take them to kindergarten and school before heading to work myself. During my lunch break, I like to squeeze in a quick workout at the gym to stay energized.
\nAfter work, I pick up the kids, and we often go for a walk or head to a fun activity or club together. Evenings are special as we spend time preparing dinner as a family, sharing stories about our day, and enjoying each other’s company.
",aboutime:"",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Penpal,Relationship,Dating",child_m:2,child_f:0,notes:"The woman is purposeful and intelligent, someone who knows what she wants in life and isn’t afraid to go after it. She is open-minded and values meaningful conversations, seeking a partner who can match her ambition and share in her passions. She desires to find a worthy partner who appreciates her for who she is and shares her vision for a fulfilling relationship.
",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Virgo",children:"I have children / 2 boy ",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[{age:3,date:"16 August"},{age:10,date:"16 June"}],profile:"/women/alina-lutsk-5265/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"English",title:"Basic"},{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:""},birthdayLabel:null},5472:{gid:5472,name:"Julia",bd:"1988-05-25",age:36,branch:"Zhytomyr",mailflag:"girls",isNew:1,register:"2024-10-15T11:40:57.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Divorced",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Management",works:"Manager of the organization",height:"5,6",height2:168,weight:119,weightkg:54,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"brown",eyes:"blue",smoke:"No",drink:"Never",english:"0",freetime:"I like to spend my free time outdoors. I love to walk in the park or along the river embankment, especially in the morning, the best time of day. I also like to meet my friends over a cup of coffee with dessert, I have to admit that I love sweets. I like to try something new and interesting: for example, rafting on a river in kayaks. Something I have never done before
",partner:"The man I dream about? I wonder if you can talk about a prince on a white horse when you're a big girl, it probably sounds weird, lol
\n\"I dream of a caring, handsome, strong, successful man, who knows what he wants.\" What difference does it make to what kind of man? The main thing is to be happy with the person. That's all. Happy end.
",ocenka:"What does a lonely adult woman who knows what she wants from this life dream about? Of course, about a beloved caring man, but I can not only receive but also know how to give something.... hmmm something very nice and warm.. hehe
\nI think that whoever reads this text is already intrigued?))) I think that it is clear in my words that my future plans are to spend my remaining days in love and a bright life with my beloved man.'
",family:"I grew up in a small town with my parents who have been together for all their lives, and a sister. They are very cheerful and respect each other. I had a wonderful childhood. Later I moved to Kiev. Now I live there with my two wonderful kids and cat Claus
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"I am a person who believes in true love. In the fact that love, respect, care and the ability to communicate are very important for a healthy and strong relationship.
\nI like travelling a lot. To discover something new for myself and experience every country I've been to. I have already visited many countries. I would like to make my next trip together. It could be Portugal or Italy or even Mexico
",aboutday:"I like to start my new day with a smile and a glass of warm water with a slice of lemon. I prepare breakfast for myself and my kids, I consider the habit of eating breakfast very healthy. I love my job, working with people is always interesting, but sometimes stressful. So sometimes after work, I take a warm, relaxing bath. The children help prepare dinner, and after dinner, we watch a movie together or just talk about everything in the world
",aboutime:"",seeking:"Marriage,Relationship,Dating",child_m:1,child_f:1,notes:"An optimistic and interesting person.
",wantToHaveChildren:"maybe",zodiac:"Gemini",children:"I have children / 1 boy / 1 girl",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[{age:16,date:"29 March"},{age:11,date:"4 November"}],profile:"/women/julia-zhytomyr-5472/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"English",title:"Basic"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:"",video:{preview:"",url:""}},birthdayLabel:null},6410:{gid:6410,name:"Tanya",bd:"1989-08-22",age:35,branch:"Lutsk",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2012-11-13T13:55:35.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Single",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Real Estate",works:"estate agent",height:"5,8",height2:173,weight:121,weightkg:55,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"brown",eyes:"brown",smoke:"No",drink:"Socially",english:"0",freetime:"I adore going to the cinema and theater. I think I have already seen all plays in my city. I like watching a good movie alone or with my friends. I like to listen to the music when I am doing some chores or other necessary things at home. I like to visit my friends from time to time and meet with them somewhere in a nice place.
",partner:"I think that a man should be wise, kind, honest, hard-working and confident. If you possess these qualities, you will be a good man in my eyes and I would be proud to have you by my side.
",ocenka:"I desire to be loved as any woman on this site. Creating a family is the main goal, which was the reason of my joining this agency.
",family:"I was born and grew in Lutsk. My family consists of 3 people: my father, older brother and I. My brother has his own family and lives apart. I have lost my mother a few years ago and I miss her badly.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"",aboutday:"My typical working day starts early in the morning when I get ready to work. I work as an estate agent and I usually have many meetings with clients during the day. I am a very communicative lady and it helps me at work. After my long working day, I have some rest at home or meet my friends for a cup of coffee.
",aboutime:"I like to keep my house clean and tidy, but my passion is cooking. I like to cook a nice dinner and share it with my family. ",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Friendship,Relationship,Dating,Traveling",child_m:0,child_f:0,notes:"A well-brought, nice and polite lady. It was pleasant to communicate with her.
",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Leo",children:"No children",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[],profile:"/women/tanya-lutsk-6410/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"},{language:"Russian",title:"Fluent"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:""},birthdayLabel:null},6571:{gid:6571,name:"Margarita",bd:"2001-01-01",age:23,branch:"Nikolaev",mailflag:"girls",isNew:1,register:"2024-11-13T16:03:53.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Single",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Food",works:"cooker",height:"5,6",height2:168,weight:119,weightkg:54,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"blonde",eyes:"grey",smoke:"No",drink:"Socially",english:"0",freetime:"In my leisure time, I love to relax and recharge by doing things that bring me joy. First of all, I love spending time with my family, and my friends. I enjoy nature, so going for a walk is also refreshing for me. It’s a great way to stay active and appreciate the beauty around you. I love to dance. I love to read.
",partner:"I want to find a simple kind man, a partner who is ready to grow together, face challenges together, support each other and take care of each other.
\nMost importantly, he’s thoughtful and compassionate, not only with me but with everyone he meets. I want a partner who’s genuine and reliable, with a kind heart and an open mind.
",ocenka:"First, I want to travel as much as I can. I've always had this curiosity about other cultures. I want to experience the art, food, and different cultures.
\nI want to live a life that brings a little bit of positivity wherever I go. I want to find my man and create a happy family together!
",family:"I have a wonderful family, I have 2 younger brothers! My mom is my best friend. We can talk with her for hours, and I value it very much. They are always supporting me in everything. I dream of having the same loving relations with my partner.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"I’m someone who loves life, I love little details like the smell of coffee in the morning or the feeling of sun on my face. My friends say I have a calming presence and a knack for making people feel comfortable, I am very easygoing and ambitious, with a big heart and a good sense of humour.
",aboutday:"My typical day is usually full and active, just the way I like it. I start my morning by tidying up—cleaning is something I genuinely enjoy, as it gives me a sense of calm After work, if there’s still some daylight, I’ll head out for a walk. Being outdoors, and getting some fresh air just feels refreshing. I like my days to be active and fulfilling, filled with things that make me happy and keep me energized.
",aboutime:"",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Relationship,Dating",child_m:0,child_f:0,notes:"She is very easygoing, she is very beautiful and kind! It is interesting to talk with her as she is smart and has a good sense of humour.
",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Capricorn",children:"No children",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[],profile:"/women/margarita-nikolaev-6571/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"},{language:"Russian",title:"Fluent"},{language:"English",title:"Basic"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:""},birthdayLabel:null},6653:{gid:6653,name:"Vika",bd:"1987-07-16",age:37,branch:"Kremenchug",mailflag:"girls",isNew:1,register:"2024-11-15T16:49:27.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Single",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Other",works:"Hotel receptionist",height:"5,8",height2:175,weight:136,weightkg:62,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"black",eyes:"blue",smoke:"No",drink:"Socially",english:"0",freetime:"I believe that not only our physical appearance should be taken care of. I am trying to develop myself and to widen my perspective. At any free moment, I am looking for something that can bring me positive emotions and become a heartwarming memory. I love traveling with all my heart!
\nHowever, the only thing that can make any trip perfect - is my man holding my hand.
",partner:"I am looking for a mature man who knows how to treat his lady— someone who shares my passion for discovering new places and also a sporty lifestyle. I have strong family values and I want to build my life with a man who believes in it as much as I do. A man who can make me smile and laugh on the darkest day.
",ocenka:"I love my job as it allows me to practice English and also meet new interesting people, although I have always had a dream of becoming a clothes designer. Who knows maybe one day I will be able to achieve this dream!
\nOf course, everything is not great unless there is love in your heart. I am so tired of being lonely. I want to go back to a cosy home filled with love, creativity, and a beautiful sound of laughter from people I love more than anything in the world.
",family:"Well, I am your typical daddy`s girl hehe. Even though my parents divorced long ago. I went through a hard time accepting it, my dad never left me and now he is my best friend. My mom and I support me in anything, especially my search for my partner. I also have 2 brothers who always have made me feel cherished.
\nI am missing the most important own family. I want to fulfil all my dreams with the right man.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"What can I say about myself? I know I am ready for a serious commitment. I want to have a beautiful family and travel the world together. I desire to have someone to care for and grow old together. Life is wonderful when you are loved.
",aboutday:"The biggest part of my day usually takes my work, although, on my days off, I like to go to the badminton court and gym and take a long walk by the river to let go of the worries about my tomorrow during the war. I like to make spontaneous, fun plans and fill the day with exciting moments I would look back at. I need someone to share this passion with me. Is it you?
",aboutime:"",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Relationship,Dating",child_m:0,child_f:0,notes:"Such a beautiful and sweet lady. Her smile says about her kind character. The way Vika speaks about seeing the world with her new family, and her loved one makes us want to try even harder to help her succeed in her search.
",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Cancer",children:"No children",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[],profile:"/women/vika-kremenchug-6653/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"},{language:"Russian",title:"Native"},{language:"English",title:"Advanced"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:""},birthdayLabel:null},6950:{gid:6950,name:"Svetlana",bd:"1987-01-04",age:37,branch:"Lviv",mailflag:"girls",isNew:1,register:"2024-11-27T16:11:53.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Divorced",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Management",works:"Manager",height:"5,6",height2:168,weight:108,weightkg:49,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"blonde",eyes:"grey",smoke:"No",drink:"Socially",english:"0",freetime:"My ideal leisure time is filled with simple, but valuable moments. I adore walks in the park, where I can feel the peace of nature and immerse myself in the world of an incredibly exciting novel. For me, this is not only a break, but also a kind of journey to another world. Time spent with friends gives me a lot of positivity - sincere conversations, laughter to tears and warm meetings always lift my spirits. But most of all I value the moments spent with my daughter. She inspires me every day, and together we create our little family traditions - from preparing desserts together to fun walks or board games. It is important for me that leisure time is filled with emotions that leave a warm mark on the soul and give a feeling of harmony.
",partner:"I imagine a man next to me who will become a real support and inspiration for me. Someone who knows how to take responsibility for his words and actions, because for me it is not just a character trait, but the basis of trust and mutual understanding. Next to such a man, I can feel that our common future is a solid foundation on which everything is built. A man who is close to me with whom I can have interesting, deep conversations, but also not forget about fun. After all, there should be a balance in life: important things and no less important funny moments that make me laugh even in the most difficult times. A man who knows how to be both a strong reliance and a gentle support is always admirable. Someone who combines a serious attitude towards life and at the same time is not afraid to indulge in lightness and joy. Such a person knows when to be a strong support, and when to be soft and gentle. A sense of humor for me is an important component of relationships. The one who can cheer me up even in the most unexpected moments brings unforgettable moments into our lives. With whom we will laugh, dream and create happy moments every day. Such a man for me is not just a partner, he is the one with whom I want to build mutual happiness, share every moment and feel that our love is filled with harmony, trust and mutual respect.
",ocenka:"My goals for the future are not just dreams, but a path that I want to take with someone special. I see my life filled with discoveries and opportunities, and I also want to develop in the work that brings me true inspiration. I strive to find new horizons not only in work but also in life, to discover beautiful places, wonderful people and unforgettable moments that will remain in my memory forever. Since childhood, I dreamed of my own, small library in my house, where each book would tell its unique story, and comfort and silence would become my faithful companions. Maybe these are the dreams that we can realize together? After all, I believe that with the right person you can achieve everything you dream of, because support, love and a sense of unity make life truly wonderful. Together we will be able not only to create new shared dreams, but also to give each other boundless joy and a feeling of love every day.
",family:"Family for me is more than just people with whom we are connected by a common life. It is harmony, where hearts find warmth and peace, and souls feel unity. It is a space where you are understood without words, where you can be yourself and not be afraid to show your vulnerability. Family is about love that knows no conditions, and about care that is expressed in small but important gestures. It is a place where time slows down, where an ordinary evening can become magical thanks to a simple laugh or a warm conversation. It is a philosophy of closeness that teaches us to appreciate moments together and find happiness in everyday life. Family is not ideality, but authenticity, where each of us becomes better thanks to the support and love of each other. It is a common path, where all joys and difficulties become stories that warm the heart.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"I would note in myself sincerity, which, like a warm wind, brings inspiration and smiles. For me, sincerity is the basis of real relationships, where there is no place for masks and omissions, only openness and trust. Active and restless, always in search of new impressions and bright moments that fill life with meaning. Cheerful, because I believe that sincere laughter is what makes our days warmer, and the heart open to goodness. Kindness is not just a character trait, but a way of looking at the world, noticing everything beautiful in it and sharing it with those around you. And I also dream and believe in romance, which adds notes of charm to life. I find it in little things: in a look that makes the heart beat faster, in walks under the starry sky or in simple but important moments when happiness is just being next to the right person.
",aboutday:"My typical day starts with the morning chaos - I get ready my daughter for school, prepare breakfast and help with the final preparations. The morning sun, which breaks through the window, adds warmth, and her sincere laughter fills the house with energy. From the moment I take her to school, the day begins to gain momentum. Work for me is not just a duty, but an opportunity to develop and discover something new. I immerse myself completely in matters. In the afternoon, I pick her up from school, and we hurry to the circle, telling each other the most interesting moments of the day. Her hobbies always inspire and add joy to me. After completing my work tasks, I pick her up from the circle, and we return home. Dinner is our family ritual. There is always a warm atmosphere at the table, and even simple dishes seem special when we taste them together. Sometimes I take a walk in the park, where the fresh air and rustling leaves help me recharge. Other times, I meet friends for a cup of coffee, read a book that takes me to a world of dreams, or watch a movie that adds new emotions. And I also adore the gym, where every movement is a step towards harmony with myself. These little joys make up my day.
",aboutime:"",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Friendship,Relationship,Dating",child_m:0,child_f:1,notes:"This is a girl who knows how to create an atmosphere of comfort and ease around her. Her sincerity is felt in every word, in every gesture, and this immediately inspires trust. Communicating with her is like a breath of fresh air: easy, pleasant and without a hint of tension. She knows how to be cheerful and give others a good mood, infecting them with her laughter and optimism. Her kindness is noticeable in the little things: in her willingness to support, encourage or simply listen when needed. She is the type of person who is attracted by her openness, romantic nature and warmth. Communicating with her is a real pleasure because she knows how to create harmony in communication, leaving behind the most pleasant impressions.
",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Capricorn",children:"I have children / 1 girl",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[],profile:"/women/svetlana-lviv-6950/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"},{language:"Russian",title:"Fluent"},{language:"English",title:"Fluent"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:""},birthdayLabel:null},7109:{gid:7109,name:"Ruslana",bd:"1974-06-06",age:50,branch:"Cherkasy",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2018-07-02T14:09:48.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Divorced",religion:"Unknow",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Medical/Health",works:"nurse",height:"5,5",height2:166,weight:147,weightkg:67,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"blonde",eyes:"green",smoke:"No",drink:"Never",english:"0",freetime:"Every person has his own passion. For me it is sport. I am very sportive and active woman. When I have free time, I usually go in for sport. I like visiting gym and running in the park. Sport helps me to be healthy and in a good shape.
\nAlso I like travelling, that`s why I would like to see every country all over the world. I hope my dream will come true!
",partner:"Like many women I just want to be happy. That is why I am looking for the true man. First of all, appearance of my man is not important for me. The man of my dreams should be honest, kind, friendly and understanding. I would like him to love and believe me. It will strengthen our relationships.
",ocenka:"To create a strong and friendly family is the main goal of my life. I would like to find a great and lovely man for family life. I really hope that he will support me and take care of me. It is the most important thing that I strive for.
",family:"I was born in a small village with very beautiful landscapes. My family is very friendly. We like spending time together. I have an adult son, my parents and younger sister. We have very tender and close relationships. By the way, my son supports me and goes in for sport too.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"I am very faithful and reliable person. Also I try to lead a healthy life style, that`s why I have no bad habits. As I go in for sport, I am always cheerful and in a good mood. At the same time, I am very tender and loving woman. Honestly I believe that LOVE RULES THE WORLD.
",aboutday:"My working day starts with breakfast and morning exercises. Than I go to work and spend a lot of time there. At home I do household tasks like cleaning, washing up and cooking. In the evening I can walk or run in the park.
",aboutime:"To tell you the truth, I am a real housewife. Despite of my difficult working day, I have enough time for cooking tasty food, cleaning, washing up, ironing and taking care of flowerpots. It inspires me and doesn`t affect my condition and appearance. I am always active and cheerful.",seeking:"Marriage,Relationship",child_m:1,child_f:0,notes:"At first sight, Ruslana may seem to be very vulnerable, but in fact she is a very strong woman with great life experience. She doesn`t let to offend herself. Ruslana is very responsible, so she can become a very good wife!
",wantToHaveChildren:"0",zodiac:"Gemini",children:"I have children / 1 boy ",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[{age:25,date:"31 December"}],profile:"/women/ruslana-cherkasy-7109/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"English",title:"Beginner"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:""},birthdayLabel:null},8312:{gid:8312,name:"Natalia",bd:"1975-09-08",age:49,branch:"Chornomorsk",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2019-10-01T10:17:19.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Divorced",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Legal",works:"Manager",height:"5,1",height2:155,weight:110,weightkg:50,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"blonde",eyes:"grey",smoke:"No",drink:"Socially",english:"0",freetime:"I enjoy spending time outside, walking and breathing fresh air. I love to meet with friends and spend a good time with them at some nice and fun place. I enjoy just reading and relaxing in a bubble bath. I love to bake something tasty to surprise my taste buds. I love to stay in shape so I like to visit gym and also swimming pool. I love life so I can enjoy everything! Can't wait to try new hobbies of my beloved and just have the best fun doing that!
",partner:"I want a reliable man in my life who I can always trust no matter what. I think family is a unity and two people should be partners in everything, understand each other and never argue because of some things that can be easily resolved and in life everything can be resolved. I hope my man will be respectful, attentive, kind-hearted and easy going because I am this way always. I also hope my man will be honest with me about everything and I can give all my trust to such person easily.
",ocenka:"I have success in career but unfortunately I was not successful making a good and strong family and that is why I am here trying to find a man with whom I can create a nice, loving and happy family. That is what I want and need in life. I want to make my man happy and of course for him to do the same for me.
",family:"I have a nice and loving family and my parents taught me to love and showed me their love all the time. I have a brother who is younger than me and it was always nice to be an older sister. I also have two cats who live with me. I certainly hope to make my family bigger with a loving man.))
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"I am a mature lady who knows what she wants in life. I have achieved a lot in the career part but I want to be happy and have a family with a loving husband, to enjoy each day and start it with a smiling and loving face on the pillow next to me.)
\nI am kind, caring, respectful, attentive and understanding. If you value these qualities in a lady then you have been searching for me)) Let's see).
",aboutday:"I have a busy day when I am at work and I wake up early to get there and come back home after 6 pm so I spend the most of my day at work. In the morning I like to have some coffee, maybe go for a short run when I have more time. In the evening I like to relax after work in the gym, swimming pool or at home with a nice dinner. Sometimes I meet with friends. On weekends when I am free I love to make short travels, be active and do interesting thing with friends or family.
",aboutime:"I am no stranger to cleaning, cooking, washing and doing everything around the house like I am sure all ladies because we were brought up to being able to do everything around the house. I love when it is cosy, clean and nice in my house. Sometimes I like to decorate and make something new in my house.)",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Relationship,Traveling",child_m:0,child_f:0,notes:"Natalia is a nice, good looking, attentive, serious lady who is here to find a man and make him a very happy one.
",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Virgo",children:"No children",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[],profile:"/women/natalia-chornomorsk-8312/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Russian",title:"Native"},{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Fluent"},{language:"English",title:"Basic"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:"",video:{preview:"",url:""}},birthdayLabel:null},8487:{gid:8487,name:"Olga",bd:"1998-12-25",age:25,branch:"Lviv",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2020-03-19T16:05:23.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Single",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Education",works:"Assistant in kindergarten",height:"5,6",height2:168,weight:128,weightkg:58,konstit:"curvy",haircolor:"blonde",eyes:"blue",smoke:"No",drink:"Socially",english:"0",freetime:"To be honest, I consider myself a very creative person, always on the go and constantly seeking new ways to express myself! Whether it's diving into a fresh project or exploring different hobbies, I can't sit still for long. I love doing all kinds of handicrafts, from knitting to making intricate decorations. It's a way for me to unwind, tap into my artistic side, and create something beautiful with my own hands. There's something so satisfying about seeing a project come together, piece by piece, knowing that it's a reflection of my creativity.
\nDrawing is another passion of mine. Although I wouldn't call myself a professional artist by any means, I still find immense joy in it. There’s a special kind of freedom in putting pencil to paper and allowing my thoughts and emotions to take form. Even if my drawings aren’t perfect, I love the process. It’s not about being the best; it’s about the happiness it brings me. Sometimes, I find myself lost in the act of sketching, and it becomes a form of meditation on its own.
\nSpeaking of meditation, it's a huge part of my daily routine. I absolutely adore taking time to meditate, especially before a busy or challenging day at work. It helps me center myself, clear my mind, and find inner peace before diving into the chaos of the day. I work with children, who are always so full of energy and excitement, and meditation gives me the patience and focus I need to keep up with them. Plus, it sets a positive tone for the day, making me feel calm and ready to tackle any challenges that come my way.
\nAnd when it comes to winding down, nothing beats a good novel, especially one that beautifully captures the essence of love. There’s something magical about getting lost in a story, living through the characters' emotions, and feeling that deep connection with the words on the page. Reading these stories not only fuels my imagination but also reminds me of the beauty of love and all its nuances.
",partner:"I need someone, who will not afraid of caring and tender woman... Who will open my passion. I dream about the depth in the relations with my man... I want to be free next to him!
\nBesides, it would be great to have a person, who is ready to experiment. We should always strive for something new together! Life is one and we must live it to the fullest.
\nAnd the most important, I want my man to be not only my lover but also my best friend! So that we travel together, discuss various topics, ranging from the simplest to the philosophical issues...
\nAre you ready to open your World for something new?
",ocenka:"My dreams and goals revolve around creating a life full of love, adventure, and growth with a special person by my side. One of my biggest desires is to travel the world with my man, discovering new places, cultures, and making memories that will last a lifetime. I want to meet interesting people, learn from their experiences, and broaden my own horizons. There's so much beauty in the world, and I want to explore it hand in hand with someone I truly care about.
\nSelf-improvement is also very important to me, as I believe that life is about constant growth and new challenges. I dream of trying something extreme, like jumping out of an airplane with a parachute! The thrill of that experience is something I’d love to share with someone special—it would be amazing to have someone there to laugh with, feel the adrenaline together, and support each other through every exciting moment.
\nOnce I find that person, the one who truly understands and connects with me, I will be ready to give him my heart completely. Deep down, I am a hopeless romantic. I want to experience love in all its beautiful forms—the passion, the tenderness, and the deep emotional bond that makes every day feel special. I long to feel the magic of love, to live in its vibrant colors, and to share all of life’s ups and downs with someone who truly matters.
\nIt’s incredibly important to me that my man be, above all, my best friend. I want to be able to laugh and joke with him, to share silly moments and have fun together, but also to have deep, meaningful conversations about life, our dreams, and everything that matters to us. A relationship built on friendship and mutual understanding is the most valuable thing to me. With such a man, I would do anything, because I believe love is about supporting and uplifting each other.
\nAnd of course, I dream of having a family. I would love to have two children—first, a boy who will always be my little Prince, and a girl, my sweet little Princess. I imagine creating a loving, warm home where our children grow up surrounded by laughter, love, and the joy of life. I picture us sharing wonderful moments as a family, and I can’t wait for the day when that dream becomes a reality.
",family:"To be honest, I don’t really like talking about my family, but if you are still interested, just ask me :) The only thing I can say is that my grandmother raised me. She gave me all her love and care! My elder sister also took part in my upbringing and I am extremely grateful to them for it!
\nBecause of the fact that I was deprived by maternal warmth, I know what it is to love strongly like anyone else...
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"Yes",aboutherself:"I am a loyal and caring person. I believe in giving to the community and helping others. That's how I would describe myself. However, my family and friends would describe me as spunky, energetic, outgoing and very, very sweet. I am not too sure about the spunky part… But they are family and friends, so they know better, right?I can be shy at first, but once you get to know me, you'll see I'm just a nice person with a laid back attitude who enjoys the little things in life. I have a passion for books, and I love movies - genres aren't important. If it sounds to you like we have enough interests in common, drop me a line and perhaps we can get together one day.
",aboutday:"Every morning, I like to start my day with a short set of exercises. It helps me wake up and get energized for whatever the day has in store. After that, I take a refreshing shower and prepare breakfast, which is usually something simple but satisfying. Once I’m ready, I head off to my favorite place—my job. I work with children, and each day there feels like an adventure! For 8 hours, I get to play, laugh, and do various crafts with them. It’s not just a job for me; it’s pure joy. Deep down, I’m a child at heart, and being around kids allows me to express that side of myself. The time spent with them brings me so much happiness and fills my day with fun and laughter.
\nWhen I return home in the evening, it's time to prepare dinner. I always put on some music while cooking because, in my experience, food prepared to a good tune always turns out better! Music sets the mood, and it makes the whole process of cooking more enjoyable. Once dinner is ready, I usually eat while watching a light-hearted comedy—it’s my way of unwinding after a busy day. Sometimes, I pick up a book and read a few chapters before bed, losing myself in the stories and relaxing even more.
\nAs bedtime approaches, I like to meditate or listen to calming music. With my eyes closed, I feel a sense of peace wash over me. I reflect on the day and find myself already looking forward to tomorrow. The thought of seeing my sweet little ones again fills me with excitement, and I fall asleep with a smile, eagerly awaiting another day of joy and laughter with the children who bring so much light into my life.
",aboutime:"I like cleaning my home and cooking. I am never too tired to do this. To be honest, I enjoy doing house chores with music. Sometimes I find myself dancing. That all is a relaxation. Besides the laundry, thanks God, people invented the washing machine :)",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Friendship,Relationship,Dating,Traveling",child_m:0,child_f:0,notes:"The lady is confident, kind, and serious in her intentions. She is very friendly and can easily make you smile. With the right man, she will bloom more than ever. This is the case when a flower needs gentle care in order to smell. The depth of her gaze is amazing and a gentle smile will not make you indifferent :)
",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Capricorn",children:"No children",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[],profile:"/women/olga-lviv-8487/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"},{language:"English",title:"Pre-Intermediate"},{language:"Polish",title:"Advanced"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:"",video:{preview:"",url:""}},birthdayLabel:null},8908:{gid:8908,name:"Angel",bd:"1992-03-07",age:32,branch:"Kremenchug",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2024-03-22T16:10:11.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Divorced",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Other",works:"Copywriter",height:"5,6",height2:168,weight:132,weightkg:60,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"black",eyes:"brown",smoke:"No",drink:"Socially",english:"0",freetime:"I can't say that I have lots of free time. I am sure, single parents will understand me very well. I always try to dedicate more time to my daughter. I do not want her to have a lack of love. We are the closest people and of course, we like to be together) My daughter is a very curious person and that is why we always try something new together) Life is great when your child is happy.
",partner:"I'm looking for an adequate man without bad habits) I want my man to be reliable and caring, of course) I am a positive lady and that is why a good sense of humour is very important for me as well! A smile can open each door:) I need to find a man who is ready for a life with the child. My daughter is a part of me. So my man should be ready for our family already)
",ocenka:"It is very easy for me to say what my future goals are because I am a very goal-oriented and motivated person. I want to find the right man. I want to have a full family and to be a happy mother, wife, and woman) I know it is possible! That is why I am here. Also, I want to give the best upbringing to my daughter. I do my best now) I want to show her it is possible to have a happy family. Where you can feel loved no matter what.
",family:"I have a very big family) We like to gather together) Sometimes it is not that possible but we cherish every moment together) I have brothers and sisters) And we are truly close to each other. They know about my search here and they are glad I decided to make such a step because they want me to be happy) So as you can see, my family is very supportive! And I think it will help me in my search:) I am ready for a happy future!",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"I am a very sincere, open, and direct person. I like to travel and I adore seeing and visiting new places. I am ready to give the whole world to my partner) ",aboutday:"I work a lot in my life. But I am going to calm down now because I want to dedicate more time to my search for my life partner. My days are always full of good moments because I am a positive person and I see the glass of water always half full)
",aboutime:"I am a real woman! So I can do everything about the house) The main thing for me is to be sure that my place is cozy! I like to decorate my apartment! It is always nice to have different lights and many fresh flowers) You will always feel wonderful at home) ",seeking:"Marriage",child_m:0,child_f:1,notes:"We are very happy that such a serious and motivated lady decided to join our agency! Her intentions are serious and she has a dream to be happy! We are sure that all her dreams will come true! We will be glad to help her to achieve her goal - to find the right man for her. ",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Pisces",children:"I have children / 1 girl",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[{age:5,date:"11 February"}],profile:"/women/angel-kremenchug-8908/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"},{language:"Russian",title:"Fluent"},{language:"English",title:"Pre-Intermediate"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:""},birthdayLabel:null},9115:{gid:9115,name:"Mila",bd:"2003-04-19",age:21,branch:"Poltava",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2021-05-18T14:55:29.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Single",religion:"Christian",degree:"Student",occupation:"Arts",works:"Artist",height:"5,4",height2:163,weight:112,weightkg:51,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"brown",eyes:"blue",smoke:"No",drink:"Socially",english:"0",freetime:"I love arts a lot. It brings me energy, positive emotions and helps me to relax. It helps me to express emotions and to understand myself better. I love cooking and serving dishes. I like when everything looks beautiful. I like to make home cozy and to make people happy around me. I love to spend time with my family. We love activities, sports, and BBQ time with board games. I need a man who would like to join us!
",partner:"I am looking for a man who is responsible for his words. I want him to be the way he is. It would be nice to be able to have a fancy dinner in the restaurant as much as to have some pizza in a bed looking TV serials and chatting about everything. I want him to be himself and I would never change him. I want him to believe in God but at the same time to believe that many things depends on us and we have to do our best to Run our lives!
",ocenka:'I want to become a designer, so I am ready to develop my art skills. I will work on my personal skills to be a good wife and mother (to our, or my husband\'s kids). My life goal is happiness! I know that it depends on many factors and as many people as many definitions of "happiness". Nevertheless, for me, happiness is harmony between your inner and outer worlds! Tell me about your vision?
',family:"I have a big and happy family. My parents are happily married for 25 years. They are a good role model for me. I have an elder sister and she is engaged. We have a cat and a lot of positive energy! My family and I always go to the river, seaside with tents, to the forest or just have a BBQ outdoors playing games and having fun. We always support each other but never give advice until we are asked. That is a rule of our family. We all are good listeners.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"I am a positive and smiling person. I love arts and find a family to be the biggest happiness in our life. I see that my parents are very happy and that my sister is happy with her beloved man. I want our family to become bigger and my heart to be full of love. I am a giving and an honest woman.
",aboutday:"I wake up at 8 am and start my day with a smile and checking beautiful pics for inspiration. I love to be in a good mood and I know that I am the one who makes a good mood for myself. I make coffee and watch interesting videos on YouTube about taking photos to get some new information. I learn to play guitar and practice cooking dishes from different nationalities! I love practicing YOGA and walking in the park listening to music.
",aboutime:"I love cooking and keeping my home cozy and clean. I feed my cat and take care of him. I love to wash dishes but I do not like to clean the floor. I love cooking and want to learn new recipes from different nationalities! I love cooking meat and baking sweets. Hope my future man will be a good eater)",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Relationship,Dating,Traveling",child_m:0,child_f:0,notes:"Mila is a nice woman, she is kind, a bit shy and very responsible. We were impressed with her attitude to everything she is doing. She is funny, active and positive.
",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Aries",children:"No children",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[],profile:"/women/mila-poltava-9115/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"},{language:"Russian",title:"Fluent"},{language:"English",title:"Basic"},{language:"German",title:"Beginner"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:""},birthdayLabel:null},9136:{gid:9136,name:"Tanechka",bd:"1984-09-14",age:40,branch:"Chornomorsk",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2021-07-14T14:48:00.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Divorced",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Real Estate",works:"real estate agent",height:"5,7",height2:171,weight:121,weightkg:55,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"brown",eyes:"blue",smoke:"No",drink:"Socially",english:"0",freetime:"I think that my leisure time is the best time for relaxing and doing what I like. I enjoy doing many things in life. I like meeting my friends and visiting different places like cinema, theatre, cafes. I love being on the beach and spend my time there. I also love traveling and I was able to see some countries in my life and I hope I will have the opportunities to visit some more countries.
\r\nI like to learn different cultures and cuisines and find this way is very interesting. I hope I will be traveling with my future man because it would be more interesting when you have someone special to travel together.
",partner:"I want my man to be caring, intelligent, loving, kind, positive and romantic. I want him to be also responsible for his family and his woman. I want us to support each other in any life situation and make big decisions together. I know that this is a vital important to spend a quality time together so I want to spend as much time with my man as possible. I can imagine us growing old together still madly in love and be always there for each other. I do believe that If you want for your partner to do things you like, then you must also be able to do the same for him.
",ocenka:"I am used to be a goal oriented person and I have a long list of goals I would like to achieve. My first goal is to meet a man who I want to share this life and work on our life goals together. Do you have that goal too? Maybe we are able to achieve it together?:)
\r\nI think when the time comes you start to realize that you have someone special next to you who will love you and care for you. I want that special person beside me. I want to have a beautiful and loving family and enjoy the life with my partner. I hope that I will be successful to find my man here.
",family:"I was born in Odessa and have lived for all my life here. I was born in a nice and loving family. I am the one child in my family but I have my cousins. My parents are musicians, they are very kind, educated and intelligent people. They are together for all their life and still love each other and keep their feelings. They taught me some good manners and they are the precious people for me who are always there for me to support with any my decision. I believe that my family is a good example for me to have my family in the future.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"I am active and very positive woman. I consider myself thoughtful, genuine, and with a good sense of humor. I do believe that smiling and positive helps us to cope with stress and different life issues. I am also romantic, sensitive and affectionate lady. I do believe that romance and passion keep us and our relationships alive.
\r\nI came here with serious intentions and I know what I want in life. I don't like drama or lies, as I'm an honest and sincere person.
",aboutday:"I work as a real estate agent and my typical day can be very diverse as it mostly depends on the meetings I have for this day. I love to start my day with a cup of aroma coffee and good mood. In the morning I do my exercises, take a shower, have a light breakfast and prepare myself for my day. I work with people and I have to deal with different kinds of people but I love my job. It brings me joy and I enjoy communicating with people. In the evening I like to meet my friends if I have some free time or just stay at home and rest.
",aboutime:"I like to do everything about my home. I also like to cleaning and keeping my home clean and fragrant. My passion is cooking and I enjoy trying new dishes and find recipes that I cook for my family and friends. They say that I am a good cook and I hope that this is something that you can find out when you try my dishes. Is there anything that you don't like to do about the house? I hope that my man will help me with the house chores and we spend more time with each other.",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Relationship,Dating",child_m:0,child_f:0,notes:"Tanechka is a nice and kind person with a good personality. She is always smiling and positive and she is also very serious about her goals and future family. Take this chance to start communication with her and meet her in person. She is waiting for your first step. :)
",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Virgo",children:"No children",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[],profile:"/women/tanechka-chornomorsk-9136/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"},{language:"Russian",title:"Fluent"},{language:"English",title:"Intermediate"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:""},birthdayLabel:null},9151:{gid:9151,name:"Nadya",bd:"1992-10-23",age:32,branch:"Dnipro",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2021-06-07T15:04:53.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Single",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Administrative",works:"Manager ",height:"5,10",height2:178,weight:147,weightkg:67,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"black",eyes:"brown",smoke:"No",drink:"Socially",english:"0",freetime:"My leisure time can't be without fitness. I like painting by numbers, visiting the cinema, and meeting my friends. One can find me walking in the park and breathing fresh air. I like discos and different parties, but I am not a party girl. Sometimes I go to a bar or restaurant with my friends.
",partner:"I want so much to meet a person who looks forward to waking up and sharing his mornings with me. I imagine quite well that one who is family-oriented and who definitely feels at home. I need to see real love in his eyes and to see this in his actions towards me. Actions always speak louder and I wait for such a man to appear on my way.
",ocenka:"My aim is to create a family and to have a lot of travels together. But firstly I'm searching for my real person who is ready to take me by the hand and to go through all the life obstacles together. I need a flexible person to cope with different situations with a smile.
",family:"I'm the only child who was born in real love. My parents did their best to bring me up as a good person who knows what is good in life and what are the main important things in life. I will always be very thankful for everything they did for me. I'm sure they will support me in any situation. They know about my decision to be here and they keep their fingers crossed for me. Their only wish is to see me happy next to my only one. They will accept a person who makes their daughter really happy.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"I'm very fond of everything I do in this life because I do it with love and devotion. I work in the kids' model studio. I organize different celebrations and events. I really feel this is my place to be. I appreciate people who bring good vibes in the communication with me. Life is too short to waste it for quarrels and angry people. Do you agree with me?
",aboutday:"I usually wake up at 8 a.m. I never miss my breakfast. I cook by myself and follow healthy recipes. Then it is time for work in the office. When all the working tasks are done I go to the gym to take care of my good shape. In the evening I am mostly with my friends but I never come back home late. Good sleep is important for me.
",aboutime:"My main home passion is cooking. I want to avoid such a situation in the future when my dear man is hungry and angry) I will cope with that) Also, I keep my home in good order and I do cleaning work quite often.",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Friendship,Relationship,Dating,Traveling",child_m:0,child_f:0,notes:"This is a straightforward, sweet, well-educated, creative, and very beautiful young woman. She is here to find her best admirer for her whole life together. She can love and accept love in the appropriate way. She wants to be the happiest woman in the whole world next to her only one.
",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Libra",children:"No children",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[],profile:"/women/nadya-dnipro-9151/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"German",title:"Beginner"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:""},birthdayLabel:null},9195:{gid:9195,name:"Helen",bd:"1971-05-06",age:53,branch:"Kharkov",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2021-07-23T15:25:13.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Divorced",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Transportation",works:"logistics specialist ",height:"5,6",height2:168,weight:141,weightkg:64,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"blonde",eyes:"green",smoke:"No",drink:"Socially",english:"0",freetime:"I would say that everything connected with nature and fresh air is my passion. I adore spending time outdoors. Just propose to me to go mushroom-hunting or go fishing and you will see the most positive reaction on my face! I have never been abroad but for sure traveling is a great way to reload my mind and charge myself with new emotions. So, if you need a companion to explore this world, you can rely on me.))
",partner:"I would say that I am looking for an honest and kind man. The one who has a desire to care and love. I will be the happiest lady in the world if an easygoing, loyal, and mature man will open his heart to me. I am sure that with such a person we will create a strong relationship based on mutual understanding and love. Also, it is important to have common views on life and respect each other feelings and thoughts.
",ocenka:"My main aim is to enjoy my life and bring something positive into this world. I have almost everything for such living, but there is no beloved man to share such living with. This fact makes me register here. I want to find a man to live in a harmony without lies and betrayal. Wake up in the morning with a desire to make my beloved man's day better, this is what I dream about.
",family:"I was raised in a loving and united family. For now my family consists of 3 adult persons: me, my mother and my son. As you see, there are not a lot of relatives at all. We love each other, respect personal boundaries, give needed support and care.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"I am a positive thinking lady who loves this incredible life!
",aboutday:"I think almost every person has a list of ordinary chores, and I am not an exception. A morning run, shower, breakfast, and preparing for a working day. My days off are more fascinating. Going to the cinema, walks in parks, reading. When I have an opportunity, I visit my mom and help her with our garden.
",aboutime:"You know, I am even not sure what to say.))) As any lady I like a cozy atmosphere, that's why I try to keep my home clean. My desire to enjoy the place I live in makes me do all my domestic abilities.\nAlso, I adore cooking, so a hungry death is not on a list of dangers for us.)",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Friendship,Relationship,Dating,Traveling",child_m:1,child_f:0,notes:"Helen is a smart, fulfilled lady with a kind heart and a charming smile.
",wantToHaveChildren:"0",zodiac:"Taurus",children:"I have children / 1 boy ",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[{age:24,date:"13 June"}],profile:"/women/helen-kharkov-9195/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"English",title:"Beginner"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:""},birthdayLabel:null},9570:{gid:9570,name:"Nataly",bd:"1991-06-13",age:33,branch:"Kharkov",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2022-06-01T11:03:10.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Single",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Management",works:"HR manager",height:"5,4",height2:163,weight:106,weightkg:48,konstit:"petite",haircolor:"black",eyes:"brown",smoke:"No",drink:"Socially",english:"0",freetime:"Going out with friends, travelling to different countries and meeting new people. Singing, writing poems if I have inspiration for that. Also, I love my work very much and it takes up most part of my time.
",partner:"I dream about a man with a good sense of humour, simple attitude to life. Someone smart and able to take care of himself and his family.
",ocenka:"I dream to get pleasure from each day together with my beloved person.
",family:"I have both parents, two beloved grandpas, an uncle and aunt. We are all very tight-knit, even though we live separately. I grew up in a family where everyone supported each other in the best way. I spent summers in the countryside with my granny and very often we went to the sea on vacation. I value strong support and care. This is what I would like to have in my family.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"I am a cheerful person who loves people and who appreciates every moment of this life!
",aboutday:"As soon as I wake up I start my workday. I have a lot of online meetings and calls during the day. In the evening I meet my friends. Before the war, we used to go to karaoke pretty often. Sport is something that keeps me fit and cleans up my mind. I like reading something nice before going to sleep.
",aboutime:"I like cleaning up the house - a good way to get rid of stress :) And when I'm in a good mood I like baking. Though no matter what mood I am, my home is always tidy.",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Relationship,Dating",child_m:0,child_f:0,notes:"Nataly is a very open person.
",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Gemini",children:"No children",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[],profile:"/women/nataly-kharkov-9570/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"},{language:"German",title:"Beginner"},{language:"English",title:"Pre-Intermediate"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:"",video:{preview:"",url:""}},birthdayLabel:null},9770:{gid:9770,name:"Natali",bd:"1983-01-30",age:41,branch:"Dnipro",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2022-10-19T16:11:34.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Divorced",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Government",works:"Leading Specialist",height:"5,1",height2:155,weight:106,weightkg:48,konstit:"petite",haircolor:"light-brown",eyes:"green",smoke:"No",drink:"Never",english:"0",freetime:"I really love spending time with my loved ones. I like going to the cinema, walking in the park or having a barbecue outdoors. I prefer to see my girlfriends in a coffee shop or to go bowling.
",partner:"This is a man that I would immediately have an attraction to. I have a pretty good intuition. I dream of meeting a man of courage, with a kind heart and a sincere smile. Not arrogant or mean. And most importantly, a man who also believes in love.
",ocenka:"My main goal is to find true love, the number one man in my life. Of course, I dream of my cosy, sweet home, where I want to return after a long day. I would like to develop myself in a small business.
",family:"I have quite a big and friendly family. I grew up with my parents, my grandparents, and my sister. Everyone is in their place and respects each other. I am happy that I was raised in such a family. I am very close to my sister. We always share different secrets with each other. My daughter is a smart and versatile girl. There is also a dog Rex, who lives with my parents.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"I think there are no perfect people. But I am sincere and real. I am quite straightforward, and outspoken. I am neat, romantic, and with a sense of humor.
",aboutday:"My typical day usually consists of work and raising my daughter, so I'm an early bird. Even so, I try to make time for myself and manage to do a lot of things besides the routine. I like to fill the day with bright moments.
",aboutime:"I can do all the chores around the house. ",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Penpal,Relationship,Dating",child_m:0,child_f:1,notes:"This lady is a very romantic person, but who knows exactly what type of relationship she truly wants. She is a very whole person who loves her family and friends very much.
",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Aquarius",children:"I have children / 1 girl",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[{age:8,date:"26 April"}],profile:"/women/natali-dnipro-9770/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Russian",title:"Fluent"},{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"},{language:"English",title:"Intermediate"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:""},birthdayLabel:null}},notFoundList:[9195,9770,9136,4203,3618,3888,3954,8908,3696,3851,4270,8312,5472,9570,9151,6950,6571,8487,3534,7109,3091,4354,3866,6653,5265,4048,9115,6410,4635,3382],randomLadiesList:[9195,9770,9136,4203,3618,3888,3954,8908,3696,3851,4270,8312,5472,9570,9151,6950,6571,8487,3534,7109,3091,4354,3866,6653,5265,4048,9115,6410,4635,3382],files:{},winks:null,filterProps:null,ladiesForMenu:null},stories:{isLoading:!0,data:{ladiesListFresh:[],ladiesListCommon:[],ladiesListTemporary:[]},activeLadyView:{storyId:null,ladyId:null,from:null},storiesLikedIds:[],storiesViewedIds:[],ladiesStoriesViewedIds:[]},branches:{branchesLadies:{kiev:[],dnipro:[],cherkasy:[],"ivano-frankovsk":[],kremenchug:[],kharkov:[],lutsk:[],nikolayev:[],odessa:[],poltava:[],rovno:[],sumy:[],lviv:[],zaporozhye:[],chornomorsk:[],kherson:[]}},marketing:{list:{}},support:{listFaq:null,webcamsInfo:null,siteIdeas:null,siteIdeasCompleted:null,siteIdeasDeveloping:null,supportReviews:null,activeTickets:null,archivedTickets:null,oneTickets:{}},mailsBox:{foldersData:null},mediaBox:{counts:null},chat:{ladyInfo:{loading:!0,freeStatuses:null,data:null,filesDopData:{photo:{},video:{},audio:{}}},userInfo:{time:{free:0,normal:0,offer:0,pfree:0,total:0},timeToOfferAdd:null},roomInfo:{id:null,type:null,toConnectId:null},chatInfo:{theme:0,fontSize:0,sound:1,isActiveKeyboard:!1,isActiveSmiles:!1,chatPhoto:null,view:"preChat",writingMessage:!1,showOfferAdd:!1,activeTab:"top-up",maxWindowHeight:800,recordVideoStream:!1,settings:null,webCam:{ready:!1,stream:null,data:{device:"no-cam",resolution:"hd"}},noPreChat:null,peers:{},mediasoupConnectionError:!1,canShowGiftButton:!1},topUpCredits:[],messages:[],emojis:null,totalTimeToCanStartVideo:420},flow:{isLoading:!0,isFormProgress:!1,isError:!1,uid:0,session:{logid:0,loginKey:""},email:"",needEmail:!1,gotoPage:"/profile/",ladyInfo:{id:0,name:"name",descriptions:{myself:{title:"How would i describe myself",content:"About myself"},goals:{title:"My future goals",content:"About My future goals"}},photos:[{id:0,url:"",urlPreview:"",type:"vertical",imageSize:"750x1000"}]}},counters:{}}