
24 years old from Kyiv

  • Birth Date

    12 May

  • Height

    168 cm5' 6''

  • Weight

    63 kg139 lbs

  • Eyes


  • Hair


  • Build


  • Zodiac


  • Glasses


  • She is


  • Smoke


  • Drink


  • Religion


  • University degree


  • Field of activity


  • Occupation


  • Marital status

    Single and No children

  • Want to have children?

    will decide with my husband

  • My Languages

    English Basic

  • I’m looking for

    Penpal, Relationship

Anastasiia 5254
Anastasiia Kyiv 24 y.o. - intelligent lady - small public photo.

How would I describe myself

I consider myself cheerful and very charismatic, communicating with me brings people only positive emotions, I have a lot of hobbies such as reading, so people always have something to talk about with me, I also like to sculpt from clay, draw, and like a real girl I like to cook delicious food, I especially like to bake desserts and cook for my family

I easily find a common language with people, especially if they are interesting to me, athletic and attractive, it seems to me that I have collected all the necessary qualities that men usually value

Anastasiia Kyiv 24 y.o. - intelligent lady - small public photo.
Anastasiia Kyiv 24 y.o. - intelligent lady - small public photo.

Our personal opinion of this Lady

It seems to us that this girl has all the qualities that are needed for a serious relationship, she is very interesting, versatile and pleasant at heart, she also knows how to cook very tasty food that every woman likes, she is cheerful and energetic, takes care of herself, constantly develops and of course she has beautiful appearance and figure, she looks great

She is a person who knows what she wants from this life and is ready to make the man who will win her heart truly happy, she is ready to please and create comfort in the family circle, if you are tired of frivolous girls, then this is exactly what you will be interested in because she is ready to build strong and warm relationships

Such a person is rare, you will be very lucky if this girl likes you

Anastasiia Kyiv 24 y.o. - intelligent lady - small public photo.
Anastasiia Kyiv 24 y.o. - intelligent lady - small public photo.

My typical day

I like to start my day by exercising in the morning and preparing a delicious breakfast for myself and my sister, then I get ready and go to work and spend most of the day there, when I have a weekend I like to spend it reading an interesting book

I also make sure to set aside time to visit the gym, I don’t like to miss training, and I take this very seriously, I also sometimes like to go for a run near my home to enjoy the evening city and just breathe in the fresh air

In the evening I like to spend time drawing, this also takes up most of my time, I also always like to cook something tasty for dinner for my family and with a clear conscience I go to rest, but I would like to find someone with whom I can spend time together and share common interests, that’s what we’re here for

Anastasiia Kyiv 24 y.o. - intelligent lady - small public photo.
Anastasiia Kyiv 24 y.o. - intelligent lady - small public photo.

My future goals are

I always liked to create something new and interesting, from the very beginning I spent a lot of time drawing and when I got older I decided for myself that I wanted to become a graphic designer, it seems to me that this is a very interesting profession, especially for such a creative person like me

I would also like to find my life partner with whom I can travel, get to know new places and start a family so that when I look back I have only warm memories that I chose the right path

I would like to create the comfort of a home for my strong family, which I would so much like to build

Anastasiia Kyiv 24 y.o. - intelligent lady - small public photo.
Anastasiia Kyiv 24 y.o. - intelligent lady - small public photo.

About my family

My family has excellent relationships, we have a very strong and friendly team. I have a younger sister who is 14 and we like to spend time together. I have a wonderful mother who also loves to walk with me, we especially like to walk to the sea in the evening

We always try to support each other if someone becomes sad, and we always try to help solve the problem as soon as possible and cheer up, we care very much about our family and are always glad that we are lucky to have such a strong and friendly family.

I also hope to build such a strong family where my child will trust me 100 per cent, my husband will protect us and make our lives happier, and I will protect him with my warmth and comfort.