
44 years old from Mykolaiv

  • Birth Date

    15 February

  • Height

    163 cm5' 4''

  • Weight

    56 kg123 lbs

  • Eyes


  • Hair


  • Build

    slim (slender)

  • Zodiac


  • Glasses


  • She is


  • Smoking


  • Drinking


  • Religion


  • University degree


  • Field of activity


  • Occupation

    Head assistant

  • Marital status

    Single and No children

  • Want to have children?

    will decide with my husband

  • My Languages

    English BeginnerRussian FluentUkrainian Native

  • I’m looking for

    Marriage, Relationship, Dating

Tanechka 9021

About my family

My family is not big. It consists of my mother who is the closest person to me, she is my best friend and I love her very much, and my older brother. My mom is a very strong woman; she was able to replace a father for me. We are always honest and open to each other; I really want my future family to be the same. Trust between family members is very important to me.

I adore our tradition of cooking something on Sunday dinner. Everybody cooks something special. Sometimes I bake a cake. I would love to have more traditions in my future family.

My future goals are

I believe I have some amazing goals in my life. The most important goal is to meet my future husband, with whom I will be happy forever after. I really want to have a strong and friendly family. In addition, I desire to fly in a balloon with my beloved man. I dream of getting a marriage proposal in a balloon, it seems to be so romantic!

Also, I always wanted to know English, but had no possibility to learn it. Moreover, I have one more goal: to learn how to play billiards.

The type of man that I desire

I am a wise woman and I do not come up with any fantastic characteristics for my future husband. For me, the most important traits of character in men are seriousness, strong character, and self-confidence. It is very important to know that my man respects me and cares about me as well.

I have already written that one of my favorite books is "Five Languages of Love" by Gary Chapman, so I classify my own love languages too. They are: spending time together, helping, understanding, and supporting each other, and, of course, surprising each other with gifts. In addition, I dream my future husband would love traveling as much as I do.

There are two things I will never forgive: betrayal and assault.

How would I describe myself

I am quite an active girl. I do not like wasting time watching TV, I think that the best rest is spending time with friends and traveling around the world.

At work, I am a very responsible employee, it is important for me to do my job well.

In life, I am a kind, cheerful, caring, devoted, and loyal girl, but I also appreciate when people treat me the same way.

If difficult moments arise in the life of my beloved man, I will always be by his side. I will support my beloved man. I dream of overcoming all happy and sad moments together with my husband.

My typical day

Every day I start with positive mood and smile on my face. It would be a great pleasure to start it also with hugs and kisses from my beloved man... I hope to have these perfect days in the upcoming future!

I adore cooking breakfasts for myself. I often cook for myself and for my family. It brings me pleasure.

I like to spend time at work as I adore working with people. Conversations with clever and wise people always inspire me.

I usually do some house work or cooking in the evening and I like to read a book or watch a movie.

Our personal opinion of this Lady

Tatiana is a very sweet and beautiful lady. It is nice to talk to her. She can support almost any topic of conversation. Tanya is very inquisitive; she always says something new and interesting. She has a wonderful style of clothes. Tatiana loves wearing something beautiful and feminine, and for the first date, she prefers to wear heels.

In addition to all her merits, she is also a very wise, optimistic, and intelligent Lady. Tatiana is understanding and always ready to give advice and support others.

What I do in my leisure time?

I like doing sports in my leisure time. I enjoy playing volleyball. Also, I can play backgammon, although this is not an active type of sports, but it is an excellent sports for the brain.

I really like walking around the city, near the river and in parks. I like to get pleasant emotions from new landscapes. Especially, I like to travel around the world.

I also like to read. I read completely different genres of literature, from psychology to classics. One of my favorite books is «The five languages of Love» by Gary Chapman.

I spend time both calmly and energetically, it all depends on my mood. Sometimes I want to plant flowers. Sometimes I want to ride a horse.

I spend my free time differently. In summer, I like to swim in the pool, sea or river, go to barbecue with friends.