
  • What should a man do after divorce?

    25 Apr 2023

    How it is necessary to reconstruct homes after a hurricane, it is even more important for a divorced man to understand that this is not the end of life and learn to rejoice and hope for the best.

    It may not be easy, but in certain time it will lead you to the road of creating happiness.

  • 6 tips on how to stop thinking about someone.

    24 Apr 2023

    It could be perfect if we could say to our ex-boyfriend or girlfriend just “Thank you and goodbye”, without thinking on reasons of your break or recollecting all sweet memories about your past roman.

    But in the most cases it is only wishful thinking. We recall again and again all memories and it’s so painful that we couldn’t start something new because of fear of pain in future.

    You have a choice – to continue analyzing what is wrong with you or just stop thinking about someone who is not your hero. How to manage with your feelings – read in the next article.