Best Dating Tips For Men

30 Mar 2023

Become better with good advices how to date nowadays! Males from all over the world are eager to know how to do that with girls from Ukraine (considering the best wives ever) and what is more not to be weakened with online tricks. Our experienced and professional experts from will help you with modern advices. They are below.

Who Is the First to Make a Step Forward?

Conservative women will definitely consider for other men to be the first to contact them, to pay attention to, to start a conversation and etc. Forget about that. Women-of-tomorrow will not wait though. To smooth your reaction let us mention that you should not be afraid of a lady who is trying to hug first.

To be initiative for communication does not mean to be obtrusive nowadays. Today our world is on the stage of the fullest development and great dynamics in internet technologies can almost yell “don’t waste your time!” Our time is precious, we care about not a year or even month or week, we care about each minute. Opposite side can discover that as a trick for joking, well.. initiative is the best way to try out, ask out and continue interactions and, who knows, probably that will totally move the relationship further.

Rules we knew from old times no longer work nowadays!

If you think that imitativeness is an unnatural thing, shame on you: we have time of careers, social groups, finances, parenting, family relationships, etc. where both men and women take great part in, with no division. And when it comes to your love – you do not have to waste your time with waiting, right?

Such a model of social behavior cannot be obtrusive by our modern times, obviously it can be explained by the exchanging of social roles between men and women. So it does not matter, if lady or a man begins the conversation – the opposite side should feel comfortable with trying to create an atmosphere for a couple, to try the stage of their relationship. If you do not try – you will never know. This skill is the experienced one.

Indeed what we should mention, the initiative in contact and responding part - both should hold a dialog. So after making a step forward - give a time to your other part to think over and to react. Smart person would analyze the feedback, therefore not to be the only one in a pursuit.

Signals of you proactive approach:

  1. You get in touch via telephone, mail or any other way and you receive a feed back on a rear basis.
  2. You notice that you relationship does not come naturally. As to the meeting with the important people in their life – you still haven’t seen them at all.
  3. Your other half intends to spend less and less time with you.
  4. Both of you can’t get together due to the busy schedule of work of your beloved.
  5. You meet only when it is convenient for other part.
  6. Other part ignores you.

Bad Guy or Nerd?

Dismiss that common rule that ladies like those men with bad bad blab la history, who are predictably worse than their father or brother. Anyway they are looking for a male, with wonderful genetic parameters. Who collects the best features for surviving, who will be able to give a birth to a strong and healthy child! Such a recognition adds advantages for so-called “bad” guys, wow… - not those ones who catch each woman to their malicious hands, but those, who make the first step, who are striking with appearance, who are powerful, confident, fearless! And all that components would play a great role for the next generation to keep new life.

How To Fail: General Mistakes.

Subconscious signals we make can be read by another person easily except it is not a poker game or board of management negotiations. Your first date is not one of those times, and yet so many of us are hard to read.

Well, perhaps when you’re telling your date in a specific way that you liked her or him, you may not even realize it, but you could be giving all the wrong signs that may be read with the opposite meaning.

So what things to avoid during next date?

Firstly your date pays attention on visual signals your body gives. The phrase you say is the least to distinguish just as body language gives more connections. While you are sitting straight turn your corps towards your interlocutor and never cross your hands or put them together. Closed position – great part of psychological sources would tell you – gives a negative attitude. Like your mouth is telling YES, your body cries NO. What to do is to lean towards just showing that you are very attentive listener, and turn your face on – like this is important.

Avoid monotone way of telling. Remember that interested voice with peaks and valleys gives you 30% of success. Just add the variety to your speech and make your tone comfortable for listening so that your interlocutor won’t sleep or disarmed with the breathtaking intonation. What is more – do not answer all questions generally, we mean you should give a sign to each sentence specifically, pay attention to the details – that will give the impression of to be interested, to make the atmosphere comfortable.

Anyway, all you need is to be as more attentive as you can, in case you wish to know the person better. Do not waste your time with dissembling, tanking and etc., make your own experience and feed yourself with life in fullest, your other half is waiting for you!

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