How to get American, Australian or UK citizenship for the woman

20 Apr 2023

Thanks to The Convention on the Nationality of Married Women, which was taken in 1957, now it’s easier to get citizenship for the woman who is married to the man with another passport. The convention says that the woman, who is married to a man with different citizenship, may ask for her husband’s one. Let’s find out how to do it right without any mistakes.

How to get US citizenship for the woman

Marriage with a US citizen is the fastest way to get American citizenship. For this category, unlike many others, there are no immigration quotas. However, there are some very important things that you should know beforehand. Let’s get started.

There is no difference if the woman marries a US citizen or a permanent resident. Anyway, there are two ways. The first one is to get married outside the USA and another one is to marry in America. As for the first variant, the fastest way for the lady to get into the States after marriage somewhere outside America is to ask for a family reuni0n. It will take some time, the woman will have to wait for the K-3 wife’s visa in her country, enter the United States with a work permit and receive a green card in the USA. How much time will it take? As usual, it takes around 7 months before the petition approval and 2 more months before the visa interview. Then the woman gets a visa and after that the interview in 9 months.

Although, if you decide to get married on the territory of the States K1 visa will be required. K1 visa or as it is called a Fiance visa allows the lady to come to her future husband and to get married in America. It’s a great variant because from the very beginning you say to the UA Migration Service that you are going to marry a person and you don’t lie. However, due to some reasons, a K1 visa is not suitable for the couple. Don’t be sad, in this case, the woman may try to come on a short-term guest or a tourist visa and then you’ll be able to get married or it is also possible to come on a long-term student or a work visa. The second and third variants may be more difficult for the woman. The lady will need time to get a tourist visa. At the same time, you’ll need to think about how to prove the Migration Service your pure intentions from the very beginning.

Five steps for the woman:

  • To get K1 Visa.
  • Enter The USA and get married.
  • To get a Conditional Permanent Resident, it is also called a temporary Green Card. The lady gets it for 2 years just after the marriage.
  • To get a Permanent Resident or a permanent Green Card.
  • To apply for citizenship. It will be possible after 3 years of marriage with a US citizen.

How to get UK citizenship for the woman

It’s possible to get a Fiance Visa or a Spouse Visa for the lady and to enter the country. Actually, this is the easiest legal way for getting UK citizenship for the girl but only if the marriage isn’t fake. The UK has strict rules and demands and they check the couples. So foreign citizens, who want to marry UK residents, should be ready for this.

Requirements for Fiance Visa:

  • The marriage should be held during the period of Visa validation. This kind of visa is for 6 months only.
  • Both partners shouldn’t be younger than 18 years old.
  • The couple should confirm that they have already met and known each other well and they are going to live together after the marriage.
  • The inviting partner’s income should be at least £18,600 per year.
  • The fiance should know English at least at level A1.
  • It’s forbidden for the fiance to work, study or make business in the United Kingdom.

Everything is fine with you and our future wife, you are not breaking any laws or rules so it’s time to apply for the Fiance visa. After that, the woman comes to the UK and you will have 6 months to get married. After marriage, the spouse or partner of a UK citizen has to apply for a Spouse/Civil Partner Visa. This visa is given for 2.5 years and it gives the right to work and study in the UK without any limits. After 5 years of residence in the UK on a Spouse (Civil partner) visa, the applicant has the right to apply for a Permanent Residence Permit (ILR). When the woman gets ILR, it’s possible to apply for naturalization (citizenship).

How to get Australian citizenship for the woman

That’s great if you have already found a woman and you are in the relationships, it’s perfect if you have already heard her Yes and now you are going to marry. Your lady may come to Australia on a bride’s visa and on a wife’s one. Both visas belong to the so-called "partner" class.

Family immigration to Australia is sponsored, what does it mean? You will have to submit a written certified statement that during the first two years of your partner’s stay in Australia, you will sponsor the woman and all family members who immigrate with her. At the same time, you will have to prove your financial situation and to guarantee that you may be this sponsor.

Bride's visa is valid for 9 months, during this time, the woman will have to enter Australia and register a marriage with the man. Otherwise, she will have to leave the country. During the validity period of the bride’s visa, the lady is allowed to enter and leave the country an unlimited number of times. Immediately after marriage, the girl will have the opportunity to apply for a temporary two-year visa, after two years of marriage — for a permanent visa (i.e. permanent resident status), and two years later - for citizenship.

For sure you may register a marriage in Ukraine or any third country. However, you will have to prove that you have a relationship, which means live together for at least 12 months. And to crown it all the whole process will be longer for sure. But in general, the procedure and requirements are the same.

Love has no borders and love gives power to the couple to overcome all the difficulties. If you do the paperwork correctly, your lady will get citizenship very fast and without any problems. Just have a look and get acquainted with the couples who have already got married or are just planning to change the citizenship. This is a great example that shows that love has no borders.

Jesse is from the USA, he met his Destiny on Jesse wrote the letter to Anastasia and it was a turning point in their lives. They wrote letters and then met in  video chat , actually, they met there every day. It was their tradition to date every day. Only one month and it was the right moment to plan the meeting. At first, they supposed to meet in 6 months but they felt that it was too long, they were ready to meet and to check their feelings in real life. They met in Boryspil and spent 2 great weeks together. After that, they decided to get married and applied for the Fiance visa for Vika.

Steve from the UK met his love in Ukraine. Steve and Vika are now a happily married couple and their love story encourages. They met on our website, wrote letters, met in video chat and they understood that it was high time for the meeting. So they decided to see each other in real life. Of course, there were a lot of emotions and worries but the meeting was great and then there was another one. When Steve was in Ukraine, he met Vika’s family and friends. Her family liked Steve and all the doubts were clarified. The couple decided engaged and decided to marry.

There are a lot of happy couples who found their love on our website, you can find them in the “Just Married” section here.

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