
20 years old from Dnipro

  • Birth Date

    12 June

  • Height

    183 cm6' 0''

  • Weight

    68 kg150 lbs

  • Eyes


  • Hair


  • Build


  • Zodiac


  • Glasses


  • She is


  • Smoking


  • Drinking


  • Religion


  • University degree


  • Field of activity


  • Occupation

    Sales manager

  • Marital status

    Single and No children

  • Want to have children?

    have not decided yet

  • My Languages

    English Basic

  • I’m looking for

    Romance, Friendship, Relationship, Dating

Vladyslava 5468

About my family

Until I was 10 years old, I grew up in a family where I was the only child. And then my parents gave me a little brother, whom I adore from the very first days of his life. I have a very good family, where mutual respect and mutual support reign. But the closest person in spirit is my godmother.

The type of man that I desire

For me, external indicators are not a sign that a person will be committed to a relationship. If you noticed, I am a girl, who is tall and I think that's my asset. If the man is shorter than me, then this is not a minus, but a big plus.

My typical day

I work in retail so all days are planned. In the afternoon, there are various meetings with suppliers and analysis of the sales market. All this may be boring to a person who works in another field, so I will not tell you much about it. I will say that my morning starts with a run. During the day I work, and in the evening it is time for pleasure. What is a pleasure for you? Maybe the same as for me - caramel ice cream with nuts?

What I do in my leisure time?

In my free time, I like to meet with friends. Our company is different in age, but everyone is united by the spirit of adventure. And I would like the man who will be next to me to also be adventurous and ready for adventures. I love to travel, but so far the geography of my trips is limited to Ukraine.

My future goals are

I already wrote about my adventurous soul and that I like to travel. One of my goals is to travel around the world. Of course, travelling can bring incredible emotions only when you have someone to share these emotions with. Do you think we could make an unforgettable trip together?

How would I describe myself

My friends would say about me that I am a flame, you just need to know how to fan it.

Our personal opinion of this Lady

The girl is very smart and has a good sense of humour. She is very interesting and will support any conversation.