
45 years old from Zaporizhia

  • Birth Date

    12 June

  • Height

    170 cm5' 6''

  • Weight

    60 kg132 lbs

  • Eyes


  • Hair


  • Build


  • Zodiac


  • Glasses


  • She is


  • Smoking


  • Drinking


  • Religion


  • University degree


  • Field of activity


  • Occupation

    senior master

  • Marital status

    Divorced and No children

  • Want to have children?

    will decide with my husband

  • My Languages

    Russian NativeUkrainian NativeEnglish Basic

  • I’m looking for

    Romance, Relationship, Dating

Olena 6567

About my family

I have a mother and father and they are very important to me. At the same time, I have relatives who create our family union and you know for me family meetings and family celebrations are very important. I love to cook for my family and I love to cook for dear people and I would like you to become a part of me and my life ) 

Our personal opinion of this Lady

We talked to a lady and she appeared to us as a caring and sincere woman who desires to live and who desires to be happy

My future goals are

I am a woman and I desire to build a loving family based on respect and love and support.

I know that I can be a very good wife and I want to share such qualities with my man. I want to make you happy and I want to feel happy with you too) Are you ready for that? 

How would I describe myself

I am sincere and passionate and interesting and very active ) Yes I am hard working and sometimes I can be busy but at the same time, I know that all my love, all my heart and all my body I want to give to one man.

I think love is when you give all your energy to your partner. I have a lot of this energy and I want you to feel it. Are you ready? 

I want us to unite our hands and hearts ) 

The type of man that I desire

Real love is when you feel someone more than you feel yourself.

I would like to meet a reliable caring and sincere man and I would like to make his life happy and united. I would like to smile and to be his bright sun every day and every night.

Is that about you?

What I do in my leisure time?

I am very active and loving woman )

I like to walk with my dogs and spend a lot of time outside. I am family oriented and that is why family time is vital for me.

I know that my loving man will become a great part of my life and I will be able to make him happy ) 

My typical day

I am working and I have a very serious work position ) I can tell you that I am a big boss and I am respected by my workers ) Do you think you can love a woman who is a boss? 

I am hard working and I know that to be a boss I have to be serious but at the same time my workers can rely on me and can trust me and I know that I can support them and help them any moment.

I have long working days and in the evening I love training and I love to take care of my body. I go to the gym when I have time. Do you like training too?