Here are some basic tips for mature knights on the way to the heart of a young lady:
\r\n*I just shouldn\'t be in love with a younger woman. It\'s wrong.
\r\n*No young woman is going to be drawn to an old guy like me.
\r\n*She can\'t be with me, for we are I different phases of our lives.
\r\nSTOP right now because these are programmed thoughts. The reality is quite different. There is nothing wrong with dating a younger woman just along as she is legally of age and wants the same. “Different” phases in life does not mean incompatible.
\r\nAge should not become an obstacle when searching for a partner to spend a life with. If you really like a woman who is younger than you, you should try to win her heart, using these dating a younger woman advices. Dating a woman 20 years younger is not so scary, as it may seem. Follow your heart, do not be shy, fulfill your dream with us! Register and find your happiness! Good luck!
\r\nThere is nothing impossible in dating a much younger woman and even creating a new family after the divorce. And it does not matter how old you are. Many older gentlemen have already successfully followed this path. Relations with women 10, 20 or more years younger, than you are, is a fairly common practice. Psychologists, sociologists and physiologists justify this. Discard fears and stereotypes. Choose the right strategy. And do not make common mistakes in such cases. Follow your dream and be happy!
",data:{meta_tags:{title:"Dating a Younger Woman: Tips and Trick | UADreams",description:"Let's talk about pros and cons of dating with a younger woman. How to attract and date younger women and more tips and tricks read on UaDreams's blog"},ld_json:""}},url:"/dating-tips/why-do-older-men-date-younger-women/",regexpsUrl:null,allParentsList:[{id:148,title:"Dating tips",url:"/dating-tips/"}],tags:[{title:"Dating Etiquette",url:"/dating-tips/dating-etiquette/",id:456},{title:"Challenges",url:"/dating-tips/challenges/",id:446},{title:"Trends",url:"/dating-tips/trends/",id:444}]},{id:266,flag:"normal",fDate:"26 Apr 2023",onlyDate:"2023-04-26",date:"2023-04-26T14:42:00.000Z",slug:"how-to-recover-after-rocky-breakup",type:"section_148",template:"PageBlog",data:{dopParams:"",can_use_pager:"no",primary_image:{url:"",alt:"",title:""},sitemap:{changefreq:"weekly",priority:"0.8"},react_params:{horizontal_carousel_girls_id:""}},show:"all",date_lastmod:"2024-04-25T20:17:06.000Z",for_rewrite:0,termsId:[148,446,447],langsVersions:[],rating:{rating:0,count:0,userValue:0},content:{title:"How to recover after rocky breakup",content:'Everyone who suffered drama knows that it is more than hard to start dating after many years of stable relationship. People are scary enough to receive the same pain, to get all things to repeat. They are full of frightened emotions and anxiety about this thing.
\r\nUncertain emotions, doubt and fear leaves with the most negative experience. You may be fool to let it repeat. famous sexologists and relationship experts advice to take care about yourself, your ego, taking all advantages of life with the most meaningful interest and intentions you had no time before. Only when happy a person is able to share this happiness with someone so it means to be ready for further relationship.
\r\nSelf-assess is very important: plan every weekend and every hour if possible for the best treatment, take up with friends or visit parents and relatives, in case you want to see nobody, take a vacation for a small trip to the town, take time for being with nature, tasty food, interesting hobbies will help you to take mind off things.
\r\nBut how to avoid the same mistakes? Averagely according to statistics people use the same cliches for building up relationships that leads to the same results, finally breaking up.
Experts do not recommend to fight fire with fire, take your time but never be n a hurry until you understand that you are ready to relations workout.
\r\nOf course this term is quite individual however many psychologists say that it is better to be alone, to luxuriate in it, build your personality and be engaged with self-development.
\r\nOne simple rule is the way to uncover the state of being ready for dating:
\r\nIt’s a hard work to let it go. People used to be given to the typical behavior however this is your role to prevent things happen in the same way.
\r\nThe better source of a fresh energy is taking care of yourself, learn from the past, be thankful for every new experience – all of that makes you yourself.
\r\nProbably you won’t believe but these things will increase your confidence. If you cherish your strong features, develop them and fight with fears – you become better and in such a way you like yourself. When a person is shining inside it is highlighted everywhere, though all sides.
\r\nYou are great and others see that as well. You are on the way to meet people, to be opened.
\r\nYou start to receive new knowledge, answering many questions and taking communication as a practice. You are interested in giving and receiving a feedback.
\r\nThat means you work on the issue, you’ve rolled on the process of getting better. You analyze your past and make conclusions, you accept this.
\r\nNo matter how hurts that means you are recovering, you are alive person so you have a right to feel those emotions, that’s normal. In such a way we learn more and more about relations, about each side’s truth and positions.
\r\nBut remember: pick the one that makes you feel confident and comfortable. Being natural is the most powerful method to get a pleasure from dating, besides your interlocutor will know you better from the first sight and further features of your character will be appreciated but not rejected as well.
\r\nSo you may choose dating online or speed-dating, probably individual matchmaking will suit you better, who knows, or may be old school meeting in bars or couch surfing whatever.
\r\nThat will not demean you if other friends of yours are coupled and you are not. This is your privilege to make a choice and to put a direction for future. So if your friends want you to get acquainted with their cousin or an old friend, don’t be a moody, accept. They just want to comfort you and help you with all their sincerest intentions.
\r\nOne more thing to say. Never give up if your attempt failed. Even one miserable misfortune may change your life for a happiness, be attentive, open your eyes wide, be opened to new meetings and conversations and life will grant you sincerest cherished smile. Good luck!
',contentDop:"Breakup is always not an easy thing in life, especially a breakup after a long relationship. However, it may happen and the person should realize it is not the end of the world and life is not over. It may be hard, but it is necessary to accept that a new page in life is opened and it depends only upon you and only you how this page will be filled.
\r\nThe specialists advise not to start new relationship very soon after the breakup. All together the heart, the body and the mind requires time to have rest and restore. Give them this time and at a certain point you will feel the readiness for new relationships. It is not a bad variant to try dating website. It is less dangerous psychologically, but a good possibility to come back.
",data:{meta_tags:{title:"Effective Tips for Recovering after rocky breakup",description:"We tried to collect practical advice how to endure a sick break of long relations. We hope that following these tips will turn out to be happy again"},ld_json:""}},url:"/dating-tips/how-to-recover-after-rocky-breakup/",regexpsUrl:null,allParentsList:[{id:148,title:"Dating tips",url:"/dating-tips/"}],tags:[{title:"Breakup",url:"/dating-tips/breakup/",id:447},{title:"Challenges",url:"/dating-tips/challenges/",id:446}]},{id:233,flag:"normal",fDate:"26 Apr 2023",onlyDate:"2023-04-26",date:"2023-04-26T14:05:00.000Z",slug:"top-myths-and-facts-about-online-dating",type:"section_148",template:"PageBlog",data:{dopParams:"",can_use_pager:"no",primary_image:{url:"",alt:"",title:""},sitemap:{changefreq:"weekly",priority:"0.8"},react_params:{horizontal_carousel_girls_id:""}},show:"all",date_lastmod:"2024-04-26T11:53:58.000Z",for_rewrite:0,termsId:[148,446,448,457],langsVersions:[],rating:{rating:0,count:0,userValue:0},content:{title:"All the truth about online dating and dating sites.",content:'Over the past decade, the dating arena has changed dramatically. This does not mean that people no longer go out into a real society to find a couple, but, according to recent research, online dating sites are “guilty” in 3 of 5 weddings. Actually, living, for example in Australia, you can find your love in Germany or Ukraine. Many dating services, such as UaDreams, help to connect people from different countries and even continents.
\r\nUaDreams offer to get acquainted with the beautiful Ukrainian girls who are quite busy and advanced to seek a serious relationship on the Internet. Alas, online dating is also fraught with a lot of absurd myths. You\'ve probably heard some of them. Our analysts believe that the time has come to shed light on the most common of them.
\r\nMany would already meet someone online and would be happy if they were not victims of mythical fears associated with dating sites. Here are the top 10 of them:
\r\n1. Internet sites are not safe platforms for serious relations. Yes, there is a share of risk and it is less than in real life, where you can\'t always be safeguard from unwanted contact, and high-quality dating sites take care of their members\' safety.
\r\n2. If one is really nice and successful he will never date online. It is not true that dating sites are options for ugly and losers. Most of smart and attractive persons have shortage of time to socialize in the real world.
\r\n3. You’ll find your only immediately or never. The results can\'t be instant. So, be patient enough to date the right one in certain time.
\r\n4. It’s easy to misrepresent facts online. People lie on profiles, but not often in order not to be caught out and look foolishly offline.
\r\n5. All online daters are sex-desperate or inadequate. Is it so? There are all sorts of persons online nice and odd. And the same situation in real life. Online you can simply stop chatting.
\r\n6. Online dating is a waste of money heaps. The argument is that you try a lot of bad options before getting the result and pay more. But you attempts and mistakes are online and your opponents\' are on real dates. And who is thrift?
\r\n7. A beautiful profile image on a dating site is the main thing in choosing a partner. But the person is more than his / her picture. A pretty face does not guarantee that everything else will suit you.
\r\n8. Online dating sites are for the youth only. It is not true! According to statistics, about 55% of dating sites members are over 45. This is the best place to win time, because online you will meet your soulmate faster.
\r\n9. It\'s awkward to admit that you and your spouse have met on a dating site. Old fashioned nonsense! We all now communicate on the Internet. And where do we get acquainted?
\r\n10. From letters and video chat you can always determine whether there is an emotional link. Not always the truth! After all, the best way to find out whether you are compatible with a person is a live meeting. Let these stereotypes not become a stumbling block in your decision to find love online.
\r\nAnalysts of UaDreams have studied the profiles of their members and the data of network statistics and sellected for you some true and curious facts about online dating.
\r\nDo you know that to date, there are more than 7,000 dating sites all over the world. It is interesting that more than half of men and a only third of women embellish their online profiles.
\r\nStudies show that men are 15% more likely to fall in love at online dating than women.
\r\nOf the 700 Ukrainian women interviewed on our website, 77% refer to UaDreams as their first attempt at membership on a dating site.
\r\n87% of them hope to create a family. What is more important for starting a relationship?
\r\n56% of respondents said that the most important thing is common views on life.
\r\nAnd 41% preferred a pleasant appearance.
\r\nMore than 36% of those who met through UaDreams their Ukrainian lady over the past three years have created happy families or engaged.
\r\nObviously, despite the prevailing stereotypes, most adult people use dating sites to find love and overcome loneliness. If you are a fairly modern but busy person, do not waste precious time and do not succumb to fears! UaDreams staff invite you to decide and take the first steps towards your dream and post your profile on our website.
Top 10 myths and facts about online dating in 2023. Everything that is concerned to the relationship between men and women has long been interwoven with different myths. Fearing failure in love, on a date, a person generates a lot of fears and stereotypes.
\r\nThe Internet as an attribute of modernity, introduced new features and opportunities in the search for a life partner. But online dating in turn overgrew a lot of myths that prevent people on the road to happiness. Dating experts UaDreams tried to summarize the basic facts about online dating and open up to our readers, where the truth and where just a myth.
",data:{meta_tags:{title:"Top 10 myths and facts about online dating in 2023",description:"Let's talk about the truth and myths when dating in the Internet. Collected for you the top 10 facts about online dating and dating sites in 2023. Read more on our blog"},ld_json:""}},url:"/dating-tips/top-myths-and-facts-about-online-dating/",regexpsUrl:null,allParentsList:[{id:148,title:"Dating tips",url:"/dating-tips/"}],tags:[{title:"Mistakes",url:"/dating-tips/mistakes/",id:457},{title:"Online Dating",url:"/dating-tips/online-dating/",id:448},{title:"Challenges",url:"/dating-tips/challenges/",id:446}]}],perPage:5}}},favorite:{data:null},banners:{loading:!0,data:null},videoChat:{loading:!0,list:null,pastChats:null,flowLady:null,chatOffers:{}},services:{loading:!0,dataGiftsMenu:null,services:null,happyHourGifts:null,randomGifts:null,tripsGiftsLoading:!1,tripsGifts:null,translationServicesLoading:!1,translationServices:null,ladyGifts:null,giftsGroupList:null},credits:{loading:!1,info:{}},testimonial:{data:{id:3153,title:"Otto / Hungary",date:"2023",text:"Since we discussed with the other half of my heart that it takes time to put the building blocks of our life together. I will be back soon.",photo:"",photoPreview:""},testimonialsList:null,randomTestimonials:null,testimonialsLadies:null,testimonialsForMenu:null,testimonialsForProfile:null,testimonialForGallery:null,testimonialForSEOPages:null},invitations:{loading:!0,data:{list:null,limit:null}},basket:{loading:!0,data:null,showNoty:!1,optionsPrices:null},ladies:{list:{2425:{gid:2425,name:"Kate",bd:"1989-03-05",age:35,branch:"Nikolaev",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2019-04-23T14:40:50.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Divorced",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Architecture/Interior",works:"Party/wedding planner",height:"5,7",height2:171,weight:110,weightkg:50,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"blonde",eyes:"blue",smoke:"No",drink:"Never",english:"0",freetime:"I am a very active, cheerful, and joyful girl! I love my life and am thankful for everything I have. I am a creative personality who likes to draw and create new things. As I am an interior designer I like to make everything around me very pretty and stylish.
\nBesides all this, I'm a mom! I have my little princess whom I love very much! We often go for a walk in the park and have fun there. Elina is a very communicative and cheerful girl.
\nI have a dog and I like to play and walk with him, he is a big German Shepherd. I like movies, traveling, meeting with friends and family, I like to do a lot of things :)
",partner:"I welcome handsome men but it is not important for me. I don't think that appearance is the most important thing, I appreciate the beauty in the soul, kindness in heart, respect for lady, being friendly, a man with a sense of humor.
\nI want my man to be a real MAN, to be a master in the house and in my life. So I can give him the best of me as well.
",ocenka:"My main goal is to have a happy and friendly family and I hope this site will help me to achieve this goal! I would like to wake up in the morning and see my beloved man by my side. It is so important to find a person you will have the desire to kiss and cuddle for the rest of your life.
\nAlso one of my dreams is to open a wedding salon someday where I will be able to realize myself as a designer. Certainly, I would like my future man to support me in it and maybe he would be able to give me some advice as well.
",family:"Family takes the biggest part of my life because for me it is very important. I live with my parents and elder brother and my little daughter! We are very friendly and like spending time together! My daughter is my happiness and my treasure! My mother is the person who helps me always with advice and she is a person to whom I trust a lot.
\nAll the members of the family respect each other and help each other if there are some troubles.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"I am a joyful, easy-going, and open-hearted young woman. I like to have fun whatever I do but I am serious at the same time. My interests are traveling, meeting new people, and making new friends. I like also sports and pay a lot of attention to my body, that’s why I am fit.
\nDo you like a woman that takes care of her health and beauty? Then I am the one! I try to be always beautiful inside and outside ;)
",aboutday:"I don't have any typical days! All of them are different for me! :) But they always start with a morning jog. My mother helps me with my daughter so I have time for myself.
\nI like to go out for a walk with my daughter and my dog in a nearby park, I enjoy walking a lot. If I have a bad mood I can stay at home and watch a movie :)
",aboutime:"I like to keep everything in order, so I spend several hours cleaning my house because I think that the clean and cozy home says that there's an attentive and thrifty housewife in it. I also enjoy cooking, but usually, I cook on weekends or evenings when I have more time because I like to cook something special and very delicious. Like any decent lady, I can do everything about the house but at the same time, I would like my husband to help me with it. I want equality in domestic abilities. ",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Relationship,Dating",child_m:0,child_f:1,notes:"Katy is a very cheerful and open-minded lady, she is very kind and creative, she can be a designer not only of the house but also of your life. We think that such a lady can make your life very special and outstanding.
",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Pisces",children:"I have children / 1 girl",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[{age:6,date:"25 June"}],profile:"/women/kate-nikolaev-2425/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"},{language:"Russian",title:"Fluent"},{language:"English",title:"Basic"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:""},birthdayLabel:null},3511:{gid:3511,name:"Yuliia",bd:"1992-01-03",age:32,branch:"Lviv",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2022-10-12T14:08:30.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Single",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Services",works:"Сolourist",height:"5,3",height2:161,weight:121,weightkg:55,konstit:"curvy",haircolor:"black",eyes:"green",smoke:"No",drink:"Never",english:"0",freetime:"Honestly, I feel like 24 hours a day is not enough for everything that I'd love to do. I prefer to have a balance between work and life and so I love to have time for myself. In the future I'd love to spend free time with my partner and enjoy life together. For now, I prefer active rest, walking in the park, cycling, walking my dog, picnics in the park or forest, picking up mushrooms. When it's colder outside I love to spend time at home, reading, watching the movies, knitting, talking to my friends, and learning something new. I love spending time with my dog, Cooper, I also take care of my home plants, cook, and love designing the interior at home :) Well, lots of things. It depends on my mood.
",partner:"A man who knows what he wants and keeps his word. I judge by actions, not by endless words. I judge by character more than by looks. Greedy, dishonest, cheating men can avoid my profile as I will never be with a man like that.
\nIf you lie to me or cheat on me, I won't be with you. I respect myself and my choice. I want to find a man who would respect his choice and would understand that he once chose me and would treat me right. I would treat you like a King if you treat me right.
",ocenka:"I have always been dreaming of having a partner who'd be my best friend and living in a private house. Those are the basic dreams for now, which I hope to fulfil in the nearest future. As for the other goals, I will tell you more when we talk. :)
",family:"I come from a loving and kind-hearted family. My father lives in the village not far from me, and I love him dearly and visit whenever I can. As for my Mom, she passed away quite a long time ago, and I miss her a lot. I have an older sister and a niece, and we meet often. We live in the same city.
\nI would love to create a loving and caring family myself and be proud of my future husband and our relationship full of love, understanding, and respect.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"If I could describe myself in a few words, those would be affectionate, honest, straightforward, faithful, loyal, and quite goal-oriented. I can't stand lies and cheating, that's for sure, so I never do that. I am a loyal friend and always help my friends if they are in need. I love pets and animals and could never hurt them. I prefer fish to meat, by the way. I haven't eaten meat in a long time. I eat fish or seafood these days.
\nI can say that I love life. I love spending my time with pleasure, being happy, and smiling most of the time. No time for sorrows, regrets, and depression in life. I consider life to be too short to have any of those feelings. I move forward with a smile on my face even when life has been hard like it is these days.
",aboutday:"Well, during war, my days aren't quite typical any more. But I still have some routine which I keep to no matter what. Every day I walk in the park or near the house walking Cooper or drive to the river and have a walk there. I love being in the fresh air. I love to spend cosy evenings at home, but occasionally can go to see my friends.
",aboutime:"I do everything around the house myself, as I have been living alone for many years, since I was a teenager.\nI cook well, too. I do canned food for the winter as well, hehe\nI will show you more when you write. ",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Friendship,Relationship,Dating,Traveling",child_m:0,child_f:0,notes:"The lady is very honest and open. She has strong family values, values trust and respect. She seems to be genuine, friendly and smiling most of the time. She made a great first impression, being a lady.
",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Capricorn",children:"No children",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[],profile:"/women/yuliia-lviv-3511/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Russian",title:"Fluent"},{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"},{language:"English",title:"Pre-Intermediate"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:"",video:{preview:"",url:""}},birthdayLabel:null},3813:{gid:3813,name:"Vita",bd:"1997-11-03",age:27,branch:"Ivano-Frankovsk",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2023-10-16T15:18:53.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Single",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Education",works:"graphic designer",height:"5,9",height2:177,weight:123,weightkg:56,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"brown",eyes:"green",smoke:"No",drink:"Socially",english:"0",freetime:"As I am working as a graphic designer, I choose a place where I can work. In my free time, I devote time to studying. It's never too late to learn and you need to improve yourself. My work allows me to work from anywhere in the world, so moving to another country will not be a problem. At the weekend I adore going for a walk with my friends or going to the mountains. As my town is situated near the mountains I can often go there.
",partner:"For me, appearance is not important in a man. It is very important for me that my man is understanding so that we can find a way out of difficulties or quickly find a solution to a problem. I like it when a man takes care of himself and has a sense of style. Also, if you have a great sense of humour, I'm waiting for a letter from you :)I like to laugh and joke. So I hope you love it too.
",ocenka:"My main future goal is to build a happy family, as I couldn't find the right person in my country. I think it's very important to find a person with whom you can go through life. My other future goal is to develop myself in graphic design. I need to be a great specialist in this field and provide quality services. Moreover, I want to follow a healthy lifestyle to be more stronger and feel much better.
",family:"My family is not so big. It's just my father, my mother, my older brother and me. My family is very friendly and kind. We are ready for everything to protect and help each other. I like how my mother treats my mother. He always helps her, telling her how she is beautiful. I hope that in my family my man will have the same qualities and we will create a happy family based on understanding, love and care for each other.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"Yes",aboutherself:"I can describe myself as a caring and very mature person. I want to meet a person to whom I can give my love and care. I'm always happy to help and support you in any situation. I have many hobbies and I hope that we will find some common hobbies. I believe that if you want to receive love and care, you need to give twice as much. I am a very hard worker and love to learn something new.
",aboutday:"I am an early bird. I wake up very early and cook breakfast. I need to eat in the morning, as it gives me the energy for all day. I adore the morning routine, I like to take a shower, do my beauty masks, and brush my teeth. After that, I started working. In the evening, I adore cooking something for dinner and then spend the evening with a good book or watching a film.
",aboutime:"",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Relationship,Dating",child_m:0,child_f:0,notes:"When we met the lady for the first time, we were amazed by how beautiful she was. She had long, dark hair, green eyes, tan skin, and a sincere smile with full lips. While talking to her, we realized she was smart, wise, and ready for a family. We also noticed she was in good shape, probably from her love of sport. It was easy to get along with her, and she was very polite and friendly.
",wantToHaveChildren:"2",zodiac:"Scorpio",children:"No children",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[],profile:"/women/vita-ivano-frankovsk-3813/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"},{language:"English",title:"Basic"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:""},birthdayLabel:null},3821:{gid:3821,name:"Olena",bd:"1982-10-04",age:42,branch:"Dnipro",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2024-03-18T16:09:15.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Divorced",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Administrative",works:"Administrator",height:"5,4",height2:164,weight:134,weightkg:61,konstit:"average",haircolor:"blonde",eyes:"green",smoke:"No",drink:"Socially",english:"0",freetime:"During my free time, I love doing things that keep me moving and exploring. I enjoy going to the beach, riding my bike, and working out at the gym. Hanging out with my kids and my cute dog Barney also makes me really happy. Sometimes on weekends, we go on trips to relax and have fun away from home. I just love staying active and making special memories with my family and friends.
",partner:"I imagine my perfect partner as someone who is charming, reliable, and honest. He's good-looking and likes to stay active, just like me. Having a good sense of humor is really important because we love to laugh together. Most importantly, he's kind and caring, and he values feelings more than stuff. I want a man who believes in trust and respects me, creating a relationship where we can talk openly and understand each other. We'll go on adventures together, support each other, and show lots of love.
",ocenka:"In the future, I want to have a happy family and a strong relationship with my partner. We'll make lots of good memories together by trusting each other, talking openly, and respecting one another. In my job, I want to keep learning and growing so I can take care of my family financially. My main aim is to live a life full of love, laughter, and close relationships, enjoying every moment and looking forward to what's ahead.
",family:"When I was a kid, my family was really important to me. I have a close relationship with my little sister, and we've had lots of fun times together. We trust each other and always support one another, which makes our bond strong. Being a mom is the best thing ever; my kids make me really happy and give my life meaning. We stick together through good times and bad, making our home a happy place with lots of laughter and love.
\n",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"Yes",aboutherself:"I believe in being true to myself and being kind to others. I'm lucky to have a loving family and great friends who support me. Every day, I find happiness in laughter and fun experiences, facing challenges with strength. Love and my interests help me stay focused and thankful, enjoying each moment and looking forward to what's next.
",aboutday:"Every morning, I wake up excited for the day ahead. I start with a cup of coffee and get ready for work or some fun activities. I make sure to stay active by going for a jog or joining a fitness class. During the day, I spend time with my family and friends, enjoying good laughs and conversations. In the evenings, I relax by reading a book or watching movies with my loved ones, feeling happy and content at home.
",aboutime:"",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Dating",child_m:1,child_f:1,notes:"An open, sincere and very kind woman. She's ready to all the adventures and challenges in her life. A marvelous person, woman and a tremendous mum.
",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Libra",children:"I have children / 1 boy / 1 girl",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[{age:18,date:"28 July"},{age:11,date:"22 January"}],profile:"/women/olena-dnipro-3821/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"},{language:"Russian",title:"Fluent"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:""},birthdayLabel:null},3872:{gid:3872,name:"Anna",bd:"2005-01-24",age:19,branch:"Kharkov",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2023-12-15T16:23:40.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Single",religion:"Christian",degree:"Student",occupation:"Management",works:"",height:"5,8",height2:175,weight:143,weightkg:65,konstit:"petite",haircolor:"blonde",eyes:"blue",smoke:"No",drink:"Never",english:"0",freetime:"Most of my time I devote to dancing because it is my great passion, my hobby and my favourite activity since childhood! I also like to read, watch horror movies, walk around the city, learn new places and meet new people. I think we all look for inspiration every day and find it in the smallest things - like a smile from a passerby, a small accomplishment, or a conversation with our loved ones - because the smallest things make every day special and priceless!
",partner:"I want to meet a romantic and affectionate man who would be tender to me and show care and support. I want to feel he is strong, reliable and serious. I believe my man is so close to me... so please, write me if you read this now ;)
\nI believe in God and I hope my man will share this devotion with me. I hope to find a true soulmate soon.
",ocenka:"My goal is a friendly, real, strong family! I dream of meeting my only one, building a family of respect and care, decorating our home with comfort and happiness and creating our most cosy place on earth!
\nI also dream that I will find a job in a good company and will confidently move up the career ladder.
\nI dream that my husband and I will be love, support and joy for each other.
",family:"I have a wonderful family! Unfortunately, I don't have any brothers or sisters, so I have the best relationship with my mom, because she is always very kind and gentle to me, always helps and gives advice, I can tell her everything and I know that she will be on my side. In our family, I value mutual respect and understanding, support for each other, and solving all issues together. And these are the points I would like to have in my future family.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"I am gentle, kind, caring, loving and soft...I am active, easygoing and friendly. Since childhood I have been engaged in various dances - it is my favourite hobby, and dancing is my life!
\nI see my world as a kind and nice place where everyone is treated with respect, everyone works at their dream jobs, and everyone lives in peace and harmony.
\n\nI have never been in a relationship...For someone, it will seem a disadvantage, but for me, it is important in my life because I want to meet my only one and be with one beloved person all my life!
\n",aboutday:"My typical day starts with waking up and welcoming the new day with open arms! Maybe I'm too romantic?? I guess) but that's my biggest characteristic! Because I make every day happy for myself and other people!
\nI usually study a lot, dance, cook, talk with my loved ones, read and love to listen to music. I find a reason to be happy every day even if it seems like the darkest day.
",aboutime:"",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Friendship,Relationship,Dating",child_m:0,child_f:0,notes:"The girl is very charming, attractive, gentle, simple and always positive. It was a pleasure to meet her! We hope that we can help her find her true love!
",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Aquarius",children:"No children",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[],profile:"/women/anna-kharkov-3872/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"English",title:"Pre-Intermediate"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:"",video:{preview:"",url:""}},birthdayLabel:null},3888:{gid:3888,name:"Liubov",bd:"1996-07-29",age:28,branch:"Kharkov",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2023-12-19T10:38:23.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Single",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Medical/Health",works:"Fitness coach",height:"5,4",height2:163,weight:121,weightkg:55,konstit:"petite",haircolor:"black",eyes:"blue",smoke:"No",drink:"Socially",english:"0",freetime:"I try to fill my free time with something interesting, exciting and bright. I do enjoy reading different kind of books, especially phsychological ones. Just recenly I have started to go to the dancing classes where I express myself through the gentle movements. Hiking and camping is something which is very close to my heart and I even could reach the top of Hoverla mountain). Cooking is one of my biggest passions, I love to try new recipes and treat my friends and family with something tasty). When I have a free minute I try to study English improving it as much as I can.
",partner:"I miss a man, who is family-oriented, adult and mature, loving and loyal, with a kind heart and understanding for women. That would be good to see in my man such qualities as attentiveness, wisdom, generosity, and sensitivity. I would like us to share the same interests and hobbies in life).
",ocenka:"I have a goal to build a wonderful loving family, just like the one I grew up in. Ii think my man will enjoy seeing me growing and developing in different spheres of life. I love traveling so another goal of mine is discovering this world.
",family:"I have a wonderful complete family: the most loving father and mother and the best brother who is 10 years younger than me. I adore my family because we have deep family values and always ready to support each other. We all lived in a cute apartment in a small picturesque village near a lake and a beautiful large forest.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"Having a kind heart, I always try to understand and help others. I am a gentle lady, open and honest, smiling and always trying to keep an optimistic mood).
",aboutday:"I try to make every day of my life not just bright, but at the same time pleasant and useful. I start my day with a healthy breakfast and walking my doggy. Then I hurry up to my working place where I give my fitness classes. When my work comes to the end, as usual I am busy with some of my hobbies, or just relax cooking or watching films. My little family, rabbit Bublyk and dog Richie always accompany me in that). Yes, I love animals so very much).
",aboutime:"",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Friendship,Penpal,Fun,Relationship,Dating",child_m:0,child_f:0,notes:"She is a bright, humorous, kind and open person.
",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Leo",children:"No children",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[],profile:"/women/liubov-kharkov-3888/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"},{language:"English",title:"Beginner"},{language:"Spanish",title:"Beginner"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:""},birthdayLabel:null},4307:{gid:4307,name:"Ksenia",bd:"1995-04-04",age:29,branch:"Dnipro",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2024-07-03T15:00:05.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Divorced",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Marketing",works:"merchandiser",height:"5,6",height2:170,weight:119,weightkg:54,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"blonde",eyes:"green",smoke:"No",drink:"Socially",english:"0",freetime:"Usually, my free time is when I have a vacation. I like to travel. Since childhood, I dreamed of travelling around the world. Travelling alone is not fun, so I want to meet such a man who will be ready to go with me to the end of the world. If we talk about the free hours after work, then I like to dedicate them to my son Matvii. We can ride bikes, go to the park or just watch cartoons in an empty movie theatre. I like to travel. Since childhood, I dreamed of travelling around the world. Travelling alone is not fun, so I want to meet such a man who will be ready to go with me to the end of the world.
",partner:"I know that I would be happy with a man who knows how to hold a dialogue with his beloved. For me, communication, discussion and planning together are very important. My chosen one will be purposeful, will know where to go and I will be ready to walk next to him holding his hand. I was already married, and the divorce was since we had different views on life. In our marriage, we had a son, Matvii, and for me as a mother, my husband must be able to accept him as a friend, as a part of me.
",ocenka:"I believe that I have everything except a strong and friendly family. There is me and there is my son, but there is no sensitive, kind and responsible defender near us. I already tried to build a relationship in Ukraine, but I learned about the agency and decided that maybe I am not looking there, and my soulmate is somewhere far away. If you felt that we could at least try, I would be glad to receive a letter from you.
",family:"I grew up in a family where there was always mutual understanding, communication and support. I see my future family based on these principles. The closest person to me is my mother, who constantly hints to me that it is time to pay attention to men and be happy in a relationship. Do you think Mom is right?
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"I know how to love and be loyal. I am purposeful and focused on long-term relationships.
",aboutday:"I work 5 days a week and I enjoy my work. I am a trade expert by education, and currently, I manage the sales department. I like to sell everything and I'm good at it. After a hot day at the office, I go to the gym three times a week, because I like it when my body is well-groomed and I think you have already appreciated my forms). Of course, this is a joke, but men love with their eyes, and women love with their ears. That's why I'm ready to listen to you...
",aboutime:"",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Friendship,Penpal,Relationship,Dating",child_m:1,child_f:0,notes:"This woman wins your heart from the first glance!
",wantToHaveChildren:"have not decided yet",zodiac:"Aries",children:"I have children / 1 boy ",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[{age:10,date:"15 November"}],profile:"/women/ksenia-dnipro-4307/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"English",title:"Basic"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:""},birthdayLabel:null},4538:{gid:4538,name:"Margarita",bd:"1989-11-24",age:34,branch:"Kharkov",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2024-09-12T14:45:36.000Z",isBirthDay:!0,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Single",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Other",works:"Retoucher",height:"5,7",height2:171,weight:165,weightkg:75,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"black",eyes:"blue",smoke:"No",drink:"Socially",english:"0",freetime:"I am a person who enjoys simple pleasures. Things I love doing in my leisure time are quite simple. I love reading, some of my favourite writers are J.K. Rowling, B. Stoker, D. Keyes, and M.A. Bulgakov. I can’t imagine my days without physical activity. I attend the gym a few times a week, I enjoy jogging and cycling. I love spending time with family and friends, I like to be around them. Also, I adore my pets and love walking my dog. One of my hobbies is cooking, so I gladly spend my free time in the kitchen experimenting with new dishes, or something I have already cooked. I like spending my leisure time with my sister, we share a passion for knitting, so we design and create different knitwear together.
",partner:"I am not looking for perfection. I am not looking for someone flawless. I am looking for someone who will make me feel complete. The one who will fill all the cracks and gaps with his love and care. I'm looking for a man who is interested in a serious relationship. Someone, who sees the relationship the way I see it and who's willing to accept a compromise and work together to achieve our common goals. I enjoy the company of people who have a good sense of humour and a positive attitude. I would love to meet someone who loves life as much as I do and who would want to share all of its beauty with me.
",ocenka:"First of all, I want to have a wonderful relationship with my beloved man whom I will hopefully meet soon. At the same time, I would like to keep doing my work and develop my skills. I am very passionate about PR, photography and retouch and I am planning to keep working in this field in the future. One of my goals is self-development, I want to realize my nature perfectly as I am sure that everyone comes to this world for a reason.
",family:"I grew up in a very friendly family. All of my family members – my mother, father and sister are very precious to me, I have a very warm and trust-based relationship with them. The atmosphere of peace and calm prevails in our home. My family is very happy and strong and we enjoy spending time together)
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"Yes",aboutherself:"I have many sides, layers and facets. Like a rainbow, I have many colours to brighten up your life with. Loving daughter and sister, caring and supportive friend, an artist with my own view of life, a person with a quick mind and creative imagination, tender, soulful and sensitive woman – it's all me and there's much more to discover about me. I see the beauty in the simplest things and I am keeping my inner child alive, so life never stops to astonish and amaze me. I am a giver by nature and I'm here to find my one and only man to gift my heart to. I cannot promise you the world, but I can promise you the universe I have inside...
",aboutday:"There's no such thing as a typical day for me. Every day is a new story for me, a new page of my life book, and it can be significantly different from the previous one. On the one hand, I am lucky as I don't have to work “from 9 to 5” and I work in different places all the time, so I don't know what is boredom. But on the other hand, there's no stability and I never really know what time I'll finish my work... If I have some free time during the day, I meet my friends for lunch or coffee. In the evenings I like being at home with my family, sharing news with them, cooking and having dinner together.
",aboutime:"I'm not going to tell you that I am a huge fan of cleaning, laundry and dish washing! I will be honest, I can do everything about the house and I can do it well, but there is one household chore which I truly enjoy doing - it is cooking. I love cooking Thai food most of all, also I can cook some Ukrainian, Italian and French dishes. Also I am really good at cooking desserts. It's a little strange that I love cooking desserts as I almost don't eat sweets... But my beloved ones are always happy to be spoiled with something sweet and tasty:)",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Friendship,Penpal,Fun,Relationship,Dating,Traveling",child_m:0,child_f:0,notes:"Even a wisp of this lady's smile will make your heart skip a beat. The look of her sapphire eyes will make you feel warmth and her sincerity and frankness will fascinate you right from the start.
",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Sagittarius",children:"No children",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[],profile:"/women/margarita-kharkov-4538/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Russian",title:"Fluent"},{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"},{language:"English",title:"Pre-Intermediate"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:""},birthdayLabel:"in 2 days"},4541:{gid:4541,name:"Daria",bd:"1992-06-29",age:32,branch:"Kremenchug",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2024-07-25T13:36:37.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Divorced",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Other",works:"Beauty master in permanent make up",height:"5,5",height2:167,weight:123,weightkg:56,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"brown",eyes:"blue",smoke:"No",drink:"Never",english:"0",freetime:"I always try to manage my time wisely. I enjoy my work, and communication with my clients, making them feel more confident and beautiful.
\nI like to make sure my home is clean, there is always delicious food ready. Spending time with my daughters, and my friends.
",partner:"I am looking for a reliable, kind and calm man. I hate fighting, I would rather solve any problems with a conversation.
\nRespect and care for your partner is very important to me. The moment when you enjoy each other company, you feel calm and safe together. Everything goes so naturally - this is the kind of happiness I am looking for.
",ocenka:"I have always wanted to have something like my own business. I enjoy shopping so I dream of opening my shop for clothes. There are many places in the world I would love to visit. Tour around Europe with my family for example. We need to live this life to the fullest especially with the hard situation in the world now.
",family:"I grew up in Kremenchuk, in a loving family with my parents and my brother. He is 15 years younger than me but we are still close. I like to be able to provide him with support and advice when he needs it. I appreciated growing up surrounded by love, humour, respect, and support. This is what I want to have in my future family.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"No matter what is happening, I will always stay true to myself. Family is my priority, there is nothing I wouldn't do for my loved ones to be happy.
",aboutday:"I always wake up early, take a shower, prepare a cup of coffee, and help girls get ready for their day. After that, we drive together where we need to go. Some time for work, shopping for groceries with girls, and making dinner together. I enjoy making new meals I have never tried before. To watch an interesting movie before bed and get ready to sleep.
",aboutime:"",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Relationship,Traveling",child_m:0,child_f:2,notes:"The way she talks about her dreams and desires makes it clear that the lady is ready to find a man to share a life with. Such a kind, loving, and funny lady.
",wantToHaveChildren:"0",zodiac:"Cancer",children:"I have children / 2 girl",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[{age:9,date:"1 February"},{age:8,date:"2 October"}],profile:"/women/daria-kremenchug-4541/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"},{language:"Russian",title:"Native"},{language:"English",title:"Pre-Intermediate"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:""},birthdayLabel:null},4588:{gid:4588,name:"Maria",bd:"1990-09-13",age:34,branch:"Ivano-Frankovsk",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2016-08-08T14:14:38.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Single",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Education",works:"Teacher",height:"5,6",height2:168,weight:125,weightkg:57,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"brown",eyes:"blue",smoke:"No",drink:"Socially",english:"0",freetime:"I have many different interests such as swimming and cooking and I like to try something new in my life. Actually I think that we should make our life bright and happy and everything is in our hands.
\r\nI like reading, I prefer classical literature. But also I like modern authors, I think that reading develops people's mind and imagination.
\r\nAlso I like traveling very much, I even lived for some time in the USA, and I like this county very much. People there are great.
\r\nAnd of course I like to spend my time with friends and family.
",partner:"For me love is when people are really happy with each other, when they feel comfortable just being together, and when really appreciate each other. That's why I am looking for a kind, clever, honest and decent man who will love and respect me. And I will make such man the happiest one in the world. I really want to become a perfect wife who will take care about her husband and house.
\r\nI have four main criteria for successful relations : love, respect, support and trust. I believe that such things will provide happy and long lasting relations.
",ocenka:"I have many goals in my life. But now my main goal is love. I want to find a nice man with whom I will create family and will become a happy wife and mother. I am a family oriented girl and I want to meet a man who will support me and who will have similar goals.
\r\nAlso in future I want to travel and visit many countries. And of course I want to develop myself in Educational sphere, I like my work and I like teaching children, they always bring me happiness and nice mood. I want to become a good teacher and maybe open private school of foreign languages in future.
",family:"I grew up in a small town Bolekhiv in a family of loving father and mother. I am the only child in my family. My mother is a housewife. She is an example of loyal, supportive woman. Family is the most important to me, so I would like to create the one where the most important things will be love and trust.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"I am ordinary girl who wants to find love. Sometimes I may look very shy, but I always try to be sincere and I hate hypocrisy and lie. I am active and open minded. I like animals and children because I think that they cannot lie.
\r\nI don't like lazy people who don't want to improve themselves. And I don't like dictators, because partners should be like one team, support and appreciate each other.
\r\nI am afraid of loneliness because it is very important to know and feel that somebody loves you and really cares about you.
",aboutday:"My typical day starts at 9 o'clock. I make some breakfast for myself. I prefer healthy food so I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. Then I go to work and work till 8 pm. Of course I have lunch at work but sometimes I have many lessons and I don't have time for lunch.
\r\nWhen I come home I usually read or watch some nice movie after dinner. And when it is nice weather I take walk with my best friend, she lives near me and we often go to park. Walking is very useful, and after long walk I sleep very nice.
\r\nMy day looks very typical, but I am calm and romantic girl who doesn't like nightclubs and prefer walks and conversations, so I hope to find a man who will share my interests.
",aboutime:"Actually I like to do everything about the house because I think that woman should provide comfortable and cozy life in the house.\nI like cooking very much, especially I like baking different cakes and making salads.\nI always try to make healthy food because I believe that right products help us to stay strong and beautiful.\nMy friends and relatives say me that I am nice cook.\n\nAnd also I like ironing and cleaning. I like when things are in order and when everything is neat and clean. \nI feel myself happy when my house is nice.\n\n",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Friendship,Relationship,Dating",child_m:0,child_f:0,notes:"At first sight the lady is very calm and a little bit shy. But after some communication we noticed that she is very nice and positive. She has charming smile and very kind eyes. She is very romantic person who believes in true endless love and she really wants to find the man who will make her happy. She is very family oriented and very affectionate.
The lady has great sense of humor and she is very kind and easy going. We were really charmed by this lady and we want to help her find that decent man with whom she will create happy family.
",wantToHaveChildren:"2",zodiac:"Virgo",children:"No children",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[],profile:"/women/maria-ivano-frankovsk-4588/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"},{language:"Russian",title:"Fluent"},{language:"English",title:"Intermediate"},{language:"French",title:"Intermediate"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:""},birthdayLabel:null},4662:{gid:4662,name:"Inna",bd:"1984-08-27",age:40,branch:"Kiev",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2024-09-19T11:28:38.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Single",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Travel",works:"Manager",height:"5,4",height2:163,weight:110,weightkg:50,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"blonde",eyes:"grey",smoke:"No",drink:"Socially",english:"0",freetime:"That's impossible to find me sitting in one place when I have free time. I am like a little energizer and this is so easy for me to catch up with everything. Sports and a healthy lifestyle help me to keep my body and soul in perfect shape. My curiosity and thirst for knowledge lead me around different countries studying foreign languages - hope that I will be a professional in this sphere.
\nHowever, sometimes I prefer simply to stay at home sitting in a cosy armchair in the company of a good detective story or making something delicious in the kitchen under the sounds of music. It just depends on my mood.
",partner:"A real woman should have a dream, so I already have it. Everything is quite simple – it should be someone with kind eyes, a beautiful voice and strong but at the same time caring hands. I would like him to be open-hearted, sincere and reliable. His actions should speak louder than words, but there should be a place for telling the sweetest expressions to each other, as well. A man, who will surround me with attention, love and tenderness, will be simply the best for me. Truly, appearance is something secondary, cause the main thing in relations is to look in one direction together.
",ocenka:"Leading an active lifestyle, I have different goals, but my biggest one is to build my own world with my soul mate. I wish I could direct all my energy creating special relations with him making all my best to keep up the fire between us. I would like to be a good wife and the best mother for our kids, but I think it would be quite good to invent some kind of family business. I believe it could only join us and make our relations stronger. What do you think about that idea?
",family:"I was born into a full family where close and sincere relations were always on the top. My mother and father were some kind of example of an ideal couple for me cause I have never seen any misunderstandings between them. That is why I know what real relations should look like. I have an older sister and our communication is still quite open and sincere.
\nI can say with confidence that my family is a very important part of my life. They are the closest people to me and I have always been surrounded by their love, care, support and understanding.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"My life is various, filled with different people and events. And I used to accept everything only with an optimistic mood and in bright colors. My friends tell me that I am a cheerful smiling lady who spread her positive thoughts and energy any time and everywhere. So I am eager to share them with my second half!
\nAs an outgoing person, I know that all the people are different. So if you want to discover someone, you should start communication.
",aboutday:"I am an early bird and would like to enjoy the freshness of a new day running in the park. After charging with energy in such a nice way I am ready to start my working hours. Except for sports, I found myself attending dancing classes where I could get some relaxation moving under the modern music. The good company of my best friends can make my day complete so I try not to miss the possibility of spending a couple of hours with them enjoying the warm atmosphere of some cosy and comfortable place.
",aboutime:"I am right that lady who pays attention to small things which can make my home cozy. That is why my flat is filled with the smell of tasty coffee and freshness of flowers. Quite unusual combination, isn`t it? Maybe it will be a surprise, but cooking, cleaning, washing and ironing – that's all about me. Sometimes people want to turn their flat into some kind of museum, but I simply prefer when everything is tidy and standing on its places. And of course when there are some delicious things to enjoy in the kitchen.",seeking:"",child_m:0,child_f:0,notes:"That lady has her special charm which is so simple to recognise in her looks, speech and expression of thoughts. Inna looks like the spark in the sky and that is simply impossible not to miss that cheerful and beautiful smile which she wears on her face all the time.
",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Virgo",children:"No children",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[],profile:"/women/inna-kiev-4662/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Russian",title:"Native"},{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Fluent"},{language:"English",title:"Intermediate"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:"",video:{preview:"",url:""}},birthdayLabel:null},4786:{gid:4786,name:"Viktoriia",bd:"1988-11-20",age:36,branch:"Sumy",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2024-08-14T19:47:59.000Z",isBirthDay:!0,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Divorced",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Services",works:"a make up artist",height:"5,2",height2:160,weight:114,weightkg:52,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"blonde",eyes:"blue",smoke:"No",drink:"Never",english:"0",freetime:"One of my biggest passions is drawing. I feel like i do real magic when I pick up a pencil or brush and let my imagination flow. I have a dream to draw a portrait of my husbund i am looking for) I also enjoy going to the gym. It’s my way of staying strong and fit, healthy. I know mostly people hate doing cardio but honestly it is my favorite part of training). My weekend mornings are about running in the forest. The fresh air, the trees around me, and the sound of my feet on the ground it’s like I’m part of nature.
",partner:"I need a man i can trust. If i trust a person and he does not let me down, then i dont feel anxiety, i dont worry he can cheat me or not. I want to feel easy and coI dont want him to has sense of dignity and repect for himself, relations he has and his woman.
",ocenka:"My goal on top is to find a man, my mate and move to live with him and not to have relations on distance. I want this person be really someone i can trust and shre my life with. Maybe i also can work there, maybe een online to spend more time with my beloved if he would need me to work.
",family:"I live with my daughter Eva and my little dog(chihuahua) Thor. My parents live separately but we always stay in touch, having trusting relations. I care of them much, and they support my choice to look for a man abroad
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"I am a woman with a kind heart and seek for romance and tender attitude to me. I want to feel a woman next to my man. I mean the feeling of safety a man can give to a man, loved and respected.
",aboutday:"My day usually starts bright and early. The first sound I hear is my alarm, but honestly, it’s my daughter, who’s 11, that truly gets me out of bed. We have this little morning ritual where I make her favorite breakfast like pancakes or toast with jam.After my work and taking her off the school, it’s time for my gym session. Workout to get my energy up for the day ahead.Evenings are usually our relaxing time. We cook together, i help her with home task, we watch the movies or cartoons
",aboutime:"",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Relationship",child_m:0,child_f:1,notes:"She is serious about her search, she is open and kind. She is open to this life adventures and opportuities
",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Scorpio",children:"I have children / 1 girl",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[{age:11,date:"16 May"}],profile:"/women/viktoriia-sumy-4786/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Russian",title:"Fluent"},{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"},{language:"English",title:"Beginner"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:"",video:{preview:"",url:""}},birthdayLabel:"2 days ago"},4793:{gid:4793,name:"Daryna",bd:"1999-09-12",age:25,branch:"Lutsk",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2024-08-26T13:37:37.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Single",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Technical",works:"IT designer",height:"5,4",height2:164,weight:125,weightkg:57,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"black",eyes:"green",smoke:"No",drink:"Socially",english:"0",freetime:"When I have free time, I love to immerse myself in romantic or comedy movies that make me laugh and feel good emotions.
\nI also enjoy reading captivating books that transport me to different worlds.
\nPainting allows me to express my creativity and relax, while cooking gives me the chance to experiment with new recipes and flavours.
\nEach of these activities brings me joy and helps me relax after a busy day.
",partner:"I dream of a kind, generous, most importantly, caring man whom I will want to follow. For me, the ideal man is the one who will be my support and I will be his.
\nNear my man, I want to be a woman who can finally relax and devote herself to him and the whole family!
",ocenka:"First of all, I want to find my man and create wonderful and happy relationships. To live together in joy and joint adventures, to travel a lot.
\nAlso, I want to develop in the field of design, and I want to learn how to draw illustrations.I draw a lot in my free time, so I would like to improve my skills.
\nI also work part-time as a make-up artist, it's a job for the soul, I dream of having my own beauty salon someday.
",family:"I grew up in a nice and friendly family, surrounded by love and support. I have an older brother, who has always been my best friend and support, as well as wonderful parents who instilled in me the values of kindness and resilience.
\nI also often stayed with my grandparents in the countryside, where I learned to appreciate nature and the simple joys of life. Those moments are some of my fondest memories.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"I love nature. My chip is a crazy thirst for adventure, I want to try everything in life, jump from a parachute, and diving, and even fly into space hahaha, and why not dream big?
\nI believe that the world is built by dreamers, and I am one of those crazy dreamers!
",aboutday:"My day typically looks like this:
\nI wake up at 8 in the morning and start my day with a short workout to get my energy flowing. After that, I prepare a delicious breakfast to fuel myself for the day ahead.
\nSince I work from home, I dive straight into my tasks. Throughout the day, I make sure to take breaks for lunch and Pilates training. It helps alleviate any tension in my neck and back from sitting at the computer.
\nOnce my workday is over, I prefer a variety of activities. Sometimes I meet up with friends, visit my parents, or spend time at home doing household chores or hobbies.
",aboutime:"",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Friendship,Fun,Relationship,Traveling",child_m:0,child_f:0,notes:"Daryna is a sage woman despite her young age. She is so talented, creative, and has a captivating personality.
\nher future chosen one will be very happy next to her because she knows exactly what a man needs.
\nHer future partner will undoubtedly feel fortunate to be by her side, as she intuitively understands what a man truly needs. With her depth of insight and genuine care, Daryna is a dream of every man.
",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Virgo",children:"No children",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[],profile:"/women/daryna-lutsk-4793/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"},{language:"English",title:"Beginner"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:"",video:{preview:"",url:""}},birthdayLabel:null},5074:{gid:5074,name:"Anastasiia",bd:"1998-04-23",age:26,branch:"Kiev",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2024-08-29T13:39:18.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Single",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Arts",works:"Ballet dancer",height:"5,6",height2:170,weight:121,weightkg:55,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"light-brown",eyes:"grey",smoke:"No",drink:"Socially",english:"0",freetime:"In the warm season, I love gathering together in nature, by the river or in the forest. In my free time, I also like to cook, experiment with different recipes and create something new. In addition, there are times when I want to stay at home. Especially when it's raining outside, I like to read a book and look out the window from time to time. I also like to draw and listen to music. I tend to think that sometimes it is very useful to be distracted from work. The secret to success is the ability to find a balance between work and leisure.
",partner:"I’m looking for a tender, romantic, positive person; a man who, like me, will see the beauty in the little things and will be happy to watch me prepare for ballet :))) Is it you?)
",ocenka:"My goal is to find a person with whom we will be happy and with whom we will make our dreams come true together, isn't that great?
\nBut I would also like to implement such plans:
\n- I'd like to visit a romantic place for two, it could be the ocean or mountain views, what would you choose?
\n- to write a story about all my travels and publish it for a wide range of readers
\n- to create a photo album with the best photos of my life. Sounds pretty creative, but we can only imagine how much fun it would be, right?
\n",family:"My family are the best people in my life. They gave me not only the best childhood but also taught me to see a bright future. Family is support and strength. These are the people who cheered for me from start to finish when I was on the dance floor; people who worry about me wherever I am. They are my universe.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"I am a creative and romantic person. I love listening to music, I love Georgian cuisine, I love watching films, and recently thriller has become my favourite genre. In addition, I adore flowers and generally love beautiful fragrances, wonderful perfumes and aroma candles, aroma sticks, it is a special pleasure for me to feel home comfort with the help of such details
",aboutday:"My day always looks different because I am active and travel a lot. But what I can say is that I always wake up happy because I can start my new unique day doing what I love - ballet. In the morning, I plan my day, I highlight the most important things in my notebook, my work, but when I get home, I let myself relax by reading a book, watching a film, maybe choosing clothes for a walk or experimenting with dishes in the kitchen. I adore bathing at the end of the day and feel comfortable when my house smells wonderful with the scent of my favourite flowers (peonies).
",aboutime:"",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Friendship,Relationship",child_m:0,child_f:0,notes:"Cheerful, optimistic, active and romantic. This lady knows how to cheer you up and make you laugh, you won't be sad with her. She is ready to create unique connection with a man who appereciates her :) Don't miss a chance with such an interesting girl
",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Taurus",children:"No children",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[],profile:"/women/anastasiia-kiev-5074/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"},{language:"English",title:"Basic"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:""},birthdayLabel:null},5898:{gid:5898,name:"Anna",bd:"2001-05-30",age:23,branch:"Lviv",mailflag:"girls",isNew:1,register:"2024-10-22T15:30:45.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Single",religion:"Christian",degree:"Student",occupation:"Management",works:" ",height:"5,4",height2:165,weight:97,weightkg:44,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"light-brown",eyes:"brown",smoke:"No",drink:"Socially",english:"0",freetime:"I enjoy reading and getting lost in new stories. I also love photography and like to take pictures of nature and special moments in life. I never learned as a photographer, but since I have been doing it for a long time and am self-taught, sometimes it is my part-time job. When I'm not reading or taking photos, I spend time with my cat, Lilu. She makes me laugh with her silly behaviour and brings joy to my days.
",partner:"I am looking for a man who knows what he wants in life. A person who is generous, both in spirit and in actions, and takes responsibility seriously. I appreciate a partner who can balance ambition with fun, someone who can make everyday moments special. If you’re confident, kind, and ready for a meaningful connection, we might just be a perfect match!
",ocenka:"I dream of finding true love and traveling more. And maybe transfer to another university abroad, I'm still choosing. One of my short-term goals is to get a car, so I can easily explore new places.
",family:"I don’t have any siblings, so it’s just me. My mom lives abroad, and although we don’t see each other often, we always make the most of our time together when we do. I cherish those moments and love creating wonderful memories with her.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"I’m a cheerful and passionate, I love life and all its adventures. I enjoy reading, exploring new places. I believe that life is about creating wonderful moments, and can't wait to find someone special to share it with.
",aboutday:"On weekends, I love to meet up with friends, catch a movie, or enjoy a nice dinner at a cozy restaurant, enjoy exploring new cuisines, it's like a little trip when you open new tastes from far away countries. It’s a great way to relax and have fun! During the weekdays, most of my time is taken up by studying and working part-time, so I try to make the most of my free time on the weekends.
",aboutime:"",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Relationship,Dating",child_m:0,child_f:0,notes:"lady radiates warmth and kindness, making her a joy to be around
",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Gemini",children:"No children",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[],profile:"/women/anna-lviv-5898/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"},{language:"Russian",title:"Fluent"},{language:"English",title:"Pre-Intermediate"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:"",video:{preview:"",url:""}},birthdayLabel:null},6543:{gid:6543,name:"Alina",bd:"1999-10-25",age:25,branch:"Rovno",mailflag:"girls",isNew:1,register:"2024-11-07T13:25:33.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Single",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Other",works:"Stylist ",height:"5,8",height2:175,weight:121,weightkg:55,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"brown",eyes:"hazel",smoke:"No",drink:"Socially",english:"0",freetime:"Life is an adventure, and I am fully into it.:) In my free time, I love to get new experiences and emotions and try something I haven't done before, it enriches my life and makes it more fulfilling. I love to learn when I have free time, reading and studying new trends in my profession. Every free time should be spent for the benefit of yourself, your health, mind, and soul. That's why I love nature, travelling, and sports, and ready to share all these activities with my future partner.
",partner:"I hope to meet a loving and caring man with a kind heart and curious mind who will be my companion in life and crime ;)
\nI am an open person, and I am ready to go on a compromise in relationships. But fundamental things such as kindness and, honesty, loyalty are the most important for me, and they can't be compromised.
",ocenka:"I am dreaming of opening my own business. My job inspires me a lot, and I want to develop myself in it. But I think life can't be fulfilled without love and a real partner next to you. So here, my main goal is to find that special one I can share everything with and to create a happy family.
",family:"I am close to my family, and we always help each other no matter what. I have parents; they are doctors, and also my older brother. I can say that I had a happy childhood, and I am dreaming about the same loving and caring family in the future.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"I am very kind, attentive, and caring, and I want to be surrounded by the same people. I know how to love, and I am dreaming about the same in return.
",aboutday:"My days are busy, I wake up and drink warm water with lemon and ginger to keep me healthy. Then I do morning exercises and head to work; I work with people, that's why my day consists of many meanings and calls. In the evening, I like to relax with a book or just go for a walk or go to the gym to relax and rest after a busy day.
",aboutime:"",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Relationship,Dating",child_m:0,child_f:0,notes:"Alina is a very charming lady with a special charisma and a beautiful smile. She is kind and very easy-going.
",wantToHaveChildren:"0",zodiac:"Scorpio",children:"No children",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[],profile:"/women/alina-rovno-6543/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"English",title:"Beginner"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:"",video:{preview:"",url:""}},birthdayLabel:null},6548:{gid:6548,name:"Maryana",bd:"1983-09-20",age:41,branch:"Kharkov",mailflag:"girls",isNew:1,register:"2024-11-08T16:22:19.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Single",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Other",works:"Psychologist ",height:"5,6",height2:170,weight:143,weightkg:65,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"blonde",eyes:"grey",smoke:"No",drink:"Socially",english:"0",freetime:"Being an active lady I enjoy spending my time the same active way. I love traveling and discovering new places. Sport is a part of my life the same as a good meditation or just reading a book which helps me to keep my body and soul in the right balance. Also I enjoy meeting with my friends and close people sharing positive emotions with each other)
",partner:"I would be happy to meet such a man who is understanging, not selfish, someone who knows the way to respect and love his lady, someone who has a big loving heart and ready to share this world with me. My man should be caring and mature being family oriented and reliable.
",ocenka:"My goal is to develop myself in the main profession of my life being a good specialist in the field of psychology. I would like to open my own psychological center helping people in solving their life issues, problems and worries. I cincerely hope that my future man is going to be proud of me and together we will build a strong union having complete understanding between each other in our family life.
",family:"I grew up in such a family where family values were deeply appreciated and cherished. My parents tought me the way to save the fire of family life being a caring, wise and loving person. My parents are the greatest example of true feelings and love.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"Yes",aboutherself:"I consider myself as a reliable person, someone who is ready to support my close people. I am friendly and helpful, active and have positive attitude to this life and everything which surrounds me;)
",aboutday:"As usual I start my day with sports or meditation. My rule number one is to begin my every single day having positive thoughts in my mind and wearing a smile on my face. I have many working tasks and after solving them I enjoy having a good relaxation breathing fresh air during the walk, or just staying at home listening to the music. Maybe it sounds surprising but cooking can be a good relaxation for me too;)
",aboutime:"",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Friendship,Penpal,Fun,Relationship,Dating,Traveling",child_m:0,child_f:0,notes:"Maryana is such kind of lady who is wise, very careful in chosing the right words ina conversation, supportive, extremely beautiful and radiant.
",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Virgo",children:"No children",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[],profile:"/women/maryana-kharkov-6548/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"},{language:"English",title:"Advanced"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:""},birthdayLabel:null},6560:{gid:6560,name:"Nadiia",bd:"2002-08-12",age:22,branch:"Kiev",mailflag:"girls",isNew:1,register:"2024-11-08T16:06:35.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Single",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Administrative",works:"Administration position in a beauty salon",height:"5,4",height2:163,weight:121,weightkg:55,konstit:"",haircolor:"black",eyes:"grey",smoke:"No",drink:"Never",english:"0",freetime:"I am a very creative person and love everything connected with it, I do a lot of things with my own hands, and I also redesign old things, and the creative space is my outlet. Since childhood, I liked to keep many different notebooks and diaries, this habit has come in handy for me in adulthood, now I like to do time management. It creates a feeling of a clear head and is also very convenient. I am always trying myself in different directions and am constantly engaged in self-development. I really love reading and watching educational podcasts. In my free time, I do sports: jogging, fitness, yoga, pilates. I like to romanticize everything I see around me, so I always create a lot of cosiness at home. I love to cook all sorts of delicious things, especially baked goods. I also sometimes put together puzzles and paint pictures by numbers. I am fond of cycling in the warm season. I really love nature and walks in the fresh air. Always open to something new, I like to feel adrenaline and extreme.
",partner:"The most basic thing I want to see in a man is the ability to express kindness and show care and understanding to loved ones, and to my future woman. A man who has clear goals and strives to achieve them will be a good partner and support for me, and I hope that we will have common goals. I also believe that a man should have a sense of humour and loyalty to his woman. I will not tolerate rudeness, violence and bullying.
",ocenka:"My biggest, non-material, dream is to live the happiest, brightest, most interesting life. So next to me, there is a person who looks in the same direction. I dream of achieving success in my career and creating my own business. From material dreams - my own car and a house in which I will create cosiness.
",family:"My dad by education, is able to do a lot from a tree and has taught me from childhood too. We often made some products together.
\nThe whole family, we love to spend fun time together. It happens on mushrooms or fishing. We communicate a lot on different topics. My parents have modern views on life, so I have something to talk to them about. We have a very wonderful and harmonious relationship.
\nBrother by education is a marketer and is now engaged in advertising. We have many friends, so we also often go together. He is 25 years old, but he has no girl. I often joke about it about it, but he does not forget to slam me. We communicate very well and often share mysteries.
\nAnd with my mom we love to do all type of beaten procedures, some masks new to try. Well, of course, a lot we talk. I love her incredibly and respect her.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"",aboutherself:"I am a rather hot-tempered person, but I quickly forgive. Very empathetic and understanding. I treat people on the principle of how you treat me - and I treat you. Many people say that I am a chatterbox, I can say that this is true, but I am not like this with everyone, if I am comfortable with a person then yes. Faithful, and always ready to go to the end with one, if this is my person.
\n\nSometimes I am proud, but I can still make concessions. Basically kind and very cheerful, I always try to find something good, no matter what happens. Cheerful and loves to laugh out loud.
",aboutday:"Usually on weekdays, I work on office graphics. Therefore, most of the day I have at work. In the evening I go to Pilates, and I can watch movies at home. I cook dinner and meet my friends. On weekends I love to be in nature, walk and breathe in air. I can cook something from baking, I really like to please my family or friends. Sometimes I draw paintings. This is very prominent and teaches them to concentrate.
",aboutime:"",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Relationship,Dating",child_m:0,child_f:0,notes:"Very gentle and caring. Open and sensual personality. She sincerely believes in real love and is ready to work on relationships with her husband, and take care of family and family comfort.
",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Leo",children:"No children",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[],profile:"/women/nadiia-kiev-6560/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"English",title:"Basic"},{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"},{language:"Russian",title:"Native"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:"",video:{preview:"",url:""}},birthdayLabel:null},6567:{gid:6567,name:"Olena",bd:"1979-06-12",age:45,branch:"Zaporozhye",mailflag:"girls",isNew:1,register:"2024-11-12T15:44:54.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Divorced",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Technical",works:"senior master",height:"5,6",height2:170,weight:132,weightkg:60,konstit:"petite",haircolor:"blonde",eyes:"grey",smoke:"No",drink:"Socially",english:"0",freetime:"I am very active and loving woman )
\nI like to walk with my dogs and spend a lot of time outside. I am family oriented and that is why family time is vital for me.
\nI know that my loving man will become a great part of my life and I will be able to make him happy )
",partner:"Real love is when you feel someone more than you feel yourself.
\nI would like to meet a reliable caring and sincere man and I would like to make his life happy and united. I would like to smile and to be his bright sun every day and every night.
\nIs that about you?
",ocenka:"I am a woman and I desire to build a loving family based on respect and love and support.
\nI know that I can be a very good wife and I want to share such qualities with my man. I want to make you happy and I want to feel happy with you too) Are you ready for that?
",family:"I have a mother and father and they are very important to me. At the same time, I have relatives who create our family union and you know for me family meetings and family celebrations are very important. I love to cook for my family and I love to cook for dear people and I would like you to become a part of me and my life )
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"I am sincere and passionate and interesting and very active ) Yes I am hard working and sometimes I can be busy but at the same time, I know that all my love, all my heart and all my body I want to give to one man.
\nI think love is when you give all your energy to your partner. I have a lot of this energy and I want you to feel it. Are you ready?
\nI want us to unite our hands and hearts )
",aboutday:"I am working and I have a very serious work position ) I can tell you that I am a big boss and I am respected by my workers ) Do you think you can love a woman who is a boss?
\nI am hard working and I know that to be a boss I have to be serious but at the same time my workers can rely on me and can trust me and I know that I can support them and help them any moment.
\nI have long working days and in the evening I love training and I love to take care of my body. I go to the gym when I have time. Do you like training too?
",aboutime:"",seeking:"Romance,Relationship,Dating",child_m:0,child_f:0,notes:"We talked to a lady and she appeared to us as a caring and sincere woman who desires to live and who desires to be happy
",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Gemini",children:"No children",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[],profile:"/women/olena-zaporozhye-6567/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Russian",title:"Native"},{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"},{language:"English",title:"Basic"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:""},birthdayLabel:null},6644:{gid:6644,name:"Milena",bd:"1993-03-19",age:31,branch:"Kremenchug",mailflag:"girls",isNew:1,register:"2024-11-15T16:44:28.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Single",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Finance",works:"accountant",height:"5,2",height2:160,weight:110,weightkg:50,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"brown",eyes:"hazel",smoke:"No",drink:"Never",english:"0",freetime:"In my free time, I like to be creative. I can draw, I can just go to the park to photograph nature. I always like to develop, because life is one and you need to take everything from it.
\nI like to spend time with a cup of coffee in a café and watch how time flies around, look at people.
\nSo I like to sing, sew and, of course, experiment in the kitchen with different dishes.
",partner:"I'm looking for a man who will love me alone. He will be loyal, gentle, and strong and he could take care of me. That would support me in all endeavours, help me develop, and have a good sense of humour.
\nI want a family man to create a hearth at home, and spend evenings together, to feel not alone.
",ocenka:"Lead a fulfilling life, constantly learn new things, grow, and have a positive impact on society.
\nTo become a happy person, to realize your creative potential, to create a family, to live by the sea.
\nDuring my life, I managed to visit several countries. Turkey, Poland, Egypt, Italy. Italy has a well-developed fashion industry, a variety of dishes, sandy beaches, and a warm sea.
\nTurkey also has unique nature, beautiful beaches, culture, and attractions.
",family:"My family consists of 4 people. I live separately from my parents. I maintain a warm and close relationship with them.
\nI also have a twin sister, I was born 20 minutes older than her.
\nI also have a black pug dog, his name is Black.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"I am a creative and gentle person. I do not forgive infidelity, although I have never been married, I want to feel this feeling.
\nIt doesn't matter to me how older my partner is than me, the main thing is that there is care and mental and physical warmth.
\nI don't play the lottery, but I believe in luck and destiny.
\nI would like to be able to talk to a man on different topics, so that he would be smart, and have all the qualities of a master of the house.
",aboutday:"My typical day starts with a good breakfast. Then I go to the bathroom before beauty treatments.
\nI walk my dog and get ready for work. Upon returning home, I can go to some stores to buy some kind of trinket for the house, of course, a lonely routine awaits me at home. I can read a book in the evening, cook myself dinner, take a hot bath, and go to the world of dreams.
",aboutime:"",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Relationship,Dating",child_m:0,child_f:0,notes:"Milena is an unusually beautiful girl, an emerald among the wild mountain steppes. She can charm, and bewitch any man.
\nBut she is a very sincere and gentle girl who is true to her principles and believes in love for life. She is not looking for a quick relationship, she needs a partner who will be with her for the rest of her life.
",wantToHaveChildren:"0",zodiac:"Pisces",children:"No children",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[],profile:"/women/milena-kremenchug-6644/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Russian",title:"Advanced"},{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Basic"},{language:"English",title:"Basic"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:""},birthdayLabel:null},6682:{gid:6682,name:"Nataly",bd:"1985-04-28",age:39,branch:"Kharkov",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2017-07-19T15:03:23.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Divorced",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Education",works:"Teacher",height:"5,4",height2:163,weight:110,weightkg:50,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"blonde",eyes:"blue",smoke:"No",drink:"Socially",english:"0",freetime:"Movement is life - this is my credo I am that kind of woman who you will not see laying on the couch doing nothing. I try to develop myself in many spheres. I care about my health and health of my children so I always find new recipes of delicious and healthy food! I also enjoy photography and reading! I am always excited to know something new about the world which surrounds us so I also enjoy traveling!
",partner:"I see a serious and faithful man near me who will have family oriented values and who will be romantic and gentle with me. If you are reading my profile and like me, don't hesitate to contact, because I want to build longlasting and real relations.
",ocenka:"My life is full of happy moments and interesting events, and I want to find a man with whom I can share everything and be in harmony with him! Family is my priority in life. I also try to develop myself in different spheres, as I want to be a diverse woman.
",family:"I am a happy mother of the hockey boy and artistic girl. I am proud of my children as they are sporty and smart. Sophia and Timothy make me happy and we like to spend time together. Would you like to join us?
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"I am a feminine and strong woman who has only positive thoughts about the future. I am a caring mother and I will be a passionate and tender wife. I also think that a lady should never forget about herself and should always improve her inner and outer qualities to be interesting and attractive for her man. So I love learning something new and trying new things in life. I will give all my love and care to my man.
",aboutday:"I always start my day with a smile on my face. I believe that good mood means a good day. I usually cook a healthy breakfast for my children and I drive them to school and go to work. I like children and so it is a work of my dream to teach little children how to write and read. After work I also can have a few private lessons and go to the gym. I usually spend evenings with kids playing games or watching cartoons, would you like to join us?
",aboutime:"I like making my home comfortable and cozy! \nI enjoy cooking delicious and at the same time healthy food for my dear people.\nThat is why I always find receipts of new dishes and try to improve myself in cooking. Baking has become my new hobby recently.",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Friendship,Penpal,Relationship",child_m:1,child_f:1,notes:"Nataly is an intelligent, stunning, and pleasant woman. She catches all the attention when she enters the room, with her beautiful smile and nice personality. This woman knows what she wants and knows the ways to achieve it.
",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Taurus",children:"I have children / 1 boy / 1 girl",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[{age:16,date:"10 February"},{age:18,date:"31 August"}],profile:"/women/nataly-kharkov-6682/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"},{language:"Russian",title:"Fluent"},{language:"English",title:"Beginner"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:""},birthdayLabel:null},6738:{gid:6738,name:"Yulya",bd:"1986-04-19",age:38,branch:"Kremenchug",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2024-02-16T00:42:22.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Divorced",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Marketing",works:"Publicity release/advertising agent",height:"5,10",height2:178,weight:128,weightkg:58,konstit:"petite",haircolor:"blonde",eyes:"brown",smoke:"No",drink:"Socially",english:"0",freetime:'I am living my life to the fullest, trying not to miss any moment of it. When I have a free moment I try to spend it with my daughter, who is my sunshine and my pride. She loves singing, dancing, and sports and we have lots of fun together always. I love spending time with my family and friends also, I think that people have to work a lot in modern life to achieve anything, so when we get a free moment we love spending it together.
\nI have been bitten by the "travel bug" and it is another passion of mine. I have been to Poland, Slovakia, Austria, Croatia, Italy, Hungary, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Turkey, Tunis, Egypt, Greece, Germany and Russia also. I fell in love with Vienna city, which I visited this spring attending the World Beach Volleyball competition. Volleyball is my love for a lifetime, an addiction and something that I can\'t imagine my life without, I have been playing it since I was ten years old, and till now I have four training a week despite on weather.
',partner:"I hope to find a man, who will have the same life passion as I do. I have been married to my teenage love, who I have watched degrade from a young man with lots of hopes and plans, to the coach-potato without any desire to develop as a personality, drinking with friends and ignoring his family. That is what I have escaped from. And now I am looking for a man, who will set his family on the top of the list, who will be enjoying living life together with a loving, kind, passionate, smart and mature woman, who is never in a bad mood. I can't stand lies, cheating and violence, I would never be with a man who would even think of a chance to betray his woman. I am loyal to the core and I am hoping that would be important for my future beloved as well.
",ocenka:"I think there is no bigger goal than a loving and happy family, and that is what I dream of for myself and my daughter. I enjoy my life, sports, work, and everything in it, but without a special person to share that all, there is no sense in everyday struggle. I like my job, I have two higher educations, I am an engineer in my first and an economist in my second education, and right now I am working as an advertising agent and I enjoy it so much. I think this job gives me a chance to fully open my talent for imagination and create something new, so I would like to have a chance to develop in this field and hopefully change my life for the better.
",family:"Mom, Dad, me and Darya (my daughter) - that is all my family. But when you will see us together you will notice how close and cohesive we are. We are solid, each for all and all together for any of us. My parents are my best friends, and I am trying to be the closest friend for my daughter too. Maybe the reason for such a strong family connection is that my Dad is a former military officer, we had to travel a lot because of his work and we had ups and downs of course, as any family had, but there was no moment when I would have felt alone in this world.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"Yes",aboutherself:"When I was told I would need to tell about myself I didn't know what to say, so I spent a while sitting with a blank slate looking outside the window, but then all of a sudden I started writing. And now, when I look at all that I have written, I am thinking that probably you are already tired and bored to read that all. So I will make this one short - I am a lady looking for love. If you think you are here for the same reason, let us give it a chance together then, you and I.
",aboutday:"Oh well, my day starts at 6 am when I wake up and get ready for work, I need to make fresh breakfast for myself and for Darya, and rush to the kindergarten pulling her by hand, she doesn't like waking up early, and I can't blame her. After Darya is in kindergarten I need to get to my work by 9 am, there I stay till 5 pm Monday through Friday. Right after work, I run back to pick Darya up from the kindergarten and we go home. Four evenings of the week I spend training with my good lady friend volleyball, and the rest evenings I spend with my daughter and family at home.
",aboutime:"I love cooking, and I am happy that I am living with my daughter and parents, as I can cook for family and enjoy feeding them! Another domestic ability I enjoy is cleaning. The only \"must have\" is a loud music playing on! And yes, I do sing with the vacuum cleaner and dance with the mop, so the process of cleaning sometimes lasts longer than it should have. I don't like dusting off, as I am allergic and many things can make me feel sick. Other than that I think I am a good housekeeper. Oh, and I didn't say that our family lives in a big house, so I can add gardening, weeding and watering to my domestic abilities also! ",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Relationship",child_m:0,child_f:1,notes:"Very positive, cheerful and soulful lady, a girl with just a shimmer in her eyes, who immediately attracts attention to herself with her childlike innocence and a very unique charm.
",wantToHaveChildren:"have not decided yet",zodiac:"Aries",children:"I have children / 1 girl",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[{age:11,date:"22 December"}],profile:"/women/yulya-kremenchug-6738/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Russian",title:"Native"},{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"},{language:"English",title:"Pre-Intermediate"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:""},birthdayLabel:null},8385:{gid:8385,name:"Alina",bd:"2001-11-07",age:23,branch:"Zaporozhye",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2019-11-21T09:40:45.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Single",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Media",works:"Copywriter",height:"5,9",height2:176,weight:145,weightkg:66,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"light-brown",eyes:"green",smoke:"No",drink:"Never",english:"0",freetime:"My interests are so diverse and I can bet that you will never be bored with me! ;) I have a very romantic soul, and I am fond of dancing and singing. Get ready to listen my favorite songs when I take shower :) By the way, what is your favorite song? I will learn the song which you like for you ;) Another talent I have is acrobatics! ;) I went to the circus school and I can do lots of acrobatic techniques. Also, I enjoy camping, sitting near the fire at night, singing guitar songs..So romantic.. Should we do it together one day?One more interesting hobby I have is modelling. It is always exciting to try new looks and images, to work with creative people, and then to see the result of the work.
",partner:"A man of my dreams is an experienced man who knows what he wants in life. Care, love, support, warm hugs and smiles - it will be an integral part of our daily life! We will discover what true love is together! :)
",ocenka:"The main goal in my life is to meet my second half, my best friend with whom I will build a serious relationship, create a family, share a lot of happy moments and open the new world for us!
\nIt will be great to travel together, to see the world, to create many pleasant memories together! One of the goals I have, is also to learn foreign languages, to be free to communicate directly with anyone in the world :)
",family:"I am the only child in my family. My parents are divorced but I never felt lack of love and support. My mother is my real best friend and she supports me in everything! But still, I am dreaming to have a complete, united family, which I am ready to create.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"Yes",aboutherself:"I am very loving and romantic, I am very loyal, understanding and affectionate. When I finally meet my man, I will never let him forget about my feelings towards him, I believe that love should be expressed daily by all means - in words, touches, actions... What do you think about it? What is your love language? :)
",aboutday:"Every day I wake up and smile to the world. I feel like a butterfly that spreads its wings and flutters from flower to flower every day :) I appreciate natural beauty, so I try to take time every day for myself to be in shape and look great for my future husband :)
",aboutime:"One of my favorite domestic abilities is cooking. I always try to cook something new, unusual and tasty. And of course I like to keep my home clean and cosy. I am very hospitable person and ready for meeting guests. ",seeking:"Marriage,Relationship",child_m:0,child_f:0,notes:"This lady is very positive, smiling, kind and good natured. She had a pure romantic dreamy soul, and at the same time she is very serious in her intentions to find her love and to create a family.
",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Scorpio",children:"No children",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[],profile:"/women/alina-zaporozhye-8385/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"},{language:"English",title:"Intermediate"},{language:"Spanish",title:"Beginner"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:"",video:{preview:"",url:""}},birthdayLabel:null},8402:{gid:8402,name:"Liza",bd:"1992-01-05",age:32,branch:"Nikolaev",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2019-12-10T13:52:42.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Single",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Management",works:"Key Account Manager",height:"5,10",height2:178,weight:132,weightkg:60,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"brown",eyes:"brown",smoke:"No",drink:"Socially",english:"0",freetime:"In my free time, I love watching movies at home or going to the cinema with friends. I enjoy reading books and singing songs in karaoke. But to be honest, my biggest passion is traveling to new places. It's always amazing to see beautiful locations, meet friendly people, and discover new things. I'm also working on learning English; it's not easy, but I'm giving it my best effort.
",partner:"What matters most in a relationship is how you feel when you're with your partner. I want to feel happy, safe, and loved by my partner. I'm looking for a man who will be faithful and take care of me. I hope to find someone who's attentive, loyal, and confident. It's also important to me that he's happy with me. Knowing that our feelings are mutual is crucial, and we should both be willing to find solutions together in tough times – it makes the relationship stronger.
",ocenka:"I dream of meeting my special someone, falling in love, and building a strong relationship. I want to have lots of romantic evenings together. I also will be happy to continue to travel around the world and have work that will bring me positive emotions. My dream is to meet a life partner to share all these moments with.
",family:"Family is the most important for me in my life. It is my support, and reliance in any situation. I know I always may ask for advice and honest conversation. I was brought up by my mom. Now she lives separately in the village. My mom is the closest person for me in the world but I try to protect her from worries, that is why sometimes I try to find the solution in a hard situation by myself.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"Yes",aboutherself:"My friends say I have a very kind heart and I really love to help people and animals. I am very honest and loyal, and love to take care of people around. I am not a sweet tooth, so I prefer meat and seafood to sweets. I also prefer coffee to tea and I like cappuccino with cinnamon.
",aboutday:"I start work early in the morning. I work with my team on new projects that I really love and put all my effort into. After work, I tidy up my house, cook dinner, and take my dog for a walk. His name is Terry, he's a Shih Tzu, and he's almost 10 years old. He's like a real part of the family. I live with my best friend, who is a good person. In the evening, we enjoy doing things together like cooking, watching movies, or going outside for some fresh air.
\nOn weekends, I like to go out of town for trips. And I always try to make time for some stretching exercises too ;)
",aboutime:"I like doing almost everything around the house but I like it when somebody helps me :) I clean the house, wash and iron the clothes, but as for cooking, I cook when I really have desire or inspiration. In another way- my friend Yana cooks for us :) It is wonderful to have a close friend who always is ready to support you. But I feel it is high time to create my own family.\n It would be wonderful to do everything together with my beloved man in the future. I also would love to have a little garden or maybe some home plants and take care of them.",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Friendship,Relationship,Dating,Traveling",child_m:0,child_f:0,notes:"Liza is a very smart and determined woman. She's always in a good mood and likes to focus on the future. This lady is honest and values the support of others. Liza is here with the serious goal of finding true love and sincere relationships.
\nHope we may help her to find her soul mate.
",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Capricorn",children:"No children",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[],profile:"/women/liza-nikolaev-8402/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"English",title:"Pre-Intermediate"},{language:"Russian",title:"Fluent"},{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:""},birthdayLabel:null},8951:{gid:8951,name:"Anastasia",bd:"1995-02-22",age:29,branch:"Kiev",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2024-09-11T14:53:15.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Single",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Services",works:"fitness instructor",height:"5,6",height2:168,weight:130,weightkg:59,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"black",eyes:"brown",smoke:"No",drink:"Never",english:"0",freetime:"I must confess that I adore mountains, and when I have some free time I often gather my friends and we go together to the mountains. Nature and fresh air make me feel wonderful, so such a pastime is the best way for me to live life to its fullest. But going to the cinema with friends is a good way to relax, too. Maybe most people think the girls must watch romantic movies and all that girlish stuff, but I like detectives, comedies and so on, do you share the same passion?
\nEarlier, before war, I liked horrors. But now, with the situation in Ukraine, we saw a lot of horror things in our everyday life, so I have changed my likes. But when I was a kid, 'Alien' frightened me so much )))
",partner:"I know we are not perfect, I am not searching for Mr. Perfection. I need a man who knows exactly how to achieve his goals in life, I would love to follow such a man in life. Traditional values mean a woman should follow her man, and I share such values, I am ready to follow my man. I prefer a man who is kind to me, who is ready to open his heart for me. Also, it would be nice to meet a person who can be completely sincere, I believe there’s no need to hide anything from each other. What do you think about it?
",ocenka:"My prior goal is to find a man for building strong family relations. Yes, my traditional values will help me to find a man who is also interested in serious relations. Do you have the same goal here?
\nAnother goal of mine is to start my own sports academy. The matter is that I believe that sports can crucially change the life of many people, society should develop this sphere of life to make future generations healthier and happier. Do you have any ideas about how we can do it together for the future of the next generations?
",family:"I have my dearest parents, my sister, and my brother right now. My family will charm you, there's no need to add that my parents support my search for a soulmate here, and my brother and sister support me in my decision to meet a foreign man for serious relations.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"I am a woman who prefers real communication, I know that I can understand what kind of person you are, just looking into your eyes. It is important for me to feel the emotions of a man I really like, that’s why I need to touch, hug, to cuddle more often than ordinary girls)) I hope you don’t mind me hugging you, right?
",aboutday:"It is simple. I am a simple lady, so my typical day is also simple. I wake up early in the morning, and after having a light breakfast, I do my cardio, stretch a bit. Then I go to my work, in the middle of my working day I have some time for my workout, then I lead several personal training with my clients. After my long working day, I usually take a long walk to breathe fresh air, I can meet with friends for a short talk or I can go to the park alone. Relaxation is a good ending for my active day. I must add that I don’t smoke and I don’t drink alcohol, that’s why I am always full of energy for such an active lifestyle)) Will you join me?
",aboutime:"It might sound funny but I really enjoy washing dishes… Yes, this activity helps me to distract my mind from all the problems of the world)) Actually, ladies nowadays used to overthink everything, I believe it is better to think about something abstract: nature, relaxation, pleasant things, and so on. And guess what? Washing dishes is the best way for me to get rid of that stupid habit of thinking too much about something. You can try)) Tell me if it works for you. ",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Friendship,Fun,Relationship,Dating,Traveling",child_m:0,child_f:0,notes:"Nastya is a true professional, she is a responsible and hardworking person, never wastes her time, always focuses on her goals. She has an extremely strong will, this lady is not afraid of facing difficulties and problems. At the same time, Nastya is a very romantic and sensual lady who needs more romance in her life. If you are a man of a romantic nature with serious intentions – you should contact her immediately.
",wantToHaveChildren:"have not decided yet",zodiac:"Pisces",children:"No children",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[],profile:"/women/anastasia-kiev-8951/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Russian",title:"Fluent"},{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"},{language:"English",title:"Pre-Intermediate"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:"",video:{preview:"",url:""}},birthdayLabel:null},8976:{gid:8976,name:"Natalia",bd:"2001-03-30",age:23,branch:"Zaporozhye",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2021-02-15T15:57:41.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Single",religion:"Christian",degree:"Student",occupation:"Education",works:"Music Teacher",height:"5,2",height2:158,weight:114,weightkg:52,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"blonde",eyes:"green",smoke:"No",drink:"Never",english:"0",freetime:"My spare time is mostly for my hobby and profession - for music. This is my inspiration. I play and write music, I sing and teach kids. And this is the best. I love also time with my family whom I am very close too, with my parents and sister. I love walks with friends and meetings in tiny, cozy cafés. I enjoy nature a lot. I like time in our country house where I can do gardening, go to the banck of the river for swimming or just for walks and enjoying the beauty around.
",partner:"My future man, I would say I want to meet you soon and to start a new stage in my life with you. I know you will be most loving and kind, with a big heart and warm hands to embrace me. I know you will love your work and will be smart and intelligent with passion towards trips to other places. But for sure, you do not need to be a Prince on the White Horse. Just be true and be yourself. I am looking forward to knowing you.
",ocenka:"Maybe this sounds quite usual, but my goals are rather down-to-earth. In my work, I would love to develop and achieve proficiency. Another goal for me is to have an opportunity to travel to other countries and to see how other people live. But the most important thing for me is meeting my beloved one and creating a happy family with him. Such a family in which we will have mutual love, understanding and respect and will build strong relations with a lot of happy moments, fun and passion.
",family:"I think I am lucky to be born in my family. My parents are caring and loving, my elder sister is the best friend for me, and we all are very close to each other. In our house you will feel the environment of love, care and support, together with jokes and lots of laugh and fun as we all are jolly people, helping each other and enjoying time together.
\nMy family is a great support and example for me and this is how I would like to see my own family one day - happy, united, jolly, humorous, supportive and understanding.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"I am learning music since my childhood. And for me playing the piano is not just an activity. This is my inspiration and passion, this is the thing which brings me pleasure and excitement! I want to show the beauty of music to other people and open the world of sounds to them.
\nI am quite romantic and I love dreaming. I try to imagine my future family and I would love it to resemble relations of my parents who are still in love with each other and in our house you will always hear laugh, compliments and will feel positive energy of mutual understanding and support.
",aboutday:"Everyday life can be quite boring with all the routine which we do day after day. But I love to wake up with a sun and enjoy music while having breakfast and planing the day ahead. I like working with kids and studying at the same time - both things are pleasant for me. In the evening I like having dinner with family, reading, playing some music or watching TV and movies. During the weekends, I also do things around the house like cooking, cleaning, go for errands and walks, meet my friends.
",aboutime:"I was raised to make a house to be a home, this is why I like making it cozy, cooking for the whole family, trying new recipes and baking, cleaning around, doing hand-made decorations and taking care of plants and pot flowers. I think that home need coziness to be a place where you love to return every evening and have rest after the long day. The other thing that I also enjoy a lot is cooking. I always like to cook for the whole family and friends, who often say that they miss my yummy pies.",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Relationship,Dating",child_m:0,child_f:0,notes:"The lady is very tender and positive, modest and romantic. Her big green eyes show her intelligence and deep heart and soul. She is a nice cook and like doing things around the house, enjoys music and has a lot of plans and ideas for the future. She will be a very good wife and partner with all the care, passion and support what she wants and is ready to give to her husband.
",wantToHaveChildren:"2",zodiac:"Aries",children:"No children",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[],profile:"/women/natalia-zaporozhye-8976/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"},{language:"Russian",title:"Fluent"},{language:"English",title:"Basic"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:""},birthdayLabel:null},9004:{gid:9004,name:"Irina",bd:"1986-06-15",age:38,branch:"Poltava",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2021-06-18T15:15:22.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Single",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Government",works:"lawyer, jurist",height:"5,4",height2:163,weight:130,weightkg:59,konstit:"petite",haircolor:"light-brown",eyes:"green",smoke:"No",drink:"Never",english:"0",freetime:"I always try to spend my leisure time with benefits for physical and mental health. I believe that the best rest is a change of activity. I have a very responsible job and sports helps to relax from it. Basically, these are running and yoga classes.
\nI really like nature walks, hikes, campfires with friends. Sometimes I even go to the forest to collect mushrooms. But it's a risk case. I am always distracted by beautiful views and imagine that I am in a fairytale wood.)))))) I think that if I am alone, I can completely get lost.)))) I need a sort of guide for returning me to reality at such moments.)))
\nBy the way, sometimes I draw.))) This occupation embodies all my fantasies on paper. Interesting combo, isn't it? Lawyer, yogist, a little artist, and tourist in one person.))) LOL))) But here I am.)))
",partner:"I value the ability to love in a man, as in people in general. Appearance, age, and material wealth are not particularly important to me. For me, a man is a foundation that holds the whole family, and qualities such as adherence to principles, loyalty, moral stamina, the ability to protect your family, and decency play a fundamental role.
\nI want to have a lot in common with my man, such as being against smoking and alcohol in large quantities. I really want my man to support me in this matter.
",ocenka:"The main thing I am striving for now and what I want, and what I plan is to be happy and enjoy life. Specifically, I want to achieve development in my career. It is very important for me to be financially independent.
\nSometimes I am just overflowed by energy and I feel that I can conquer the whole world. But sometimes I need to feel small and fragile. I am ready to show this side of my soul only to a worthy man.
\nI also think about creating my own family. I dream of having a child. I'm sure I'll be a good mom.
",family:"The most important and valuable thing in life is family. The first is the one you are given by birth, and the next is the one that you create yourself. The family where I was born consists of 6 people. We are very friendly and happy. I love my parents very much. When I was a child, they never scolded me, even if I was to blame, but only explained the mistake. I think this is a great parenting method. I will adhere to the same canons when I create my family. We all help each other and try to never swear. I have an older sister. She is two years older than me. We are very close.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"Yes",aboutherself:"I'm a responsible and morally strong person, but inside I feel like a small and sweet princess. I am feminine and love to take care of myself. It is important for me to look nice and tidy. In any situation, I do not betray my principles. I'm trying to love myself as I am. I am sure that soon I will meet a man who will like everything about me and even my disadvantages.
\nAlthough, what am I talking about? Just kidding. Of course, I have small harmful demons in my head. But I made friends with them. As you can see, one of them is my weird sense of humor. But with me it is never boring.
",aboutday:"My typical day usually follows this plan:
\nWake up at 5:40 in the morning; A small sports charge for the body to wake up; Hearty breakfast (before meals I always drink a glass of water, sometimes with lemon); Work from 8 am till 5 pm; Then training running or yoga; After classes of sports it is necessary to eat; I go to bed at about 11 pm.
\nSometimes I break up this schedule with a meeting with friends over a cup of coffee or a stroll around the city. I would like to have more fun living my everyday life, or have more free time to implement all my plans for an interesting vacation.
",aboutime:"Cooking is my primary responsibility. First of all, I want to eat healthy food and for this I need to take time. But now, I do not have that only man with whom I could share my culinary delights.))I also do the cleaning. These are simple Domestic abilities, but every self-respecting girl should be able to do it.))) For me, keeping a house clean means maintaining harmony and a positive atmosphere.))) \nPeople say that a building becomes a Home only thanks to the woman and the presence of the child. For my family, I am ready to become a real keeper of home comfort.)))",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Friendship,Relationship,Dating",child_m:0,child_f:0,notes:"This lady is responsible and tidy. She is well-groomed and beautiful. A very gentle and warm smile. What her lips do not say is read in her eyes. It is immediately evident that she is serious about finding a husband. She talks very sincerely about family and obviously already wants to have her own.
",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Gemini",children:"No children",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[],profile:"/women/irina-poltava-9004/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"},{language:"Russian",title:"Fluent"},{language:"German",title:"Basic"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:""},birthdayLabel:null},9178:{gid:9178,name:"Lilia",bd:"1989-03-13",age:35,branch:"Kharkov",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2021-06-25T15:07:33.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Single",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Services",works:"psychologist",height:"5,5",height2:166,weight:108,weightkg:49,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"brown",eyes:"green",smoke:"No",drink:"Never",english:"0",freetime:"There are many hobbies in my life which inspire me and make my days complete and joyful. I adore reading, especially psychological literature. I also like to play the guitar. It relaxes me when I sink into the world of arts.
\nI create things with my hands. For example, I can knit a beautiful sweater or a scarf and wear it in winter. Or I can make something as a gift. In this case I don't have any problems with picking a present for my close people and friends. The same goes with embroidering.
\nI adore flowers. This is why one of my hobbies and professions is floristics. I know a lot about flowers and I can decorate any place at any event.
\nCreating new things also includes cooking. It's the whole arts for me. I always look for new extraordinary receipts and I think I can please even a genuine gourmet.
\nOne of the things dear to my heart is charity. I am a very compassionate person and I like to help others. It warms up my heart to know that I can do something kind for this world.
",partner:"As any lady, I would love to have a happy family in the future. And this would be possible with a kind, intelligent, responsible and generous man. Every person can interpret these qualities based on his personal views.
\nTo me being kind means being compassionate and caring to the world and people surrounding you. Responsibility is when you keep your word and you know that your life depends on you. Intelligence includes ability to make the right actions and don't jump to conclusions. Generosity is sharing your love, emotions and making people around you happy.
\nAny relationship starts with trust. I want this to be the foundation between my beloved man and me. To make everything work there should be mutual understanding and respect. But the most important thing is love. Nothing is possible without this great feeling.
",ocenka:"My future goal is to make my life happy and harmonic. It will be reached once I know that I have a beloved man beside me, who loves me for who I am and cares for me. Family is everything to me. Just so you know, I will always put you as my priority above everything else.
",family:"Unfortunately, I have a very small family. There are just my mom and me. But despite this fact I can say that my childhood was pretty happy. My dad passed away when I was 5. I don't have any siblings, but I always wanted to have a brother or a sister.
\nMy mom is my best friend. I can share anything with her. I know that she will always support and understand me no matter what. She is happy when I am happy. I am very proud of my small family.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"I find myself a very optimistic and cheerful lady, who strives for happiness.
",aboutday:"I wake up in the morning and I cook a breakfast. The new day depends on how you start it. So, to make my day productive and energetic I do some exercises.
\nI take a shower and prepare to go to work. When I finish with all the tasks during the day I come home and have a dinner.
\nIf I have energy and I am not too tired, I can call my friends and meet them up. Or I will just relax and watch a movie.
",aboutime:"I adore cooking. That's why I have a creative approach to this process. I spend a lot of time searching for the new recipes and then magic happens in my kitchen. \n\nOf course I have many other chores that I have to do. Nobody will do cleaning, washing clothes or shopping for groceries for me. So, these are the things I do regularly. ",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Relationship,Dating",child_m:0,child_f:0,notes:"The lady is exquisite, kind, radiant and intelligent. When she enters the room, she captivates you and grabs all the attention. She is extremely beautiful on the inside and out.
",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Pisces",children:"No children",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[],profile:"/women/lilia-kharkov-9178/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"Russian",title:"Native"},{language:"Ukrainian",title:"Native"},{language:"English",title:"Beginner"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:"",video:{preview:"",url:""}},birthdayLabel:null},9195:{gid:9195,name:"Helen",bd:"1971-05-06",age:53,branch:"Kharkov",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2021-07-23T15:25:13.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Divorced",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Transportation",works:"logistics specialist ",height:"5,6",height2:168,weight:141,weightkg:64,konstit:"slim (slender)",haircolor:"blonde",eyes:"green",smoke:"No",drink:"Socially",english:"0",freetime:"I would say that everything connected with nature and fresh air is my passion. I adore spending time outdoors. Just propose to me to go mushroom-hunting or go fishing and you will see the most positive reaction on my face! I have never been abroad but for sure traveling is a great way to reload my mind and charge myself with new emotions. So, if you need a companion to explore this world, you can rely on me.))
",partner:"I would say that I am looking for an honest and kind man. The one who has a desire to care and love. I will be the happiest lady in the world if an easygoing, loyal, and mature man will open his heart to me. I am sure that with such a person we will create a strong relationship based on mutual understanding and love. Also, it is important to have common views on life and respect each other feelings and thoughts.
",ocenka:"My main aim is to enjoy my life and bring something positive into this world. I have almost everything for such living, but there is no beloved man to share such living with. This fact makes me register here. I want to find a man to live in a harmony without lies and betrayal. Wake up in the morning with a desire to make my beloved man's day better, this is what I dream about.
",family:"I was raised in a loving and united family. For now my family consists of 3 adult persons: me, my mother and my son. As you see, there are not a lot of relatives at all. We love each other, respect personal boundaries, give needed support and care.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"I am a positive thinking lady who loves this incredible life!
",aboutday:"I think almost every person has a list of ordinary chores, and I am not an exception. A morning run, shower, breakfast, and preparing for a working day. My days off are more fascinating. Going to the cinema, walks in parks, reading. When I have an opportunity, I visit my mom and help her with our garden.
",aboutime:"You know, I am even not sure what to say.))) As any lady I like a cozy atmosphere, that's why I try to keep my home clean. My desire to enjoy the place I live in makes me do all my domestic abilities.\nAlso, I adore cooking, so a hungry death is not on a list of dangers for us.)",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Friendship,Relationship,Dating,Traveling",child_m:1,child_f:0,notes:"Helen is a smart, fulfilled lady with a kind heart and a charming smile.
",wantToHaveChildren:"0",zodiac:"Taurus",children:"I have children / 1 boy ",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[{age:24,date:"13 June"}],profile:"/women/helen-kharkov-9195/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"English",title:"Beginner"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:""},birthdayLabel:null},9531:{gid:9531,name:"Liudmyla",bd:"1982-09-14",age:42,branch:"Rovno",mailflag:"girls",isNew:0,register:"2022-05-19T15:08:50.000Z",isBirthDay:!1,isHidden:!1,maritalStatus:"Divorced",religion:"Christian",degree:"Yes",occupation:"Legal",works:"lawyer",height:"5,2",height2:158,weight:121,weightkg:55,konstit:"average",haircolor:"blonde",eyes:"green",smoke:"No",drink:"Socially",english:"0",freetime:"In my leisure time I like to read books, watch movies, spend time outdoors with my adorable daughter. I like travelling around the world, discovering something new about culture, history and national cuisine of different countries. It's important for me to stay active and develop my professional skills and knowledge. I'm a romantic person and I want to spend my evenings with my partner cuddling each other, talking about everything and buildings plans for future! I like to give romantic presents and to receive them. I`ll embroider a beautiful picture for you!
",partner:"I'm looking for a polite, responsible, sensitive and nice man. It's important for me to be with a person who owns high moral values, who takes care of his close people. I'm looking for an honest person, whom I can trust. I want to be next to a partner who shares his thoughts, plans and future goals. I don't want my partner to have any bad habits. I want my partner to lead a healthy lifestyle.
\r\nI see my man walks through the park holding my hand and smiling at me. I desire to be next to a person who isn't afraid of taking responsibility for his family.
",ocenka:"I am a romantic person and I dream of finding my love, my soulmate. I do want to have an honest, sincere relationship with my partner. I imagine our walks, evenings together and frank conversations.
\r\nMy goals are based on family values and I want to have a family and to give birth to one more child. A friendly family gives a lot of emotions and positive moments. I want to hear stamping of children's feet around me and the merry laughter of my beloved.
",family:"I grew up in a big family. I am the eldest daughter in the family and I know what family values and support are. A large family taught me to respect, appreciate, and support my loved ones.
\r\nI have a daughter. Her name is Anastasia. A adore her. We love to do sports with her, talk about everything and have common hobbies. I am raising my daughter in love, respect for loved ones and honesty.
",handed:"right-handed",glasses:"No",aboutherself:"I am a romantic person. It would be great to walk around and talk about future plans. For me, romance means positive emotions, complete trust and a desire to live in harmony with my partner. I believe that relationships should be based on respect, honesty and mutual understanding.
\r\nI want to develop my skills and knowledge of the world, cultures and people, I want to be a good interlocutor. I like to lead a healthy lifestyle, actively spend time with my close people. I adore travelling and I dream of finding a person with whom we can travel around and discover this incredible world! I am hardworking and love to develop professional qualities and skills. I believe that the person's appearance and active lifestyle are important. I take care of my health and will do my best to introduce good habits into my family's life!
",aboutday:"My typical day is very active and busy. In the morning I prepare breakfast for my daughter and me. Then I take her to school and go to work. My job is related to communication and problem solving. That's why my working days go by very fast. In the evening I spend time with my daughter, do household chores and dedicate time to my health and beauty. It is important for me to give positive emotions to my loved ones every single day.
",aboutime:"I cope with all my household chores. I like to make my house clean and cozy. Cleanliness in the house gives peace and comfort, promotes a romantic atmosphere. I love to cook. I believe that homemade food is an important element of a healthy lifestyle. I love trying different foods and different methods of cooking them. I have a recipe file on my computer desktop. I also like experimenting with my cooking. My home should be cozy and promote positive emotions. To do this, I will do everything necessary!",seeking:"Marriage,Romance,Friendship,Penpal,Fun,Relationship,Dating,Traveling",child_m:0,child_f:1,notes:"This lady is a romantic person. She loves attention and an honest attitude towards herself. The lady values family values and seeks to start a family. It is important for her that her partner can make important decisions for the family and lead a healthy lifestyle. She likes presents and travelling.
",wantToHaveChildren:"will decide with my husband",zodiac:"Virgo",children:"I have children / 1 girl",isChildrenBds:!1,childrenBds:[{age:15,date:"21 June"}],profile:"/women/liudmyla-rovno-9531/",awayInfo:null,languages:[{language:"English",title:"Beginner"}],freeLetter:!0,wink:!0,lastMailFrom:"",mailsFromGirl:0,lastMailId:0,avatar:{primary:"",scaledPhotos:{x1:"",x2:"",x3:"",x4:""},circle:"",chat:""},birthdayLabel:null}},notFoundList:[8402,6567,8951,6738,4541,9004,4786,5074,6682,3888,9178,9531,9195,3813,2425,6644,4588,4307,3872,5898,4538,8385,6560,3511,6543,3821,4662,8976,6548,4793],randomLadiesList:[8402,6567,8951,6738,4541,9004,4786,5074,6682,3888,9178,9531,9195,3813,2425,6644,4588,4307,3872,5898,4538,8385,6560,3511,6543,3821,4662,8976,6548,4793],files:{},winks:null,filterProps:null,ladiesForMenu:null},stories:{isLoading:!0,data:{ladiesListFresh:[],ladiesListCommon:[],ladiesListTemporary:[]},activeLadyView:{storyId:null,ladyId:null,from:null},storiesLikedIds:[],storiesViewedIds:[],ladiesStoriesViewedIds:[]},branches:{branchesLadies:{kiev:[],dnipro:[],cherkasy:[],"ivano-frankovsk":[],kremenchug:[],kharkov:[],lutsk:[],nikolayev:[],odessa:[],poltava:[],rovno:[],sumy:[],lviv:[],zaporozhye:[],chornomorsk:[],kherson:[]}},marketing:{list:{}},support:{listFaq:null,webcamsInfo:null,siteIdeas:null,siteIdeasCompleted:null,siteIdeasDeveloping:null,supportReviews:null,activeTickets:null,archivedTickets:null,oneTickets:{}},mailsBox:{foldersData:null},mediaBox:{counts:null},chat:{ladyInfo:{loading:!0,freeStatuses:null,data:null,filesDopData:{photo:{},video:{},audio:{}}},userInfo:{time:{free:0,normal:0,offer:0,pfree:0,total:0},timeToOfferAdd:null},roomInfo:{id:null,type:null,toConnectId:null},chatInfo:{theme:0,fontSize:0,sound:1,isActiveKeyboard:!1,isActiveSmiles:!1,chatPhoto:null,view:"preChat",writingMessage:!1,showOfferAdd:!1,activeTab:"top-up",maxWindowHeight:800,recordVideoStream:!1,settings:null,webCam:{ready:!1,stream:null,data:{device:"no-cam",resolution:"hd"}},noPreChat:null,peers:{},mediasoupConnectionError:!1,canShowGiftButton:!1},topUpCredits:[],messages:[],emojis:null,totalTimeToCanStartVideo:420},flow:{isLoading:!0,isFormProgress:!1,isError:!1,uid:0,session:{logid:0,loginKey:""},email:"",needEmail:!1,gotoPage:"/profile/",ladyInfo:{id:0,name:"name",descriptions:{myself:{title:"How would i describe myself",content:"About myself"},goals:{title:"My future goals",content:"About My future goals"}},photos:[{id:0,url:"",urlPreview:"",type:"vertical",imageSize:"750x1000"}]}},counters:{}}