First Date

  • The worst first date questions

    26 Apr 2023

    Most awkward first date questions

    First date could be a start of long lasted relationships with a beautiful lady or a handsome man. It’s always not easy to find a right way to your partner’s heart, and you could lose your chance if you ask a stupid question. Our agency UaDreams.Ua provided a lot of interviews with our clients and collected for you top-5 of inappropriate types of questions that they were asked on first date. It’s a significant issue that your first date could help you on making good expression on your dating partner, so, don’t be rude and foolish. Read in our next article and try to remember worst questions you should never ask on a first date.

  • Top signs of a bad first date

    23 Apr 2023

    If you want to start long lasted relationships you need to ask a lot of women for a date with a purpose to find your beloved one. Ukrainian women are very sellective in the process of dating, and it’s crucially important for men to do proper steps and behave naturally and don’t make stupid things.

    If you make a mistake on your first date, a woman never say “yes” to you on your question: “Could we meet again?”.

    So, let’s start to analyze most common men’s mistakes on a first dates and how to avoid it in the next article.

  • What should you never say on a first date?

    20 Apr 2023

    You have already invited the lady to the first date, you are corresponding to the nice woman and imagine your first date or maybe you are single and just curious about this topic. No matter why you are interested in what to do or not on the first date. We’d like to share helpful tips for men. These pieces of advice will be very useful when you are having the first encounter with the woman you like. Let’s discuss what to do on the first date and things not to do on the first date, they will encourage you, you will be confident and successful. Don’t jump in at the deep end, we are here to support you and to help you.

  • Best Dating Tips For Men

    30 Mar 2023

    Would you like to know how to date a Ukrainian lady successfully? If you are looking to connect your life to the best wife ever, you won't refuse getting some really good advices at every stage of pursuing your relationships especially if you decide to take a chance with online dating. You will learn some useful tips to get in the lady's good graces and received her full attention while avoiding awkwardness, discomfort and other widely known mistakes in getting close to another person. is eager to share some really good advices on dating drawn up by professional matchmaking experts.

  • Avoiding online dating mistakes

    30 Mar 2023

    Only very naive people think that they may have some advantages when using Internet to get acquainted with the opposite gender. Online relationships have their own number of pitfalls and many people make different mistakes because of misunderstandings when trying to walk in someone's shoes instead of seeing a variety of views different people may have on one and the same situation. No, it is impossible to give any general advices that would help you to avoid mistakes in online dating, because each relationship and people involved are always unique. Nevertheless it will do no harm to learn a few handy secrets to reveal some 'great mysteries' in male's and female's ways of thinking.