
27 years old from Lviv

  • Birth Date

    11 June

  • Height

    173 cm5' 8''

  • Weight

    53 kg117 lbs

  • Eyes


  • Hair


  • Build

    slim (slender)

  • Zodiac


  • Glasses


  • She is


  • Smoking


  • Drinking


  • Religion


  • University degree


  • Field of activity


  • Occupation


  • Marital status

    Single and No children

  • Want to have children?

    will decide with my husband

  • My Languages

    Ukrainian NativeRussian FluentEnglish BeginnerPolish Basic

  • I’m looking for

    Marriage, Romance, Fun, Relationship, Dating, Traveling

Tetiana 8573

My future goals are

We live in extraordinary times, we adapt to a new reality and it becomes obvious that life in quarantine has led us to understand the importance of certain thing. As for me, I understood that I need another pair of slippers at the door, two cups in my shelf, scattered socks around the apartment and someone snoring at night. Hahaha okay without snoring.. In a word I am ready to be a part of the most important project in my life which is called - relationship.

My typical day

I just graduated from the University. Right now I work as a targetologist- specialist who is engaged in advertising on social networks. My office and working place is my laptop. So I can work from any points on the map. That's why I don't have a typical day. Every day is unique. Sure I have some traditions, one of them is - I never leave home without a smile and good mood.

What I do in my leisure time?

I would like the day to be 36 hours instead of 24, then I could do all what I like. Since this is unrealistic, I try to divide my free time as much as possible. I love singing. I used to sing in a choir, so now I take part in charity concerts and competitions. I also work as a model in my free time. One day you can see me wearing heels, make up, beautiful dress and walking on the podium, next day I am in sneakers with a backpack on my shoulders climbing to the top of the mountain. I support any activity except war.

About my family

I am the only child in my family. Maybe you will think that I am spoiled with attention, yes I am :) But my parents also taught me how to share, care, sacrifice, compromise, respect the views of others and be near in difficult moments. In one word - to be a part of the pack.

My parents live in the countryside. They have a beautiful house with orchard and I love that place! I go there every weekend. My family is my fortress! Strong father, strict but with kind eyes, and always a cheerful loving mother)

The type of man that I desire

I have only one big requirement for my future man - he should be positive, cheerful and love life as I do. I’m ready to accept him the way he is, and not as others would like to see him.

How would I describe myself

The most what I care in this life is world peace! I know that sounds utopian and no man is an island... but I prefer to see positive things, to just touch those things and make them bloom... People invent problems so often so why don't we invent happiness?

Our personal opinion of this Lady

Sunny girl with a lovely smile. Despite her young age, very serious and wise.