
39 years old from Lviv

  • Birth Date

    30 June

  • Height

    165 cm5' 4''

  • Weight

    70 kg154 lbs

  • Eyes


  • Hair


  • Build


  • Zodiac


  • Glasses


  • She is


  • Smoke


  • Drink


  • Religion


  • University degree


  • Field of activity


  • Occupation

    Podologist and manicurist in his beauty salon.

  • Marital status

    Divorced and I have children / 1 boy / 2 girl

  • Children age

    15 y.o.2 January5 y.o.6 August3 y.o.12 December

  • Want to have children?

    will decide with my husband

  • My Languages

    Russian FluentUkrainian FluentEnglish Pre-Intermediate

  • I’m looking for

    Marriage, Romance, Friendship, Penpal, Relationship, Dating, Traveling

Zarina 5469
Zarina Lviv 39 y.o. - intelligent lady - small public photo.
Zarina Lviv 39 y.o. - intelligent lady - small public photo.

My future goals are

My goals for the future are very ambitious, and I strive to achieve them with full dedication and faith in my abilities. One of the main goals is the development of my salon business. It is important for me not only to maintain what I have already created but also to take my business to a new level. I dream of my salon becoming a famous place where clients not only receive services but also feel comfortable, surrounded by care and professionalism. Another important goal is to change my place of residence. I dream of buying a large, cosy house where there will be enough space for everything that is dear to me. A house that will become a real island of comfort and warmth. I also see learning English as one of the key tasks. Being fluent in English will not only expand my business and personal opportunities but also feel more confident in the international environment. And, of course, one of the most important goals in my life is to find true love. For me, love is not just a relationship, but a deep spiritual connection, mutual respect and support.

Zarina Lviv 39 y.o. - intelligent lady - small public photo.
Zarina Lviv 39 y.o. - intelligent lady - small public photo.

The type of man that I desire

I have always liked men who radiate inner strength and confidence. Dark-haired, with a strong character - this image certainly attracts my attention. But at the same time, I have always believed that appearance is far from the most important thing in a relationship. It is important, of course, when a person takes care of himself and looks nice, but the real depth of the connection between people is built on other things. For me, common interests, and the ability to maintain a conversation and find joy in the same things are much more important. When a couple has similar views on life, common interests and hobbies - this makes the relationship much more interesting and strong. I believe that mutual understanding and spiritual connection are the aspects that really make a relationship successful and happy.An important quality for me is also self-confidence. When a man knows what he wants, knows how to make decisions and is ready to take responsibility for himself and his other half, this causes admiration. But at the same time, kindness and respect are the basis of any relationship. I'm looking for someone with whom I can feel not only protected, but also on the same wavelength, with whom it will be easy and interesting to spend time.

Zarina Lviv 39 y.o. - intelligent lady - small public photo.
Zarina Lviv 39 y.o. - intelligent lady - small public photo.

What I do in my leisure time?

Trips to nature are always a special kind of recreation for me. I love spending time outdoors, enjoying the beauty of the landscapes, hiking or just having picnics with friends. Such moments help to reboot and gain strength, especially when the nature around is so calm and peaceful.Lately, I have become interested in online courses. This is a great opportunity to develop and learn something new without leaving home. I find many interesting topics for myself, be it languages, psychology or even cooking. Learning online allows me not only to improve my skills but also to keep my mind in good shape. If I stay at home, I enjoy doing household chores. I like it when the house is cosy and clean, and I find joy in caring for the space around me. I also love to cook. In the kitchen, I can experiment with recipes, and please myself and my loved ones with something delicious. For me, this is not just a routine, but one of the ways to show care and creativity. In addition, close communication with friends has always been important to me. We often call or meet, share our thoughts, and support each other. Life without friendship would be much more boring, and such warm moments help maintain balance and harmony.

Zarina Lviv 39 y.o. - intelligent lady - small public photo.
Zarina Lviv 39 y.o. - intelligent lady - small public photo.

My typical day

My daily routine starts quite early because in the morning I always have to take care of taking the children to their schools. The morning usually passes at a fast pace: breakfast, getting ready and organizing everything to be on time. After I have taken every one to their places, I allow myself to relax a little and enjoy a cup of coffee in my favourite coffee shop. This moment of the morning is my personal little pleasure. It is an important tradition for me to start the day with a minute of calm and delicious coffee. After that, I go to work. My working day usually lasts until 17:00. I do my job with great love. But as soon as the working day comes to an end, I switch back to family concerns: I go to pick up the children, pick them up and we go home. Sometimes after I pick them up from the kindergarten, we need to stop at the salon, where I continue to work with the children nearby. My children are always with me, and although this adds to my worries, I cope and try to organize everything so that they feel comfortable. Almost every day is filled with work, so I allow myself rest or weekends only if I need to solve important matters or urgent tasks arise. I am used to this rhythm and try to use my time as productively as possible, balancing between work and family responsibilities. Despite my workload, I try to find balance and time for myself, for my children and for work.

Zarina Lviv 39 y.o. - intelligent lady - small public photo.
Zarina Lviv 39 y.o. - intelligent lady - small public photo.

Our personal opinion of this Lady

The girl radiates confidence and optimism, which makes her communication with others easy and natural. Her sociability and positive attitude allow her to quickly find a common language with people, which makes her attractive in the eyes of others. She is a person who supports others, and knows how to listen and energize.

Her passion for new things and the desire to constantly learn speak of curiosity and openness to the world. She is not afraid to try something new and is ready for challenges, which makes her a dynamic and interesting person.

Overall, we can say that she is a goal-oriented and cheerful person. Her approach to life, focused on self-development and openness to new opportunities, makes her an inspiring person for others.

Zarina Lviv 39 y.o. - intelligent lady - small public photo.

About my family

My family is the most valuable thing in my life. I live alone with three wonderful children, and every day they fill my life with meaning and joy. My eldest daughter is already growing up and taking her first steps into adulthood - she is studying at a college in Kyiv. I am very proud of her successes and the way she responsibly approaches her studies. Every time we communicate, I see how she becomes more and more independent and purposeful, and this cannot but please me as a mother.The younger children still go to kindergarten, and with them life is full of energy, laughter and small joys. They are constantly learning something, learning new things, and every day with them is filled with amazing discoveries. We often spend time together - we play, study, discuss their small successes, and I try to ensure that they always have the support and warmth of a family hearth.We live in a private house, and this brings a certain comfort and peace. Even though I am a single parent, I try to create an atmosphere of love and support for them. It is important to me that they grow up surrounded by warmth, confidence and understanding. Being a mother is a great responsibility, but also a great happiness, and I do everything possible to make my children happy and know that they can always rely on me.

Zarina Lviv 39 y.o. - intelligent lady - small public photo.

How would I describe myself

I am the kind of girl who always moves forward with optimism and eagerness to learn new things. My communication skills help me to easily find a good conversation with different people, which opens up endless possibilities for new acquaintances and different dimensions. I value the wide and deep hundreds, so I can listen to and encourage those who entrust. My positive approach to life helps me overcome difficulties and maintain internal harmony. I always strive to find the best in any situation, so my energy often charges others. It’s up to me to gradually read and discover something new for myself. I believe that knowledge is power, and from now on I will strive to expand my horizons. Regardless of whether it’s a new online course, a book, or a new hobby, I’m always ready to try something new, even if it means making life more greedy. Stay open until everything new is one of my main figs.