
  • Top signs of a bad first date

    23 Apr 2023

    If you want to start long lasted relationships you need to ask a lot of women for a date with a purpose to find your beloved one. Ukrainian women are very sellective in the process of dating, and it’s crucially important for men to do proper steps and behave naturally and don’t make stupid things.

    If you make a mistake on your first date, a woman never say “yes” to you on your question: “Could we meet again?”.

    So, let’s start to analyze most common men’s mistakes on a first dates and how to avoid it in the next article.

  • 5 red flags which should know men on the start of the relationships

    20 Apr 2023

    Red flags in the relationships, haven’t you heard about them yet? They are just for you either if you have already started the relationships with the lady or you are just going to get acquainted with her. These tips will be very helpful and you will understand women better.

    Of course, you are a smart and very reasonable man and, of course, you know a lot. But when you know for sure what to do and what it’s better to avoid, you will be able to build strong relationships with the lady you like.

    There are 5 red flags in relationships for men and right now it’s high time to know more about them.

  • Avoiding online dating mistakes

    30 Mar 2023

    Only very naive people think that they may have some advantages when using Internet to get acquainted with the opposite gender. Online relationships have their own number of pitfalls and many people make different mistakes because of misunderstandings when trying to walk in someone's shoes instead of seeing a variety of views different people may have on one and the same situation. No, it is impossible to give any general advices that would help you to avoid mistakes in online dating, because each relationship and people involved are always unique. Nevertheless it will do no harm to learn a few handy secrets to reveal some 'great mysteries' in male's and female's ways of thinking.

  • 7 top signs of a one sided relationship.

    29 Mar 2023

    One can be touched to tears by the examples of chivalrous service to a beautiful lady singing in ballads. Oh, these feats and sacrifices of a loving soul who does not expect anything as a reward! Yes, in poetry it looks great...

    But in reality, such relationships are painful. If in the love uni0n of two people all (or almost all) responsibility, work and blame for common problems are placed on the “knight” — this is one-sided relationship. How to define and fix this we will discuss in the following article.

  • 5 Tips for Successful Online Dating

    05 Mar 2023

    Who said that online dating is a waste of time when it comes to searching of real life relationships? Surely, online acquaintances might have some negative sides, but they also offer a generous number of advantages. Still, there are some unspoken rules of such ways of interaction and a newbie should better be informed of them before the very start of his search on the web. Obviously, there is always a different person behind each profile, and many things will depend on your own disposition and communication skills, but some good advices may come in handy when making your profile an eye-catcher for the opposite sex on a dating web-site.