
41 years old from Kherson

  • Birth Date

    2 January

  • Height

    176 cm5' 9''

  • Weight

    68 kg150 lbs

  • Eyes


  • Hair


  • Build


  • Zodiac


  • Glasses


  • She is


  • Smoking


  • Drinking


  • Religion


  • University degree


  • Field of activity


  • Occupation


  • Marital status

    Divorced and I have children / 2 boys

  • Children age

    14 y.o.8 November9 y.o.6 April

  • Want to have children?

    will decide with my husband

  • My Languages

    English BasicUkrainian NativeGerman Basic

  • I’m looking for

    Marriage, Romance, Relationship, Dating

Iryna 9406

About my family

I have my parents and 2 sons in my life. Children are the inspiration and light of my life. We like to do camping and make barbeques outside. My family is very positive and friendly. Maybe you will be a part of it in the near future?

What I do in my leisure time?

I like traveling and reading, watching detective serials.

   Before ths war I was living in my favourite Odessa and was walking a lot. Now I am living in a small village in Germany because I was saving my kids from the war and Germany provided me the place where to live. Even if I have less comfort here, it is safe for me and my sons (Igor 14yo and Oleg 9 years old)

I like to cook delicious dishes and enjoying the moment. One of my passions is dancing - it helps to keep my body in fit but here in the village I dont have any dancing classes. Will wait until I move to the city. 

 I also would love to return to swimming as it always helps to bring my thoughts in order.  

My typical day

I like to wake up early, do my morning exercise and make breakfast for all.

 Then I dress and plan my day and work, in the midday I have lunch shortly and continue to work. I care about sons now and about my helth. I walk every day 10-12 thousends meters.

 In the evening we like to spend time all together and sometimes I go out with friends or read book, watch interesting movie...Do soemthing that helps to relax and brings me pleasure

The type of man that I desire

I am looking for mature man with a nice sense of humor, who desires to love and to be loved and ready to share true emotions. I have 2 sons so I hope my future man will be a good friend to them.

  Hope you will be kind-hearted and open to true emotions, positive and willing to love.

How would I describe myself

I am open-minded, sincere, honest, and communicative

 My character is calm but I can be strong also.

I like singing and swimming. For me the glass of the water is always half full!