
24 years old from Kremenchuk

  • Birth Date

    5 August

  • Height

    158 cm5' 2''

  • Weight

    52 kg114 lbs

  • Eyes


  • Hair


  • Build

    slim (slender)

  • Zodiac


  • Glasses


  • She is


  • Smoking


  • Drinking


  • Religion


  • University degree


  • Field of activity


  • Occupation


  • Marital status

    Single and No children

  • Want to have children?

    will decide with my husband

  • My Languages

    English BasicRussian AdvancedUkrainian Advanced

  • I’m looking for

    Marriage, Romance, Relationship, Dating

Mariana 7271

What I do in my leisure time?

I like to read books, play sports, watch useful videos for the development of a person and health. I like to take a walk in the city, and drink a cup of latte. 

I like to do outdoor activities. Every day is different from the previous one, and I try to keep it that way.

About my family

My family consists of 4 people. Mom, dad, sister and brother. We grew up in a big house all together. I am the youngest in the family. My brother is 10 years older than me, and my sister is 12 years older.

I have a good relationship with all the relatives in the family. But the most trusting is of course with my mother, I think because my mother is still the dearest person.

Our personal opinion of this Lady

Mariana is an interesting and creative girl. She often smiles and lifts the mood around her.

A sincere and bright person, with an unusually beautiful charisma, smart, reasonable, worthy of finding a husband who appreciates her qualities.

The type of man that I desire

A man should be honest, open, and kind. Strong, able to solve problems, and not afraid of difficulties if there are any. 

Respect a woman, appreciate her, and love children, of course.

To be able to make decisions and take responsibility for two, to know the value of material things, and to be faithful to your woman.

How would I describe myself

I am purposeful and determined. I don't like mean friends and dishonest girlfriends. 

I don't have a large circle of friends I can trust. Everything is tested by time. 

Although I work with documents, I have always been a creative person at heart. I learn to draw when I have time and to make music.

I also want to learn how to create beautiful videos and find myself in the film industry.

My future goals are

My goals are to find a loving man, to create a strong family, a strong marriage. To raise children together and give them a good future. 

Visit as many countries as possible, see several wonders of the world, and find common interests with your future man. I want to realize myself as a woman

My typical day

I like to wake up early at 7 am, immediately I do a small workout for about 20-30 minutes. Then I put myself in order and after that only breakfast.

After that, I do my business, it can be like going shopping or doing work.

Later I can have another boxing train or stretch, after that I go home to cook dinner, after lunch I have a study English and after that, I can watch a TV series, read a book about that, that's all.