3 Best Ways to Flirt With a Woman from Ukraine

22 May 2019

Every man wants to show his better qualities, doesn’t he? We would like to be or to seem polite, good-tempered, intelligent, etc. We would like to impress by words and guess what to say to impress, we think how to dress to impress and we do so many things just to seem the ideal one for the woman we have chosen or we are in love with. Let’s mention that there is no difference who you are dating to, there are some rules that work for ladies from all over the world. These things were true for centuries, they worked and they are still actual nowadays.

3 Useful Tips on How to Flirt a Woman From Ukraine

We will share helpful tips with you, the ones that every man should know and there is no doubt you’ll be successful with your lady. Remember that women and men think differently and sometimes there are misunderstandings just because of these differences. However, you will find the key to her heart if you follow these simple tips when you are on the date. Without further delay, let's get started, gentlemen.

Let the Woman Speak with You: Ask Her Questions

From the very beginning let’s imagine the situation, you are in a café or walking in the park, you have a date with the nice woman but both of you are silent, you don’t know what to tell and she is shy to tell you something as well. For sure, she has a lot of stories to tell you and she will be happy if you ask her to do this. But she doesn’t know how to start, what to tell you and she is not sure if you are interested in this, she doesn’t want to seem impolite and she doesn’t tell you anything, she is silent. Ok, what should you do?

First of all, you need to help her, firstly, to open her mouth and start talking and then she will open her soul to you and you’ll build a bridge. The next question is how to do this? Why don’t you ask her about the things that will be interesting for both of you? It will be a good start for you to talk together and it will be a great opportunity to find the things in common and the topics for further discussions. The ice will melt and you’ll come together.

Learn to Listen to Her: Do not Interrupt Her



Now it is time for another situation. Imagine yourself on the date and the only thing you are doing is listening. What are your feelings? Are you comfortable? No, for sure. You will be bored, so will the lady feel, you should understand that for the successful date and if you would like to impress the woman, you need to find a balance. The balance between talking and listening. Do you know how to do this?

Let the lady talk, don’t interrupt her but take part in the conversation at the same time. Be a good listener, it is very important because it shows that you care and respect. Be open minded and be mentally ready to listen. What can you do in practice? Physically: look at your partner, don’t interrupt or make noise. Mentally: care about what she said, think about the information you hear, answer the questions and give comments on topic and wait your time to speak. I guess, it is not the hardest task ever.

Do not Fall out of the Conversation: Concentrate on Her



We have already talked about the balance. This tip is about the balance as well. So you shouldn’t fall out of the conversation. Of course, you have put your phone to your pocket, haven’t you? The worst thing that you could do is to chat with somebody in the messenger or surf the Internet while she is telling you the story of her life or about her dear cat. You are quiet wise not to do this, aren’t you?

Being concentrate means that you are in the conversation, you listen to her, comment, tell your point of view and ask her questions. But you have to be faithful, the lady will understand and feel your fake emotions and see your fake smile. You should better send her non-verbal signals, be concentrate and interested in the conversation.

Bonus: Stupid Things Men Do to Impress Women.

Now the bonus for the most curious guys. Gentlemen, don’t make the most common mistakes. Of course, it is normal to make mistakes and we do them from time to time and bla bla bla. But remember there are some stupid mistakes and things that men do. Here they are:

  • To tell about your exes and other women. Don’t do this, even though she is your colleague and you work for the project together.
  • To ask about her exes. Anyway she won’t tell the truth but anyway you won’t like her story about the men from her past.
  • To discuss your or her income. Maybe you are too curious but you will find out this information later, not on the first date.
  • Stupid jokes. If you don’t know what to say or discuss, don’t say vulgar jokes, just avoid them, it’s better to talk about the weather than to listen to the toilet humor.

To sum up, from my point of view it’s better not to pretend, it’s easy to see fake interest and fake emotions. Be yourself and try to be better. If you know about your lacks, work and become better. You’ll see that it works and you will have no need to pretend in future. Slavic ladies like inward beauty, they don’t judge the book by its cover and they choose only real men.

That’s why if you are curious, reliable, generous, intelligent, independent, faithful, trustworthy and confident, you will impress the Ukrainian lady. Go ahead, don’t delay.

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