
22 years old from Kyiv

  • Birth Date

    19 April

  • Height

    170 cm5' 6''

  • Weight

    54 kg119 lbs

  • Eyes


  • Hair


  • Build

    slim (slender)

  • Zodiac


  • Glasses

  • She is


  • Smoking


  • Drinking


  • Religion


  • University degree


  • Field of activity


  • Occupation


  • Marital status

    Single and No children

  • Want to have children?

    will decide with my husband

  • My Languages

    Ukrainian NativeRussian BasicEnglish Basic

  • I’m looking for

    Marriage, Romance, Friendship, Relationship, Dating, Traveling

Daria 7156

How would I describe myself

I wake up, take a shower, get ready and go to the gym or to work. Then I go out for lunch somewhere. After work I go stretch or hang out with friends... I usually come home late, take a bubble bath and go to bed.

My future goals are

Stable healthy relationships, thriving hair-cutting business, travel and much more.

Our personal opinion of this Lady

This girl is very sweet, smart, confident and developed beyond her years. She is a real diamond for the man who chooses her.

My typical day

I wake up, take a shower, get ready and go to the gym or to work. Then I go out for lunch somewhere. After work I go stretch or hang out with friends... I usually come home late, take a bubble bath and go to bed.

The type of man that I desire

Sincere, kind, sympathetic, generous, caring.

About my family

My family is the most friendly family in the world. I have believed so since childhood. I value such relationships in our family and home very much. I want to transfer this to my own family in the future.

What I do in my leisure time?

In my free time, I go to the gym, do yoga, stretch, meditate, walk. I also love motorsports and motorcycles.